Sentences with phrase «love accept life»

Am an easy going Guy who wan na love and be love accept life credo.

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By defining our Living Dream, tackling challenges such as our fears of money, seeking balance, loving our families, learning the fundamentals of building and growing a business, and finally accepting the challenge to do whatever it takes to create the life you want — you too, can find success.
You don't have to love them, or accept them back into your life, but forgiving them will bring much needed resolution, allowing all of you to move on and forward.
«I love Uber more than anything in the world and at this difficult moment in my personal life I have accepted the investors request to step aside so that Uber can go back to building rather than be distracted with another fight,» Kalanick said in a statement to the Times.
«I love Uber more than anything in the world and at this difficult moment in my personal life I have accepted the investors request to step aside so that Uber can go back to building rather than be distracted with another fight,» Mr. Kalanick said in a statement.
«I love Uber more than anything in the world and at this difficult moment in my personal life I have accepted the investors request to step aside so that Uber can go back to building rather than be distracted with another fight,» Kalanick said in a statement.
«I love Uber more than anything in the world and at this difficult moment in my personal life I have accepted the investors request to step aside so that Uber can go back to building rather than be distracted with another fight,» Kalanick said in a statement late Tuesday, according to an Uber spokesperson.
Undoubtedly, Jesus still loves us all more than either of us could ever fathom but the only way you, me, we're going to be able to live fulfilled and victorious lives is by accepting God's truths as they truly are in the bible and by leaning on His grace for empowerment to walk in them in our personal relationships with him.
But perfect love casts out fear... if he perfectly loved, there would be no reason for him fear that we are destroying America... no fear for us to teach sunday school... and no fear of the future when homosexuals are accepted as equals, even in Alabama (where I live) or in whatever southern state fishon is in.
Since I can't accept a reality where death conquers life, evil over good, and hate over love, I'm as good as dead anyway.
Think of your own family, surely you don't all see eye to eye or agree completely with each other's way of living out your life... but you love and accept each other because you are family.
As a couple prayed for me, I found myself weeping over the Bible, comparing it to my bad life with the life of Jesus Christ, my impurity with His righteousness, my hatred with His love and He accepted me as one of His own.
Jesus Christ loves you unconditionaly and His desire is for all to live but you have to accept his payment for you by believing in him.
When you fully accept Christ into your heart and make him the Lord of your life and seek him, you will feel his awesome loving presence.
My friend, God has done an act of great love by sending Jesus to save you and me, repent and accept Him into your life.
You can love someone and care for their soul, but if they rob banks for a living, you need to not accept their behavior.
Now as a Christian I follow the new testament, and so striving to be Christ like as a Christian I accept everyone for who they are, I love them and do not presume to know the right way for them to live their life, instead I simply open my arms to others and know that all people of all faiths are just fine it doesn't matter to me what you do with your life all that matters is the way that you do it... that was my understanding of christs teachings anyways
so do nt be foolish do nt run from the truth you have now been shown that Jesus loves you and is wants you to live forever with Him if you would just confess your sins ask for forgiveness, accept Jesus as your Lord, Savior.
My three sons are all sound and getting on with their lives, without Drugs, Cigarets, Stealing, Cheating, Bullying, Prejudice or Hate, they accept all people and allow them to have their own opinions without sulking or falling out with them, Non of them have been bullied or sort to bully to get their own way, but have appreciated and loved the people they have met.
In her new book, For the Love, the author and speaker encourages readers to live out of grace, and to use grace to accept criticism and give correction in the context of loving community when needed.
One man, now living in a permanent committed relationship, told of his struggles with guilt and self - acceptance and said: «Accepting Christ and becoming openly gay have changed my just plain sexuality into love - expressive sexuality.»
He has done an incredible job of making me and other people from all walks of life feel welcomed, accepted, safe and loved.
Stop making Jesus a hippie who accepts everything in the name of love and portray the Jesus shown in the bible: the Son of God who came to fulfill the law, die for our sins, love the people of this world enough to show sinners that they were sinning, and give us the ability to live freely and eternally if we ADMIT our sins and live in a Christlike manner.
Then there are the Bad Attitudes of the immature in faith: I have a hard time accepting myself; I feel overwhelmed by all the responsibilities and obligations I have; My life is filled with stress and anxiety; I tend to be critical of other people; I do not want churches getting involved in political issues; I do not understand how a loving God can allow so much pain and suffering in the world.
The Christian life is not about tolerance... but truth... The Bible is quite specific about what sin is... we must love the sinner but not tolerate the sin... being a Christian requires us to know and speak the truth in love... tolerance means accepting everything without judgment... we can not do that in this society in the midst of moral decay.
One could only accept them, be patient and live in hope; and mutual love was a great help and solace in times of trial (in La Peste, Camus shows that it still is).
But I think there is some risk that it might be misconstrued so as to obscure certain truths which I believe to be fundamental: that the Passion is the moment at which that complete oneness with the Father which is the unique and all - pervading characteristic of the life of Jesus is paradoxically manifested; that it is at that moment, above all, that Jesus discloses to us God himself in action; that the judgement passed on Jesus and the testing brought to bear upon him are a judgement and a testing exercised (of course, within the permissive will of God) by evil men, or, to use mythological language, by the devil; and that the judgement of God pronounced at Calvary is that which Christ's accepting love passes upon those men, and upon ourselves as sharers in their sinfulness, by showing up their sin in all its hatefulness.
