Sentences with phrase «lot of errands»

I have to run lots of errands with my boyfriend that day so I made sure to dress comfortably.
We ran lots of errands and ate yummy food out all weekend.
While most of the shops are small, many locals get lots of their errands done on this street, while other Bostonians along with tourists find it to be a perfect place for whiling away an afternoon popping into shops.
One that was originally filled with lots of errands and apple baking plans at first but then the weather was so very nice (75 degrees!!)
From there lots of errands and a dog walk with Samantha.
Even with the piggy back board, I can fit the stroller and lots of errands worth of bags in my trunk!
We imagine this as a real workhorse of a stroller, used for running lots of errands or treks over tricky terrain (like a country road).
He's big enough to walk around, but some days when I have a lot of errands to run and he comes with me he gets tired.
These models are getting more and more popular specially in an urban environment where parents used to run a lot of errands around town.
If I was traveling and running a lot of errands, I would pick Flip XT just because it's more compact and has an easier fold.
Do a lot of errands or plan on jogging with your stroller?
Lots of errands, shopping, sewing and sometimes the dog park.
I caught up on a lot of errands, started cleaning out my closet, and got quite a bit done on my blog.
I'm quickly eating my breakfast while writing this post as I have lots of errands to run this morning, but I wanted to put up a new outfit post.
We ran lots of errands (I hope you caught our motorized cart antics at Costco over on Instagram stories) and tackled a few projects around the house before sneaking off to the beach to dip our toes in the Gulf.
I have a lot of errands to run today, and I'm going to be on the news here in Austin tomorrow.
I run a lot of errands over the weekend, and most times I am with my kids, so I like to have my hands free incase I need to chase after one or both of them, which happens most of the time (they keep me fit).
It was a crazy one for us with a lot of errands and trying to get things done around the house.
With a lot of errands to run, we don't have any plans for this weekend but hopefully will have time to relax and unwind on Sunday and enjoy the good weather we are supposed to be having.
Staples are ideal when you want the rest of your outfit to be the star — if the dress is some amazing novelty print or you have a lot of errands to run and therefore require function over form.
Lots of errands and preparation for the collection launch!
In college, I NEVER wore sweats, but now that I'm older and run a lot of errands, I wear hoodies and sweatshirts, because they're cute when you make them your own.
We ran lots of errands (I hope you caught our motorized cart...
I have a lot of errands to run today, and I want to get a quick climb beforehand.
Work is crazy because everyone is trying to get everything done by year end, lots of errands to do, and of course there's an abundant flow of holiday party invites.
With the holidays, lots of errands to run and places to go, this is the no fail way to still look like you care.
I'll admit it, I typically wear the same thing every weekend, especially when I have a lot of errands to run (hello holiday season!).
Sunset Overdrive's campaign has several of those wonderfully over-the-top scenarios, and they're all a blast, but elsewhere there's a lot of errand running without a cohesive, clear arc to the story progression.
Last week, I spent a lot of time cleaning (as in... full blast purging and organzing) as well as running a lot of errands.
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