Sentences with phrase «lot of practice»

It takes lots of practice under distractions to achieve levels taught in her courses, but committed dog owners are those that see results!
My student needs lots of practice with learning new things, and I really hope the doll will help us teach him how to go to the bathroom on the toilet.
That's another reason starting small is important; not only do you get to refine your message but you also get lots of practice writing and speaking.
Once our older twin mastered walking independently, he still needed lots of practice.
Like many teachers, I find that games can be a great way to provide students with disabilities lots of practice in academic skills while having fun.
After lots of practice, see if he will «lay» when you say the word and reward him each time.
The sessions are fun, interactive, and include lots of practice time together.
But lots of practice over the years and my own modifications have made me a tomato pie pro.
«It's something we don't get a whole lot of practice in,» he says.
I've worked with lots of practice groups that knew they needed a team member but didn't really understand how that team member would be fitting in.
I like to challenge myself to do my absolute best and put lots of practice into my craft.
I've seen lots of practices clearly outside the guidelines, and it is often put onto the patient, as the patient will decline standard of care.
You want to go step - by - step and give your dog lots of practice getting it right.
It also has questions for pupils to consolidate understanding as well as lots of practice exam questions throughout for pupils to attempt within the guide.
And you will have lots of practice once your little bundle arrives!
My daughter gets lots of practice feeding and changing her baby, as well as putting her to sleep in our homemade baby doll beds.
This is the most comfortable way for me to hold & carry them & they get lots and lots of practice pushing back & holding their heads up.
All this stuff is doable, of course lots of practice and the right tools will improve your results.
Give your pup lots of practice getting used to walking on leash in his own home, since it is a familiar environment with minimal distractions.
This exercise won't be difficult, since you've both had lots of practice beforehand at getting it right.
A child should be taught how to hold and care for a ferret through plenty of modeling by adults in the household and then lots of practice.
It helped me go from the guy who got lots of practice interviewing badly to a man that got to pick between two great offers.
Lots of practice guides here, for promoting early literacy learning.
A good obedience training class plus lots of practice outside of class can help you instill better manners in a month's time.
You need an employee who can quickly adapt to new technologies, and as you can see from this wide variety of experience, I have lots of practice learning database software.
Making the effective PowerPoint presentation in academic life takes lots of practice.
If you have lots of practice in trauma and critical care, you are qualified.
After lots of practice, try saying the word «sit» and see if he sits.
So I've had lots of practice at seeing the different sides of issues and situations.
Lots of practice time is great for your player's development, but it definitely affects what other extracurricular activities he can do.
But just because becoming an exceptional leader takes a whole lot of practice, it doesn't mean everyone can become a CEO through hard work.
Once your child goes successfully, commit to getting lots of practice.
She must do lots of practice in front of a mirror because she managed to talk almost normally despite having a plaster - cast - style visage.
It's important to get lots of practice before taking your Texas driving test.
In addition to delivering lots of practice for hand - eye coordination, strategic planning, and decision making, educational video games structure problem solving and train students to «fail up» — to learn from their mistakes, try again, and persist until the problem is solved.
Students can also be given lots of practice getting accustomed to secondary school by spending the first year in a secondary environment with a blend of primary and secondary school organisational features.
LawPay gets along with lots of practice management software, too.
From a parent's perspective, she said, giving preservice teachers lots of practice working with students is extremely important — and as more candidates discover the reward of reaching students with special needs, they become more likely to choose and persist in the career.
There is a lengthy PowerPoint (76 slides) that covers initially 1 — 10 and then 11 — 20, followed by lots of practice activities.
So we've had lots of practicing lawyers talking about their interesting practice niches and we've had a number of leaders in the open access to law movement and the legal librarian movement talking about those topics.
That's another reason starting small is important; not only do you get the time you need to refine your message, you also get lots of practice writing and speaking and sharing that message.
«At the Archive, we have lots of practice reading declassified government documents.
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