Sentences with phrase «lot of fluff»

It is filled with lots of fluff, and the main points could probably be summarized in just a few pages.
There were all kinds of lunches, special drinks, chairs, sun hats, lots of fluff for these VIP's.
Like you, we know that there are many advisors who give lots of fluff, but we are a «no - fluff zone» advisement firm.
The massive crypto price correction that started back in December has taken a whole lot of fluff off of crypto markets.
Pull the plug on those cash inflows and I can guarantee non-profits would scrutinize expenses like a hawk and lots of the fluff spending would disappear.
You need to know that something that makes hiring managers boring is to see lots of fluff and unnecessary information.
Our current dog, Ruby, is a mixed breed with lots of fluff on her face.
Yes, this is tedious, but if you do this exercise, you'll find that you can not only cut a lot of fluff out of your book, you can also make your book sharper and more refined, and you'll be able to really hone in on what you are trying to say, and nail it.
Cover to cover, this book is packed with a ton of quality information, and not a lot of fluff — just the way business owners like it.
I do admire Lord Sugar, for his direct approach and his ability to see straight through a lot of fluff.
There is a lot of fluff online about client attraction — some people think it's magic.
Nelson could benefit from the sale of multiple AM players, if we sell a lot of the fluff then it clears the way a bit for Nelson to get experience and see if he can step up for the EPL as a AM.
The authors cut right to the chase and get to what really matters without a lot of fluff and fancy philosophical BS.
If your teen loves curvy lines and lots of fluff, let her have the canopy bed but keep other furniture clean and simple.
Then I had to find it in the THOMAS database, whose search seems to return results that don't match (Congress sure passes a lot of fluff legislation)
Resident William Frazier drew thunderous applause when he told Ezra, «You've given us a lot of fluff, aesthetics.
I'm pretty straight - up - no - fuss; there's not a lot of fluff here on ol' LSR.
Its combination of mathematical matchmaking, free matching and profiles... doing away with a lot of the fluff and bloat of other online dating sites.
Can't see that a lot of fluff is necessary in these profiles.
Otherwise, there's a lot of fluff in Donna and Wayne Powers» (Valentine, Deep Blue Sea) screenplay, but it is amusing for the duration of The Italian Job.
The movie wasn't filled with too much filler as the director cut out a lot of the fluff and focused on a more adult film.
No one mandated it, but honest evaluation forced us to admit that some of our assignments amounted to a lot of fluff.
«It has a lot of fluff and redundancy,» he said of the popular program favored by evangelical schools.
There's a lot of fluff and blather right now that makes it sound like eBooks are a magic bullet and simply uploading your book to Amazon makes you an independent author.
The Droid 3 features the latest version of MotoBlur, one which thankfully does away with a lot of the fluff and offers a fairly basic and traditional Android interface.
Whether your dog has a lot of fluff or a sleek, shiny coat, thick nails or thin ones, a long tail or a little nubbin», we've got tips to help you keep him looking his best.
Either way, expect a lot of fluff.
Unsurprisingly the changes are being referred to as «enhancements» by the Radisson PR machine (a word that surely strikes fear into any seasoned miles & points collector) and there's a lot of fluff in the announcement too:
As I've previously mentioned, we get a lot of fluff and PR emails on a daily basis and they all want to grab your attention in some way.
They have to make the best of their situation, which means a lot of fluff pieces and spinning.
Also, while most of the story levels showcase great Jurassic moments, it also feels like there is a lot of fluff which slows the pace of the game down at times.
The game is stripping back a lot of fluff in order to provide a true Street Fighter experience.
«There's what I might call a lot of fluff in third year, and I think that maybe we need to look at what we do in law schools a little differently,» he says.
There's lots of fluff and PR / spin out there, as you suggest — and everyone's got a bit of that going on, frankly.
Past that, the Google Now Launcher is simple, and isn't packed with a lot of fluff.
Chromecast is for the casual streamer who doesn't want or need a lot of fluff.
There is a lot of fluff surrounding the case for adopting an adaptable mindset, everyone has their own spin on the story.
In short, there is a lot of fluff in this event presentation, but it's fluff that's hard to get too down on because Apple's vision of an enabled classroom is inspiring as hell.
The summary needs to be specific and straight to the point without a lot of fluff.
The candidate clearly labels every section of this recruiter resume sample provides the necessary information without a lot of fluff.
Your brand should say that you can deliver and add value without a lot of fluff
Many job seekers fall into the trap of filling their resumes with unnecessary buzzwords, a lot of fluff, and vague descriptions of their experience.
This resume passed the 30 - second test because «it tells potential employers what they need to know quickly, without a lot of fluff,» Palmer said.
Those that have a lot of fluff in them must be ignored altogether.
«I think there's a lot of fluff in some of those numbers,» says Chris Bills, COO of Sioux Falls, S.D. - based Summit Group, a hotel developer, owner and manager that has a portfolio of more than 60 properties in 20 states.
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