Sentences with phrase «lot of potential readers»

Agents and publishers want as much proof as possible that there are lots of potential readers out there for what you're writing about.
One of the only drawbacks is that there is a limited quantity of each, with lots of potential readers and reviewers and members required to enter drawings for a chance to win review copies.
Ghansah adds that over a third of Africans are millennials, so OMG Digital has a lot of a potential readers.
I am a big fan of this as well because it gets you out in front of lots of potential readers.
As an author, you need to invest time and energy into building your platform: establishing connections with hopefully, lots of potential readers.
Until the advent of digital, a lot of potential readers were locked out by simple geography.
The Forlorn is actually second on my favorites list of your books, but the fact that not only can it be gotten for free as an ebook on the Library, but has been that way for years, means that a lot of the potential readers of your ebooks already have it, or will pick it up for free rather than paying for it.
That means your missing out on a lot of potential readers, and you are alienating readers who use other platforms.
The good news is that Pinterest not only gets you close to lots of potential readers, it's also fun.
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