Sentences with phrase «lot on this blog»

I have written a lot on this blog about the death and resurrection of Jesus, and some people have asked that I make these posts more accessible to readers.
Some of you may have noticed that I've been posting on Instagram and Twitter from all sorts of places over the last couple of months... London, Kent, Manchester, Brighton, Cornwall, Bath... but not a lot on this blog.
I know I've posted smoothies a lot on this blog.
I link to your posts a lot on my blog and on facebook - the giant social bulletin board it is.
No guarantees like a lot on this blog think.
We talk a lot on this blog and Postpartum Progress about what it is like when a mom is NOT well.
I've written a lot on this blog (and, really, I mean, a LOT — see the «Related Posts» below) about classroom birthday treats, soccer snacks and the many other ways in which kids are offered junk food by people other than their parents on a regular... [Continue reading]
Here's the thing... I'm a pretty private person myself and while I share a lot on this blog in hopes of connecting with other moms and helping other families, I'd be pretty upset if someone was sharing pictures of my bad days, or going to the bathroom, or even just personal details without my permission.
We've talked a lot on this blog before about the link between progesterone and estrogen — here's a primer on the 4 Hormones You Need to Know, where we discuss this relationship.
I talk about sprinting a lot on my blog and I use it a lot in my 5k, 10k and half marathon training plans.
I cleared it by making some diet and lifestyle changes that I cover a lot on my blog.
That word seems to get thrown around a lot on blogs, I know, lol.
You've seen me wear my jean jacket a lot on this blog and really they are such a classic item that I don't see them going out of style.
Like my Old Navy jacket that I'm obsessed with, and you'll probably seeing a lot on the blog!
And my Gucci bag has been making appearances a lot on the blog lately (like here in my «Going Out Bags Under $ 1,000» roundup)
I hope one day I'll find myself in one of the pictures... The bloggers that were invited to a show at New York fashion week, posted a lot on the blog about it which was very intresting.
I talk about sexiness and confidence a lot on my blog because I feel that it's something that we as women struggle with most of our lives.
You would think that since I speak about style a lot on this blog that I would be swiping my card left and right.
As you know, I love Bloomingdale's and I've talked about it a lot on my blog, especially for their amazing Customer Service and my previous purchases in these posts: Wool Coat; Shoes; Dresses.
Yes, the pictures have improved a lot on my blog since Ron started to help.
You will be seeing them a lot on my blog!
Great look honey, I really did miss a lot on your blog this past few days, so back to the outfit, it's super gorgeous on you.
I love IfChic and feature their store a lot on my blog as well.
You will be seeing these a lot on the blog:) CPW (cost - per - wear)!
I talk a lot on this blog about how much I love that I still have so much of New York to explore.
You will definitely be seeing them a lot on my blog in the coming months!
You do it a lot on your blog and I enjoy them so much!
I find them incredibly awesome and I can think of so many ways to wear the, so you will definitely see them a lot on my blog!
You've probably seen the bar necklace a lot on my blog.
The sunglasses by Celine must look familiar to you as I wear them a lot on my blog these days.
Cyndi: I talk a lot on my blog about having wardrobe essentials such as great fitting jeans, white shirts, dress pants, a classic pump, a little black dress, etc..
I mean, the jeans, the bag, the Chloé shoes... and this scarf from Vol (t) age, a brand I've been collaborating with and which you will see a lot on the blog.
I wear them all the time and you will be seeing them a lot on my blog.
I've been wearing these jean leggings a lot on the blog & Instagram lately.
And I know this bag has seen the light of day a LOT on this blog, but its worth calling out once more for its perfect travel size.
I've been seeing it a lot on the blogs.
I've worn trenches a lot on the blog before (last seen here and here) and I love pulling them out in September and October.
I love the swoopy - calligraphy style of the letters, and you may recognize it, as I've been using it a lot on my blog lately.
As I say a lot on this blog — we just need to people live and let live.
I've spoken a lot on the blog about the factors which can make a good date, but not really investigated bad dates too much (mainly because so few of the fourteen have been bad).
Covering applies to both Sugar Daddies & Babies We've talked a lot on this blog about covering for a married Sugar Daddy, and one of our very own Sugar Baby bloggers, «Buttercup» gave us a wonderful step - by - step...
We've talked a lot on this blog about covering for a married Sugar Daddy, and one of our very own Sugar Baby bloggers, «Buttercup» gave us a wonderful step - by - step guide for dating a married sugar daddy.
We talk a lot on this blog about the things you can do to help increase your profits or cut back on your own personal work load.
We talk a lot on this blog about self - publishing, but some of us have other goals.
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