Sentences with phrase «lotus position»

People sitting in lotus position may injure their knee due to limitations in the hip joint.
It's not about sitting unmoving in full lotus position for an hour a day.
Typically seated in a lotus or half lotus position during meditation, the practitioner regulates the mind by focusing on their breathing, posture or some other object.
The other four sauces use the same ingredients, but add special items to make them «different:» ingredients like Hawaiian lotus position - blossom honey, Tasmanian pink marjoram, freeze - dried Ethiopian cassava root, and Lower Congo River essence of desiccated three - week old shrimp.
While burning to death, Duc remained throughout in the meditative lotus position.
You may be able to experience emotional peace by repeating a line of untrue nonsense such as «I am free from all lingering constrains» seven dozen times in a row, but the moment of clarity you develop will dissolve back into intense fixation as soon as you leave lotus position and face the real world once more.
What we see is an actor from behind, in his underwear, hovering above the floor in the yogic lotus position, in a typically decrepit Broadway dressing room, preparing to walk out onstage for the last rehearsal before the first preview of a show he's adapted, directed, and starring in.
You don't need to sit in lotus position, you don't need a fancy meditation cushion, you don't need to chant or close your eyes — heck, you can even walk with your dog — and the experience and relaxation can be profound.
Primary Series is known for it's hip - openers, forward bends, full and half lotus positions.
But you don't need to sit in the lotus position on a beach to become more mindful.
Most mornings, U Pyinya Zawta meditates for an hour in lotus position, hands resting gently in his lap, eyes closed, feet bare, body static but for the crinkles in his maroon robe that rise and fall with his breath.
Archaeologists of the pre-Aryan Indus civilization have found statuettes of individuals in the lotus position of yoga meditation, which suggests the great antiquity of the phenomenon, at least in India.
Can we imagine any of the Hebrew prophets, or Jesus, or Paul, in the lotus position?
Contrary to what's often depicted in today's society, meditation doesn't exclusively involve sitting in the Lotus position chanting the «Om» mantra for hours on end.
Relieve gas or excess air: With your baby lying on her back, either push her knees towards her tummy or lift her legs up then push them down to a lotus position.
She is often depicted as a fair maiden dressed in white, sitting in a lotus position and is considered the most beloved of all the Buddhist deities, due to her love and compassion for the people who pray to her.
A source spotted the star sitting in the «lotus position» through most of the two - hour clinic.
Grab your mat, get into the lotus position, and open up that passageway with some «om namah shivayas,» or try these Taurus - inspired yoga poses.
He goes on to cite an article which noted that «headstand, shoulder stand, lotus position, and forceful breathing were the most common causes for injuries», and that these poses were not essential to the practice of yoga therapy.
«She goes to the forest, to the foot of a tree, or to an empty room, sits down cross-legged in the lotus position, holds her body straight, and establishes mindfulness in front of her.
How to practice: Sit comfortably in a chair or on the floor in Padmasana (lotus position).
How to practice: Sit in padmasana or lotus position.
The Wise Monk sits in the lotus position on a rotting rush mat in front of an ugly, crumbling Wutong Spirit idol, as serene as a sleeping horse.
In a small, dark room at the lab of a large university hospital, a young man named Robert lights candles and a stick of jasmine incense; he then settles to the floor and folds his legs easily into the lotus position.
We learn the meaning of the positions of the different Buddha statues: a lying Buddha symbolizes the road to «Nirvana» or enlightenment and if a Buddha is sitting in the Lotus position, its right hand points to the ground and its left hand rests on its lap.
In college we always joked about how one day we were going to walk into class and find him levitating above the floor in lotus position... but I digress.
Although there is no record of Norman Rockwell donning an African dashiki or sitting in a lotus position chatting Om while painting in his Stockbridge, Massachusetts, studio, he is a man who kept up with the times.
Dancy's enticing sensuous figures often appear central in lotus position, and she uses wide and vibrating brush strokes of acrylic and ink on dyed or bleached cotton and canvas.
Should he also bow three times towards UAE, sit in a lotus position and chant to himself green thoughts before pressing enter.
While you are still gasping for CO2-less air and turning purple, try to say «ohmmmmmm» while sitting in the lotus position.
I can just see him in the lotus position, levitating in enlightenment, as he chants this mantra to needy clients.
«iOS 11.1 will also include characters announced on World Emoji Day like Woman with Headscarf, Bearded Person, Breastfeeding, Zombie, Person in Lotus Position and new food items such as Sandwich and Coconut.»
The new emoji released include those announced on World Emoji Day, which features a woman with a headscarf, a bearded person, a woman breastfeeding, a zombie, a person in lotus position and a genie.
The company announced that the new update will include characters like Woman with Headscarf, Bearded Person, Breastfeeding, Zombie, Person in Lotus Position and new food items such as Sandwich and Coconut.
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