Sentences with phrase «lot of force»

Lots of forces revision for combined and separate sciences.
Postdoctoral researcher Dr Federico Becerra from the Max Planck Weizmann Center for Integrative Archaeology and Anthropology at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Germany, explains: «We found that a strain of rats bred to be aggressive towards humans bit often and with lots of force, whereas a highly tame strain never bit at all.
Having stagnant energy in your home is like rolling a boulder up a hill and having it roll back on you each time you stop to rest: Everything requires lots of force, and nothing is fun.
The hams are large muscles mostly comprised of fast - twitch fibers, which means that they can produce lots of force and training them once a week with a couple of sluggish sets of leg curls would be disrespectful to their power.
«There are going to be lots and lots of forces pulling states away from these assessments,» said Andy Smarick, an education analyst with Bellwether Education Partners.
It seems you need to apply a lot of force.
This verse loses a lot of force in the translation from Hebrew to English.
Place cookie cutter firmly on tortillas; and, using a lot of force, push down.
He doesn't just use those elbows to create distance, sometime these elbows have a lot of force on them, to the point he'll fully extend his arms.
Coquelin may have come under a lot of force from Kante's effort, by throwing his body on the line, but I think the Frenchman showed through his fight that perhaps the decision to withdraw him was precautionary rather than serious.
There was a lot of force feeding Dez last year.
My sisters are all jealous, especially the one whose boy is nearly a year older than mine and still in a diaper at night who took nearly a year to even get to this point, with a lot of forcing and frustration!
Laying in one position for too long can exert a lot of force on a baby's head and cause the head to become misshapen, which is called positional plagiocephaly.
Some covers have arrived with snaps that don't quite work right or that can't snap together easily without a lot of force.
You shouldn't apply a lot of force, especially if you're trying to burp a newborn.
Sometimes it is more or comes out with a lot of force.
This is important for small bodies absorbing a lot of force.
Yet the spread of such information remained limited, in line with what I have just said that news about achievements probably requires a lot of force to spread.
«Criminals are less likely to strike when they see a lot of force being deployed,» said Mayor Bill de Blasio.
«There are a lot of forces in Albany that are fighting to protect the status quo.
It takes a lot of forces to create poverty.
The Post and Journal editorialized against his tax hike, but he seems to have taken a lot of the force out of the criticism by quickly getting business groups on board with the plan.
The diamond thread handle adds some interesting detail and provides superior grip in case you need to use it with a lot of force.
Material: These presses are tough and have to be able to create a lot of force.
Rubber Soles: Rubber soles provide you with extra cushioning and it will also absorb a lot of the force that your feet would otherwise absorb.
If you are walking or running on a rocky terrain or putting a lot of force on your feet, then opt for the rubber soles.
That's a lot of force placed on the frame so the stronger, the better.
It was made to withstand a lot of force so it won't be stretched or ripped apart.
She then calculated the stresses on their bones during maximum extension and found that apes put a lot of force on their massive thighs, hamstrings, and knees — forces that also help them power up trees.
This system of hairs can conform to a rough surface without a lot of force.
The gross asymmetries of the outer dust field are telling us there are a lot of forces in play (beyond just host - star radiation pressure) that are moving the material around.
There is no need to use a lot of force.
That is a lot of force to be messing with, and if your SIJ is not working properly that force has to go somewhere - which is going to mean pain and injury for you.
Not only will your lower body have to generate a lot of force quicker than in the swing or clean drills, but your upper body will have to dynamically stabilize the Steel Club in the Angled position at the apex of the movement.
Not only will your lower body have to generate a lot of force quicker than in the swing or clean drills, but your upper body will have to dynamically stabilize the Steel Club in the Side Angled position at the apex of the movement.
... The step up allows you to develop so much power because it requires that you produce a lot of force and velocity to get you through a relatively large range of motion.
Like a rolling pin they flatten the muscle and fascia and a lot of force has to be used to «get into» the muscle.
The healthiest muscles are those in a wiry physique — modest size, but able to exert a lot of force.
If you stretch connective tissue back and forth at the edge of its range of motion or if you suddenly apply a lot of force, sooner or later you will hurt yourself.
Explosive movements, or plyometrics, exact a lot of force in a small amount of time.
Lifting heavy things works because it requires a lot of force and therefore works a lot of muscle and our uniquely metabolically beneficial type 2b muscle fibers.
It takes a lot of force to make it tight!
The game does a lot of forced replay of battles which gets a little tedious.
A little bit of left - of - center humor in a funeral sermon on Jesus and junk food (delivered by Waititi himself as a daffy local priest) makes up for a lot of forced quirk; an innate sense of knowing when to back off from being overtly crowd - pleasing balances out some obvious detours into crowd - pandering à la not - one - but - two of Ricky's «Shit just got real!»
Lots of forces are converging to suggest that it's an important time to grow from whether we should do this to how we should do this.»
I have to give them political cover, because there's lots of forces, lots of pressure to continue to lie to themselves, to continue to lie to parents.
The reason being that, although like Steve Cross notes, the impact wrench applies a lot of force suddenly, it applies the force in an evenly rotational direction.
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