Sentences with phrase «lot of lactation consultants»

A lot of lactation consultants will even make home visits.
I've been told by the doctors and a whole lot of lactation consultants that they can not help me other than to recommend these herbs and here this article is, crushing my heart and worrying me that I might harm my baby in my attempt to give her the best nutrition possible.
We have a lot of lactation consultants that come on the show and they are waiting for your question and to answer them.

Not exact matches

ALICIA: Well, I found we had a local Facebook group and it is Milky Mamas, and it is for breastfeeding mamas, and it is backed by lactation consultants, IBLCs, and all the information you get out there, a lot of it is stuff that they found on Kelly Mom and it is a great support group.
Our lactation consultants were great but it's a lot of work, a lot of time, a LOT of money, you knlot of work, a lot of time, a LOT of money, you knlot of time, a LOT of money, you knLOT of money, you know?
I realised that a lot of the support that I had received — both prenatally, in dealing with my past scars, and postnatally, in finding solutions that allow my little boy and I to have a breastfeeding relationship in our own way — was in her role as a lactation consultant.
Let's not forget sore, cracked nipples (which, with the right guidance from a good lactation consultant and lots of lanolin, should go away after a few weeks).
, a bajillion trips to lactation consultants, multiple trips to the pediatrician and lots and lots of tears, I gave it up.
A mom asks to see the lactation consultant (there isn't one) but there are lots of posters: «breast is best», «anytime anywhere»... uh..
After a difficult struggle and a lot of work with lactation consultants, I have become an exclusive pumper.
I didn't have medical issues that made breastfeeding harder than typical; I had a cooperative baby (no tongue tie or poor latch or underdeveloped reflexes); I had generous maternity leave (for the U.S. anyway) to get the hang of things; and I had lots of support from lactation consultants, doctors, my husband, and friends.
I'd learned lots of tricks and tips from a half dozen lactation consultants with my daughter.
ROCHELLE MCLEAN: Unfortunately I think for most physicians the lactation consultant is going to be the better source which is something we see more often and that's what I always tell people whenever they're having any kind of breastfeeding concern is that a lot of times the people who deal solely with breastfeeding just have a lot more experience with it and they often times so find Christian story is not uncommon.
ROCHELLE MCLEAN: I always tell patients physicians have to be on top of so many things healthcare things illness things that a lot of times they know that breastfeeding can be part of a lactation consultant responsibility as part of a team of care providers.
As a International Board Certified Lactation Consultant I of course receive a lot of questions about breastfeeding, yet I also receive just as many questions around sleep and «spoiling babies».
Pediatricians and lactation consultants talk about how it's such a natural thing to do, and it is, but it's also something that requires a lot of patience and even more support.
There's a lot of advice out there, but there are important things your lactation consultant wants you to know about pumping.
Different groups have different strengths (some seem to have strong contingents of Babywise supporters, some have lots of resources for lactation consultants, many have both) but they'll all GET it, and there will be other moms with toddler + twins that will have tips and advice and general commisseration.
If you have a baby who cries a lot or is clearly not sleeping because they are uncomfortable, in pain or colicky, please contact me or another lactation consultant who can help you get to the bottom of it.
In addition to reading up on breast and bottle feeding, ask your healthcare provider, a lactation consultant, and friends and family who are seasoned moms lots of questions:
I'd definitely recommend you do so under the advice of a lactation consultant, but if you end up needing to supplement on a long - terms basis, give yourself a giant pat on a back, and a whole lot of grace.
If you plan on breastfeeding (which I recommend every mom at least tries their best because it is so good for your baby) then I highly recommend you do lots of research and get as much help from the lactation consultants at your hospital as you can.
It got better, but not without a few sessions with a lactation consultant, lots of practice, and gobs and gobs of this soft, velvety nipple cream.
What you need to do is to get lots of supportive people behind you from the get go, your pediatrician, a lactation consultant, and friends and family.
In fact, we had to take a lot of «nursing breaks» (per my lactation consultants advice) for my little girl to get a «slower flow» through bottle nipples to help her digestive system.
In fact, there are a lot of misconceptions out there about us lactation consultants, what we do, and how we view the moms we help.
But I'm also a Nurse Practitioner who read a lot of research, had a great Lactation Consultant and called the public health department who was overseeing the nutrition portion of the on post daycare.
The lactation consultants weren't a lot of help when it came to overactive milk supply.
He had a lot of difficulty latching the first month but we've been working on it with the help of a wonderful lactation consultant since he was 2 weeks old.
You Should Call a Lactation Consultant At the First Sign of Trouble The second you think something might be off, or you're having problems, or it hurts a lot, pick up the phone.
But a lot of times that instincts of the mother reaching out to ask or question her situation with an experienced lactation consultant should be helpful in determining whether or not that baby really does struggle at the breasts.
They have some amazing guests on that show all of which are lactation consultants in the industry of breastfeeding and have helped a lot of women.
«Breastfeeding is natural, but it's a practiced skill, almost an art form,» says Corky Harvey, R.N., M.S., a lactation consultant and co-owner of The Pump Station, a breastfeeding - support center in Santa Monica, Calif. «You could read a book about playing the flute and learn a lot about the instrument,» she explains, «but you won't really learn how to play the flute until you actually do it.»
People come to meet with a lactation consultant or for a La Leche meeting or to sit in our back room and nurse for the first time in public — we get a lot of that.
«But if you're having problems with pumping or with your milksupply, lactation consultants have lots of tricks and techniques you can try.»
I read a lot about this: some women use thermometers to make sure they got it hot enough, but my lactation consultant told me just scald it until bubbles start to form around the edge of the pan.
A lot of the red flags for tongue - tie were visible with Magnus, but Amanda, who is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, checked him and agreed the tie wasn't severe enough to need snipping.
So I have an eight - year old named Sidney and a ten - year old named Lucas and funny enough I actually had to see a lactation consultant, being a lactation consultant with my first one and I forever love this woman who took care of me, because even though I knew a lot, I still really needed the help and she was instrumental and getting me going with Lucas.
I decided to become a Lactation Consultant after experiencing a lot of challenges with my first breastfeeding experience.
Lactation consultant: With this hand I want you to scoop up your breast and hold it like a C. Okay, now see how you have here, that is good with the thumb, but a lot of women make the mistake of putting the index finger too close to the areola.
[Theme music] SUNNY GAULT: Alright, so before we kick off our episode today talking about different questions moms ask lactation consultants we are going to talk about an app that I think we can all agree on as part of the conversation we are really excited to learn more about this app because I think it can help a lot of moms out there.
GC: It really depends but it can run through a nurse due to the result of their breastfeeding specialization or a lactation Counselor or consultant, I mean there are a lot of... they might start with the childbirth educator or a nurse or midwife during the labor and delivery section and then you know a breastfeeding Counselor or consultant who is doing the breastfeeding section.
and it took a lot of time, energy and hiring of some really good lactation consultants to correct that.
When I had my twins, when I brought my twins home, because I had a lot of questions and as you can imagine it was a lot of effort to get out of the house with twins and again with someone watching my other boys to go to lactation consultant.
I saw a lactation consultant 3 times a week for 3 weeks, tried herbs, frequent feedings and pumpings, drinking lots of extra water but I still was unable to get much of a supply.
There are lots of helpful nurses and lactation consultants at the hospital, and some even do house visits.»
«When I had my first daughter, I exclusively pumped for eight months and was really looking forward to trying again and nurse my twin girls with the help of a lactation consultant and a lot of determination,» she tells us.»
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