This self love is sin.God never forced chaos on us.we gave in to satan's lies about evil being an inherent necessity.Jesus said he was the way, the truth and life.He was the life (love) that everyone craves for, he is the truth which meant that his love was our only need and he exposed the lies of satan that we could attain bliss on subordinating people to our cravings.Sinning people don't accept a God who requires us to renounce ourselves because they are not convinced of God's love being enough for them and they are afraid to destroy their identity and live for the Glory of God.So, upon death, these souls realize that the physical world was just a shadow of God's love (the nature, food etc) and their own lies (violence, self love etc) and realize that love is their only need.They pursue it from other soul beings but are hurt that there's only hate and self love.They are afraid to approach the light because they don't want to renounce their identity as they have not recognized God's love before.
Young people are drawn closer to accepting God's word when they see others living it and teaching it with love.
We have accepted God's free gifts of love and mercy to end that kind of slavery, so why would we wish that kind of life on someone we care for?
There can be little question that Whitehead himself accepted this; he believed that the tenderness, sympathy, and love which were shown in Jesus» life and death are in fact the disclosure of the nature of the Divine Reality who is the chief — although not the only — principle of explanation for all that has been, is, and will be.
For me, better still is to find the peace that passes all understanding in communities that live by counter-imperial values, where one is accepted and loved regardless of one's usefulness or even moral standing, and where one is freed to love others as well.
Yet if he were seriously to accept the attitude of mind which prevails throughout the whole New Testament he might come to see that, although there are many things which appear to deny the love and justice of God in this life, he is quite literally in no position to judge the final issue.
Death sinks into our lives, it slowly becomes accepted reality but we always carry a homesickness for the ones we have loved, the ones who created us in a million ways.
If I was living on the wrong path leading to death with all the dumb things I was doing like listening to bad music, goofing around in class, cussing, acting like I was a gangster, wanting to try drugs, being suicidal and being around with close friends that are doing the bad then he can change you too because, I tell you that if you think that your life will go for the worst if you accept them then you're wrong because, if you have faith in him and you accept him as your savior and follow his ways then he has your road all planned out, he's going to give you such blessings and a happiness and love that compares to none others.
Once they come to accept Jesus and understand His love then they can have a life change away from their sin to living a life for God through Christ.
If we were to accept the presence of God in our lives, we would move more slowly, eat more slowly, take time for loving each other, and act with curiosity and sensitivity to all things.
«Left conservatives» or «Red Tories,» for example, accept Marx's analysis while aiming at something like Burke's more traditionalist or organic vision — a return to less calculating, more chivalrous, less laborious, less urban and more pastoral, more loving and familial, more pious ways of life.
So in reference to the orginal article and my first point, I would only echo Pascal's Wager: if I live life accepting of God and «love my neighbor,» but it turns out to be wrong because there is no God, I have no regrets; if I live life unaccepting of God and He does exist, well I guess Ghandi and I will be sharing a room...
We are both physical and spiritual, when we learn to love where it's easier (physical) we can fully accept the future living conditions of the spiritual.
Once I got over apologizing for my curiosity and questions, and began accepting (and even embracing) that part of myself, the more I began to love life.
Judge made the biggest mistake of his life to let that mosque to be built.and problem is that people will pay heavily for that decision.Islam is the source of problem, Koran is the source problem.They use our freedom of religion, they sneak in cities under the name of peace and love then they strike hard, though other religions have no rights in their contries.Here is statement from Omar Ahmed chairman of the Board of council on America Islamic Relation:» Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant.The Quran should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth «Does this sounds to you religionf peace, love and logic?or terrorist thresd for thr future?
The more a couple can accept the fact that their sex life will have its variations, and the less they have to prove their masculinity or femininity by performing successfully, the more they will be able to relax and enjoy love - making.
For Luther, God accepts us, and therefore we can live lives that indeed are loving, for we do not have to earn that which we already possess.
Where life brings loneliness or insecurity in our identity, the Gospel promises that we are loved, accepted and made complete in Christ.
What the New Testament does do is to portray the gracious message of an open access to that same God whose depth of accepting love is seen on a cross and whose presence in the life of that crucified one is designed to call forth from us the same awe, reverence, and obedience to those rules of life through which we find the fullness of life, the depth of love, and the meaning of our own humanity.
If we accept our life and the lessons it offers us without judgement (by the grace of God, if you like) there is no hate, only love, and a deep appreciation of the awesome wonder of everything that is.
We can accept both judgment and fulfillment in Holy Love as the reality in which our life is founded.
What should be a community of accepting and loyal love extending its life to all, is in part a community divided against itself, sometimes adding to, if not blessing, the existing divisions in society and unable, therefore, to give a convincing witness to the faith by which it lives.
My friend knew that loving God, caring for her mother, choosing life and accepting loss were all somehow wrapped up together.
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