Sentences with phrase «lot of new members»

Lots of new members joined up during the leadership contest in August - September 2015, many doing so in order to vote for Corbyn.
That's why January is the busiest time for online dating, with lots of new members signing up to give it a go.
Ritzier facilities can get away with initiation fees as high as $ 5,000, but the way to boost revenues here is by signing up lots of new members and then giving them plenty of pricey lessons.
I've been talking to a lot of the new members asked to join the Academy during its two - year diversity push, and a lot of these ostensibly hipper, younger voters — many of whom are people of color and white women — are happy to tell you they like Three Billboards.
Given that even the best performing segments say «no» more than 90 % of the time, you need a diverse range of healthy list growth strategies to give you a lot of new members so you can engage them, including in your non-profit's fundraising work.
For starters, as one Assembly member points out, it's a lot of new members who may have a totally different take on congestion pricing especially if the money it raises goes toward improving mass transit.
Plus membership is lower since the clearout of non valid members and there are lots of new members.
«He's been a not only a wonderful colleague but a dear friend to me and to a lot of the new members that have come in.»
3) then again, lots of new members may not know MPs at all, so 2) may not apply in the way it has in the past.
«We have a lot of new members; I think it's a focus for many of the new members,» said Assemblywoman Sandy Galef, a Democrat from Westchester.
«If you added a lot of new member states you would increase the pressure on the observatories.
As you might know, January is the perfect month to start your online dating business, since a lot of new members flock to all kinds of dating sites, looking for an opportunity to make good on the New Year resolution of finding that significant other.
A lot of new member choose to sign up here and the free features make it one of the popular choices.
With a lot of new members joining our family every day, our Thailand dating site has the fastest growth rate among all the Thai dating platforms out there in the internet.
This is an ideal time to try out this dating site since this promotion is heavily advertised in the media which brings in a lot of new members who are looking for a relationship.
With well designed home page and a user - friendly interface, the website has the potential to get a lot of new members in the future.
«What's interesting is a lot of the new members in our group are older folks who are embarking on second, or even third, careers.
The Million Cat Challenge booth at HSUS Expo this past week was very popular, and the Challenge signed up a lot of new members.
Discover surely has had a lot of new members recently and maybe the amazing Double Cash Back promotion has forced to look for savings elsewhere.
There are a lot of newer members who are posting at a much faster rate than me, so I hope they take up your challenge.
A lot of new members come to BP and expect to immediately connect with a partner and start doing deals right away.
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