Sentences with phrase «love are the same people»

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You need support along the way, not just from friends and loved ones, but from people who've been down the same road before.
If you're a really close - knit company where people love working for you, and then you sell it to a company that doesn't have the same culture, I feel that you're letting people down.
The reports detailed other examples of people having their warnings of sexual assault at Mexican resorts taken down on the same basis as Love's, or because the website claimed they were second - hand information.
It is difficult to retain people unless they share the same passion, enthusiasm and love for their work as some others who continue to stay longer.
If you create a culture where people love coming to work and are moving in the same direction, you will land where you set your heights.
«We are in a golden era for transformation, and while people throw around the word disruption all the time, as someone who loves business strategy and technology strategy I can tell you the lines are disappearing and they are becoming one and the same
«But when you find people that love doing the same things you do, you can share things with them, you can geek out... you're finding people that share your passion.»
In the end, it's all the same game: Accumulating good assets that are structured intelligently and throw off fresh funds for you to spend, reinvest, save, gift, or donate, empowering you to arrange your day doing what it is you enjoy, and spending time with the people you love, rather than selling more hours of your life.
[14:18] Rules of the game to succeed, but not for fulfillment [14:40] God loves diversity; same is true with people — different sources of fulfillment [14:55] Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure [16:53] We all have something different as our inner desire, you need to find what fulfills you [17:05] A cautionary tale: Robin Williams, the loss of a national treasure [18:42] He lit everybody up, except himself [19:15] Most of us live a life where we succeed but we're not truly fulfilled [20:10] Richard: Tony, what is your method for happiness?
So, fishon, why exactly do you think that a loving, monogamous relationship between two people of the same sex is sin?
If people have not realized that, then I hope that when they do, they also realize that he is the same super person they loved before they found out.
What you don't seem to get is that you casual implied I was sub-human in our conversation (that the best of me is only as good as the worse of a «normal» person), and yet you don't seem to display any recognition of that fact, any remorse at having said it, nor any appreciation of the hypocracy of then saying we are the same, that you love me and that you are a friend to me.
And, I wish people who have never studied the bible and the qu «ran to stop and learn the truth... both books are telling the same story of God's love and they both have been used to kill and enslave people.
Are you equating someone offering a discount on an oil change for spouting off a Bible verse... vs. allowing people who happen to be of the same gender, who love and care for each other and want... and... are deserving of equal civil rights and equal treatment under the law... as = to being the «same thing».Are you equating someone offering a discount on an oil change for spouting off a Bible verse... vs. allowing people who happen to be of the same gender, who love and care for each other and want... and... are deserving of equal civil rights and equal treatment under the law... as = to being the «same thing».are deserving of equal civil rights and equal treatment under the law... as = to being the «same thing»...?
Do you want that the people you know and love who do not share the same belief as you be tortured forever?
I loved King's book about a society that becomes so backward, they elect a community organizer with no experience to run the country.I can't recall the name of it but it was a scary book.In the end, the same crazy people vote for him again while chanting» yes we can» like rabid wolves.
You could simply eliminate God as love, and then see how all people are the same in the end and thinking of those who filled our lives with meaning.
Do you think it is wrong, according to the bible, for two people of the same se.x to live together in a loving and se.xual relationship?
She believes that God is Love and good for her, she is not forcing the people on their death bed to believe the same.
* I love the irony of that verse being in a letter to and from the same people as the main proof text used for exclusion of females.
But I can imagine, the people with so much «love» to support this is the same that don't have any «love» left to care for the rest of the planet.
So here you quote a single verse that makes four claims about me, three of which I know to be flat - out lies and the fourth condemning a practice that is lauded repeatedly elsewhere in the same book (loving people).
How gay marriage does fit in to all of this I don't understand.I might understand it if you thought that people are gender based in their capability to love and care.And I would understand if you would think that a married couple should not be of the same sex..
So everyone read the same verse from the Koran... probably would have been really cool if it was one of the ones about loving people as opposed to one of the verses about killing people.
This is true, allow peace to make its way to the people, BOTTOMLINE GOD LOVES US ALL THE SAME, even in our uglyness
Just like all the illegal aliens that you love to see breaking the law, they are hurting the same amount of people as are here illegally because they are taking jobs and receiving tax dollars as welfare.
The website «Love One Another: A Discussion on Same - Sex Attraction», outlines the church's position on «same - sex attraction» and provides readers with a host of videos from «church members who are attracted to people of the same sex, and conversations with the loved ones of gay spouses, children, or grandchildren who are dealing with the effects of same - sex attraction in their own lives.&raSame - Sex Attraction», outlines the church's position on «same - sex attraction» and provides readers with a host of videos from «church members who are attracted to people of the same sex, and conversations with the loved ones of gay spouses, children, or grandchildren who are dealing with the effects of same - sex attraction in their own lives.&rasame - sex attraction» and provides readers with a host of videos from «church members who are attracted to people of the same sex, and conversations with the loved ones of gay spouses, children, or grandchildren who are dealing with the effects of same - sex attraction in their own lives.&rasame sex, and conversations with the loved ones of gay spouses, children, or grandchildren who are dealing with the effects of same - sex attraction in their own lives.&rasame - sex attraction in their own lives.»
