Sentences with phrase «lot of extra weight»

The idiomatic expression "a lot of extra weight" means having an excessive amount or burden. Full definition
Our body is a skeleton frame not meant to carry lots of extra weight.
There's even an available retractable hardtop, which Mazda has commendably engineered to fold without gobbling up trunk space or adding lots of extra weight; but simple - folding soft top is still prettier.
And remember, if you put on a lot of extra weight during pregnancy and breastfeeding because you take it as a license to eat everything in sight including tons of junk, it's just more you have to lose after you wean your child.
You've just come off three quarters of a year carrying around a lot of extra weight.
Of course, the microbial cells are actually one - tenth to one - hundredth of the size of a human cell, so it's not like we're carrying around a lot of extra weight... right [source: Kolata]?
Miki Dusterhuf There's a disconnect among American dieters: Everyone knows its not healthy to carry around a lot of extra weight, but we get fatter every year.
But you will benefit most from it if you want to lose weight quickly and you don't have a lot of extra weight to shed off.
I assume a lot of the extra weight was the baby, the placenta and water weight.
If you're carrying a lot of extra weight, this may not be a good choice for you as well.
i am a thick voluptuous woman and my legs are thin i am a curvy woman i am in the process of losing weight for myself after Sandy hit i gain a lot of extra weight because i had no where to cook.
The RS tips the scales at hefty 1524 kg (although it was a little bit more at 1567 kg, when we weighed it), that's 162 kg more than a Focus ST.. A lot of that extra weight is likely the 4WD drivetrain, but without that, the RS wouldn't be as quick.
It added a lot of extra weight.
It fits the Kobo Aura like a glove, provides adequate protection without adding a lot of extra weight and bulk, and it feels like it's put together well enough to last quite awhile.
The regular covers are nice but they add a lot of extra weight.
If you feed it to the family pet who spends his days snoozing, he'll gain a lot of extra weight.
It is an equally impressive number, when you consider that on highway driving, going uphill, there is very little benefit — and a lot of extra weight — to all the batteries and regenerative braking capabilities, not to mention all that beer.
Downside: a lot of extra weight and extra energy to move it.
Learning to pack like a travel pro is critical to having the items you need without a lot of extra weight in your luggage.
The sales consultant resume therefore carries a lot of extra weight when deciding who gets an interview.
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