Sentences with phrase «lot of subtlety»

Here's to hoping Dragon gets added before the end of season seven — there's lot of subtlety in the different growls and roars.
However, there's no progressive steering even when using a controller: it's full lock or nothing, and that means there's not a whole lot of subtlety to be had when chucking cars around corners.
The speakers avoid distortion even at loud volumes, and manage to portray lots of subtleties, especially in the treble register, without sounding tinny or harsh.
There isn't a lot of subtlety in this one.
«If someone is trying to learn a skill that has lots of subtlety to it, it helps to engage with a teacher and have them correct you,» Morgan said.
«We're missing a lot of subtleties here.»
«The bottom line here is that there's a lot of subtlety to the findings of this work so far,» she said.
«I'm sure there are a lot of subtleties there that... India is a hotspot in the nasophiliac's itinerary... While searching online, I
A lot of subtlety can be missed with the clipped British slang that is so pervasive in the film.
There's not a lot of subtlety to Berg's film.
Cameron Mitchell finds a lot of subtlety in the thankless role of Johnny, the piano player who takes a bullet, segueing from being just another guy making a pass at her to a platonic friend and supporter to worried witness.
That said, there is a lot of subtlety in the spaces in between.
There is a lot of subtlety in his movements, the way he looks at the kids and what he does with his eyes and lips.
Osment and Law turn in terrific performances in difficult roles that require a lot of subtlety to make the characters less than perfect humans.
There's not a lot of subtlety in «The Zookeeper's Wife.»
This was a really interesting film with a lot of subtleties from the leading ladies Cate Blanchet and Rooney Mara.
Like the oversized eyes in Margaret's paintings, there isn't a lot of subtlety in this script or nuances to the characters.
There are lots of subtleties and gotchas left to explore in the process, but I think a good starting point for any author is to see if they can compete on their own.
There's a lot of subtleties to the combat that aren't immediately apparent but as you enter the last third of the game, the sheer number of enemies and the boss battle difficulty spikes means you have to master the intricacies or end up dead.
While World, from the beta, seems like the best tutorializing Monster Hunter has ever had, there are a lot of subtleties to Monster Hunter that are best taught from someone who knows the ropes.
There's not a lot of subtlety or progressiveness to any of the keyboard controls (i.e. the arrow keys), so don't break out a six - figure multi-axis driving sim.
I am glossing over a lot of subtleties of the algorithms used to do this, including e.g. how observations collected at several different times can be used to prepare an analysis.
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