Funny thing is, those same people rarely follow their own advice or the things Jesus clearly and plainly says, such as loving others.
When you are talking about something as fundamentally important as who a person loves and wants to spend their life with, rejecting their actions is the same as rejecting the person.
its people who think love is all the same thing..
And how wd you define lesbianism / homosexuality... is it the sexual act or what if two people of the same sex loved each other, but were unable to have sex, wd that be a sin?
To hold that same - sex marriage is part of the fundamental right to marry, or necessary for giving LGBT people the equal protection of the laws, the Court implicitly made a number of other assumptions: that one - flesh union has no distinct value in itself, only the feelings fostered by any kind of consensual sex; that there is nothing special about knowing the love of the two people whose union gave you life, whose bodies gave you yours, so long as you have two sources of care and support; that what children need is parenting in some disembodied sense, and not mothering and fathering.
To all here, I am not sure you can believe this, but it is possible to be kind and loving while the same time believing people are sinful.
(n. 29) «Therefore, the priest's life ought to radiate this spousal character which demands that he be a witness to Christ's spousal love, and thus be capable of loving people with a heart which is new, generous and pure, with genuine self - detachment, with full, constant and faithful dedication and at the same time with a kind of «divine jealousy» (cf. 2 Cor 11:2)-- and even with a kind of maternal tenderness, capable of bearing the «pangs of birth» until «Christ be formed» in thefaithful (cf. Gal 4:19).
be a witness to Christ's spousal love, and thus be capable of loving people with a heart which is new, generous and pure, with genuine self - detachment, with full, constant and faithful dedication and at the same time with a kind of «divine jealousy» (cf. 2 Cor 11:2)-- and even with a kind of maternal tenderness, capable of bearing the «pangs of birth» until «Christ be formed» in the faithful (cf. Gal 4:19).
It wasn't the summer that brought an end to my doubt, but it was the summer I encountered a different Jesus, a Jesus who requires more from me than intellectual assent and emotional allegiance; a Jesus who associated with sinners and infuriated the religious; a Jesus who broke the rules and refused to cast the first stone; a Jesus who gravitated toward sick people and crazy people, homeless people and hopeless people; a Jesus who preferred story to exposition and metaphor to syllogism; a Jesus who answered questions with more questions, and demands for proof with demands for faith... a Jesus who healed each person differently and saved each person differently; a Jesus who had no list of beliefs to check off, no doctrinal statements to sign, no surefire way to tell who was «in» and who was «out»; a Jesus who loved after being betrayed, healed after being hurt, and forgave while being nailed to a tree; a Jesus who asked his disciples to do the same...
How can a God who says «Love your enemies» (Matthew 5:44) be the same God who instructs His people in the Old Testament to kill their enemies?
I'm not sugar coating anything your denying people love, dude thy tyrant did the same thing yo me and my people they said we cant love humans,... so i lead a rebellion these people love each other but That God has to have all the love to himself jealousy is a horrible curse.
For the person who loves and shows concern for all creatures, life will «become harder... in every respect than it would be if [one] lived for [oneself], but at the same time it will be richer, more beautiful and happier.
Can it really be wrong to fall in love with a Christian of the same sex and to marry that person?
So when a gay person says he loves his partner, that is the same kind of love the pedophile is speaking about because it's not biblical.
If a homosexual person is so made that an intimate loving relationship is possible only with a member of the same sex, on what basis can this experience of love be declared sinful?
In the wake of the Supreme Court basically saying that two people can get married if they love each other, even if they are of the same sex, a Montana man and his two wives have requested to get legally married.
It's the same message as «sex sells» in that your only worth is some how linked to your vagina and not in what kind of loving, compassionate, strong person you are.
This is an important point, for, while we have often taught what is wrong with homosexuality, why it is a disorder and that «gay sex» is always morally wrong - we have been less effective at proposing the whole, positive vision of sex and love, and also what paths to fulfilment are open to people who experience same - sex attraction.
Having spent the last ten years wrestling through some tough questions related to faith, heaven, hell, and salvation, I really appreciate the personal way in which Bell frames the conversation, asking the very questions I was so afraid to ask all those years and proclaiming the same hope I only dared believe — that God doesn't give up on people, that he is ever - loving, ever - redeeming, ever pursuing.
The essence of Christian behavior is to treat people as people, all equally loved by the same Father, however much they may differ in talents or development.
When I hear that there is no room for God in the whole «mental health» debate, I want to remind those people of something that I think is one of the key issues at the center of this whole conversation: God loves people in their humanity and we are to do the same of one another.
It is about the big things: Inviting people to church but loving them just the same if they say «no,» actually making it a priority to participate and serve in the ministries of the church, financially investing in the mission of the local church and yielding to God's direction of my life over my own ideas of how this life should go.
Indeed, homosexual persons are called to live out the inclination which is natural for them, namely, in fidelity to another person of the same sex, and enjoying sexual acts not primarily for pleasure but as expressions of love.
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