Sentences with phrase «lot of flash fiction»

I mean, a lot of flash fiction, which is basically good stories under a thousand words.
My stories tend to be very short (I used to enter a lot of flash fiction contests.
I've been writing a lot of flash fiction lately, but most gets done at the last minute.
That said, I also write a lot of flash fiction, mainly to 400 - word limit.
Before writing novellas, I wrote a lot of flash fiction, entered contests — won some, lost some — but each time I wrote a flash piece, or sent it in to a contest, I usually had a self - edited publishable short ready to send around to lit mags.
I don't read a lot of flash fiction, but I like a lot of what I'm reading.
I also have an account at Liberty Hall, which hosts a lot of flash fiction events.

Not exact matches

Writing flash fiction is a lot of fun.
GADM: I like writing drabbles or flash fiction best because it takes a lot of work to hit the word count, especially the 100 - word drabbles.
Because flash fictions are short, you don't have a lot of time to develop unique characters.
I predict that soon we will also be seeing a lot more of what the multi-media artists can do with flash fiction on the Internet.
It took me most of that day and about half of the next to stuff my pride back where it belonged (which is saying a lot, since it was the American Christian Fiction Writers conference... we're not supposed to flash a lot of pride).
Our flash fiction retreats are simple and affordable — expect good food, fresh air, inspiring locations, lots of encouragement, focused guidance, and the opportunity to make lifelong colleagues and friends.
I know a lot of you write flash fiction, often from prompts, but that's not a habit I've developed.
I may do that flash fiction (yeah, that's a lot of flash to make up 50K of words) I've been meaning to.
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