Sentences with phrase «lot of startups»

Lots of startups do get great press but fail to capitalize on it.
Lots of startups make the mistake of establishing a culture of working day and night.
Starting and running a business often does require lots of startup cash, but it also always also requires a significant time and energy investment.
Lots of startups get going by offering free services to win eyeballs and hope that wallets will follow.
«When you look at shale development, mature fields, complex plays, those are the types of projects that lend themselves to small - and medium - sized companies, and that's an area where we have both the expertise and capital for lots of startups that could get into that sector,» he says.
When I met with the trio in April, Zechory said lots of startup founders with sterling reputations «use swear words and smoke weed.»
I also had the experience of being an advisor to a lot of startups.
I see a lot of startup companies led by inexperienced entrepreneurs get into trouble from overspending because they are trying to adhere to a brilliant strategy in which everything happens in perfect order.
A lot of startups have a great vision, an exciting idea around a product, and a good team, but there's a mentality of: «As soon as people see this, and TechCrunch writes about it, it'll go viral and be disseminated automatically, like Google and Facebook.
«PR had a great run in the 1990s, because we were promoting a lot of startups.
I feel like a lot of startups struggle with doing too many things and only doing them half way.
I see a lot of startup pitches every year.
A lot of startups and innovation are focused on cheaper, whether it is on the retail side like Aldi and the upcoming entry of Lidl or Dollar Shave Club, which was acquired by Unilever for $ 1 billion.
And a lot of startups and innovation do exactly that.
He added: «Storage giant EMC has gone big on SDS with ViPR [its software - defined storage product], and lots of startups are playing on this theme, although there's no real consensus on what the term actually means.»
A lot of startups look to classify people as «tech» or «business.»
Hogan says he sees a lot of startups get 90 percent of the way there then run out of cash, and it's often because they didn't raise enough during their last round and plan for enough runway.
«A lot of startups used to inadvertently violate the gag order anyways.
«I work with a lot of startups where the average age is between 25 and 32.
I still think about how much that journey resembles a lot of startups.
We help a lot of startups get off the ground as well as some businesses that might have been around for a while, but don't need a lot of capital.
We help a lot of startups get of the ground as well as some businesses that might have been around for a while, but don't need a lot of capital.
A lot of startups and small businesses don't take the time to create an ICP at all.
I was fascinated to see a lot of startups from Kerala.
The paradox of this rule is that it makes a lot of startup financing activity somewhat more private than it had been.
One of the things that happens is a lot of startups get pulled into the system and that's unfortunate, because it turns out that when you've got this thing that's 18 % of GDP and you start following the money flows, you enter a market in one place with a very altruistic notion that I'm going to change things, and ask things morph, it turns out you're actually just helping the system get bigger and helping people collect, if you will, as a leach against the system.
«The typical path a lot of startups take is they launch their product and no one finds out about it.»
A lot of startups use cryptocurrencies to raise funds, and get people to invest in the company.
The way I see a lot of startups do it is an introductory price.
There are franchises that require a lot of startup capital, and there are other franchises that can be run from home for a very small initial investment.
And while a lot of the startups in the village are tech focused, we invite ALL types of entrepreneurs and startups to join us.
By attending pitching events, you would meet a lot of startup founders looking for funding.
A lot of startups are now realising this, and go to create their own tokens.
You should also attend a lot of startup showcasing events, conferences and seminars around you as you may be able to find a lot of viable startup ideas to invest in.
«There are a lot of startups and investors in Ontario who have been locked out of this type of investing, until now... it fits very well with our expansion plans.»
The idea of helping authors and publishers get media attention for their books is powering a lot of startups at dining - room tables these days.
Publishing Perspectives: We've seen a lot of startups come and go, and yours has shown real staying power.
A lot of startups fail but for the ones that don't, stock compensation could be a huge windfall.
On top of predatory interest rates and the difficulty of obtaining a well - paying job soon after college, student loan debt has become one of the biggest things holding back our country's young labor force from fully participating in the economy.Thankfully, in our constantly innovative tech environment, a lot of startup companies have popped in the past decade to try and tackle the national epidemic of student loan debt.
Not all such sites are reputable, and sometimes the ones that are could leave you doing a lot of startup work for very little return over the long run.
A lot of startups have it backwards, Scott would rather build up a following and personal brand before launching a business
At the same time, a lot of startup development studios are still struggling to get their projects off the ground.
I work with a lot of startups.
There is a lot of startups from people without a proven track record.
I found a fantastic local CPA named Aaron Peters who works with a lot of startups and he helped me understand more about the LLC structure.
Like a lot of startups, we threw something up early on and didn't give it a lot of thought.
In 2017 we'll see a lot of startups that are streamlining legal processes, saving tons of time and money — and adding accuracy.
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