Sentences with phrase «lot of hoops»

While it's nice to be getting two games for the price of one, there do seem to be an awful lot of hoops to jump through in order to get it.
Have gone through lots of hoops and today I received a notice that said please sign a new load estimate — that they adjusted the loan estimated to ensure I did not need any funds at closing.
The majority of Nintendo's biggest console hits have always been developed in - house, and over the years, the company has forced third party developers to jump through an awful lot of hoops in order to get their games released.
User Loaded Apps Tend to look Pixelated in the Carousel «Customers Also Bought» Gets in the Way on the Main Menu Lots of Hoops to Jump through If You Don't Live in the USA Newspaper Selection Lacks
There may be a lot of hoops to jump through, but getting involved in the federal market place is almost guaranteed to generate revenue and increase profits.
Man, people jump through a lot of hoops for Santa Claus / Easter Bunny / Jesus.
it looks like he has a lot of hoops on his website...» Epic fail.
Obviously a lot of Hoops to be played but it seems that Team Lalez could be playing with the «home - court» advantage through Playoffs.
Not to get too ahead of ourselves becauset there is still a lot of Hoops left between now and then, but in Week 7 on Sunday Nov. 24 — Team Kozin and Team Lalez will do battle.
You may have to fill out quite a bit of paper, and jump through a lot of hoops, or it may be fairly easy.
After moving from Mississippi to Kansas, and not being required to do much more in terms of homeschooling compliance, I was surprised to learn that some US states make you jump through a lot of hoops.
«You have to jump through a lot of hoops to get a Ph.D.,» says University of Alabama psychologist Susan Cochran, «and the hoops get smaller and smaller and finally they set them on fire at the end.»
There's «a lot» going on in public schools «that is counterproductive,» he says; «I'm not a fan of a lot of the hoops that teachers have to jump through.»
The guidelines include «a lot of hoops to jump through» for scientists wanting to work with stem cells, says Timothy Leshan, director of public policy for the American Society for Cell Biology; nonetheless, he says, they are «a good step forward.»
«There's a lot of hoops to jump through before we can settle on the conclusion that life was involved in what we are observing,» Dufour said.
Sure, you can still find love on a free dating site, but you're going to have to deal with a lot of crap and jump through a lot of hoops.
However, be forewarned: They make you jump through a lot of hoops to prove you have tried to find someone through the site but you were unsuccessful.
Granted, there are a lot of hoops you have to jump through to prove that love didn't happen for you, but it's a nice option to have if you're nervous about spending the money.
We let you jump right into meeting single men and single women in your area without having to jump through a lot of hoops.
We let you leap right into meeting single dudes and single women in your area without having to hop through a lot of hoops.
They let you jump right into meeting single men and single women in your area without having to jump through a lot of hoops.
Webssite up Process Unlike other dating sites that make you leap through a lot of hoops just to view profiles, this site is effortless and takes about Five minutes, if that.
We let you leap right into meeting single guys and single women in your area without having to leap through a lot of hoops.
We let you hop right into meeting single boys and single women in your area without having to leap through a lot of hoops.
We let you leap right into meeting single studs and single women in your area without having to leap through a lot of hoops.
We got Rayman (barely... last copy and had to jump through a lot of hoops to get the display copy since a new girl was working and wasn't sure «she could do that» although 10 other games display copies had been sold)... Lego City Undercover... and Pikman 3... Rayman is perfect for a pick up and put down game and fun... lots to do... I've watched my son play Lego City... load times are annoying and the fighting is simplistic....
The previously mod - friendly T - Mobile G - Slate will now a lot of hoops to work around if hackers and developers want to hack, tweak and improve the device.
I'm willing to deal with it since I have the tech comfort necessary to sideload, but I also acknowledge that getting a large, predominantly third - party library onto an Amazon device requires jumping through a lot of hoops.
Unless you jump through a lot of hoops, you aren't buying an e-book easily.
This enables users to be able to quickly jump into reading digital content, without the need of jumping through a lot of hoops.
However, when it comes to withdrawing and getting your hands on those hard earned profits, people in some regions of the world have to jump through a lot of hoops.
They don't want to have to go through a lot of hoops, some of the technically illegal, to read an e-book bought from Amazon on their Nook or from B&N on their Kindle.
That still exists, but the competition is fierce and you have to jump through a lot of hoops.
The second is that for non-USians they require you to jump through a lot of hoops in the US» insanely complex tax system if you don't want to lose 30 % of your money, and this takes time.
B&N requires indies to jump through a lot of hoops and at Powell's you pretty much have to know someone on the inside to get them to stock an indie title.
Either way, it's a lot of hoops to jump through that most investors don't have the means or time to do so.
It often requires jumping through a lot of hoops and getting through a ton of red tape.
It might sound like a lot of hoops to jump through, but if you didn't graduate, your options are a lot more limited.
The FHA Streamline Refinance allows existing FHA borrowers to reduce their interest rate without having to jump through a lot of hoops.
Although this may feel like jumping through a lot of hoops, it's all in place to help safeguard your identity.
If you owned the local Laundromat that was worth $ 100,000, you would have to jump through a lot of hoops to sell it.
Of the five total customer reviews on the website, one is positive and the other four are negative, complaining about higher loan rates than what they were prequalified for, long waits for loan approval, and lots of hoops to jump through in order to get an answer on their loan.
Financial institutions have a lot of hoops to jump through, and EVERYONE should understand those rules.
The poor guy has jumped through a lot of hoops trying to get the matter cleared up even though he has documentation that he paid off the mortgage loan.
Before you get too excited though, there are a lot of hoops to jump through to apply for PSLF.
While this may sound like a lot of hoops to go through, it gives you an opportunity to think about what you're doing with your credit card, and hopefully have a conversation with your co-signer about debt and money management.
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