Sentences with phrase «lot of her former spouse»

Not exact matches

The last one I'll say is a little rarer, but it can affect a lot of people, a lot of individuals with an ex out there, I know you don't want to stay in contact with them, but if you were married to them for at least 10 years, you kind of should, because if you're going to take a spousal benefit, your ex-spouse, I mean assuming you're not remarried, one of your former spouses, might be a better benefit than your current benefit, or a subsequent spouse.
These attorneys aren't looking to destroy your spouse, know what the heck they are doing, and, as a result, get a lot of referrals from other attorneys and former clients, so they don't need to create a war just to sustain enough work to pay their bills.
Not only is this kind of surprise ambush terribly embarrassing for your children and anyone else around you, catching your former spouse off guard often leads to a blaming match where lots of accusations get fired back and forth, but nothing gets resolved.
If you spend your divorce fighting so intensely that you create a hatred of biblical proportions with your former spouse, your divorce process will be a lot like surviving the plagues — you may get through it, but the scars will be with you forever.
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