Sentences with phrase «love by his father»

«I suddenly saw Maria not as a threat to my personal purity or professionalism, but as a little girl, greatly loved by her Father in heaven... [and that] evil had completely devoured and consumed [her life].
If you read St. John 14, it will tell you that for the man who loves God (he will keep His words) and be loved by the Father also.
That love is not some vague feeling or looking after people in our community, important though that is; it is by following Christ's teaching, living out as closely as possible the manner of His perfect loving, that we attain heaven: «He who has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me; and he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.»
The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.»
God sacrificed Himself, so man would know just how much we're loved by the Father.
He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him.»
Those who have my commandments and keep them are those who love me; and those who love me will be loved by my Father; and I will love them and reveal myself to them»
And whoever loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and reveal myself to him.»
And who loves me will be loved by my father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.»
That, along with the tension from someone who is trying to destroy anyone who was loved by his father's work partner, leads to a game of who - dun - it!

Not exact matches

«On the eve of @simonegjohnson #goldenglobes as the first #GoldenGlobeAmbassador I honor and thank the two fathers in her life who love her more than life itself,» Garcia wrote with a pic of her current and ex-husband both standing by Simone.
It was disclosed by her older brother, Thomas Markle Jr, who told that Markle's father was «proud» of the relationship and that the prince and the actress, 35, were «very much in love».
Besides which if you buy into the narrative Jesus» death was pre-ordained, pre-planned and executed by his loving «father» JHVH himself.
As someone who has sat by the death bed of a sister, father and mother, I full heartily agree that those looking into the thin veil that separates the living and dead, think about their loved ones not God.
We should learn from those who are dying that the best way to teach our children about God is by loving each other wholly and forgiving each other fully - just as each of us longs to be loved and forgiven by our mothers and fathers, sons and daughters.
But when it comes to non-autonomous children, policy protects their rights to pursue happiness by promoting the truth about marriage» encouraging a man and a woman to commit to each other permanently and exclusively so that any children that their union produces will have access to the love and care of their mother and father.
The same with the second man... we can say that it appears that he was doing the will of the Father by loving his neighbor but we do not know what was in his heart upon his death.
By thoughtfully advocating for changes in unjust systems, providing relief in areas of raw need, and empowering people within broken neighborhoods to love one another, the power of the Gospel to deal with individual sin and systemic injustice will be proclaimed to the watching world to the praise of our Father.
Jesus Christ was with the Holy Father and Loved by him in Heaven, long before he was made manifest in the flesh.
If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him... Why all the expectations by the A&A's of the bride??
So let's say this movie is about a woman whose life was shaped by love of her father; the making of the film Mary Poppins (as well as the writing of the book) is about her coming to terms with the truth about personal love and death and all that.
This is not just true of impoverished people, addicts, prostitutes, and those we normally think of, but dignity extended to those who have been terribly wounded by the impossible standards of traditional religion can work wonders in showing people that God is not a tyrant whose expectaions we can never live up to, but a loving Father who takes us as we are.
To hold that same - sex marriage is part of the fundamental right to marry, or necessary for giving LGBT people the equal protection of the laws, the Court implicitly made a number of other assumptions: that one - flesh union has no distinct value in itself, only the feelings fostered by any kind of consensual sex; that there is nothing special about knowing the love of the two people whose union gave you life, whose bodies gave you yours, so long as you have two sources of care and support; that what children need is parenting in some disembodied sense, and not mothering and fathering.
God gains nothing by being adored, but we gain everything because we are blessed by being drawn ever deeper into his presence, knowing and loving him more and more as he allows us to enter the endless mystery of his being as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The father died a year ago in May, in his bed, surrounded by family who loved him enough to have gone on caring for him indefinitely, who had not tired of him and his needs, who bore his sufferings with him, who found him even in his infirmity to be good company worth having for as long as he stayed.
And we are blessed as believers and unbelievers that we are created by God who is loving, merciful and gracious to give us time to find our way to Him, or back to Him, to begin rebuilding and reconnecting as Father and child.
Twos learn that they are needy themselves and that in Christ they are loved and cherished by the Father, growing in service without expecting anything in return.
Viagra til the day we die... Or what about a friend of mine who has been sexually abused by her father and uncle beginning at age three, who only ever went from abuse to abuse and never had a loving sexual relationship.
In a statement released by the FCO, his family said: «We are all deeply saddened by the loss of Ian, a loving father, husband, and devout Christian, who dedicated much of his life in the service of others.
He is our Father, creator who loves us and wants to be loved by us.
But I think there is some risk that it might be misconstrued so as to obscure certain truths which I believe to be fundamental: that the Passion is the moment at which that complete oneness with the Father which is the unique and all - pervading characteristic of the life of Jesus is paradoxically manifested; that it is at that moment, above all, that Jesus discloses to us God himself in action; that the judgement passed on Jesus and the testing brought to bear upon him are a judgement and a testing exercised (of course, within the permissive will of God) by evil men, or, to use mythological language, by the devil; and that the judgement of God pronounced at Calvary is that which Christ's accepting love passes upon those men, and upon ourselves as sharers in their sinfulness, by showing up their sin in all its hatefulness.
The Fifth Commandment, «Honor your father and your mother,» could not be shrugged off; neither could the command to love your neighbor, represented by the people Jesus was teaching.
God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit (who was sent by the Father to lead us into righteousness) want us to have the peace of Christ — nothing can separate us from the love of God and, though this world is passing, they and their love for us never will.
In that respect, by far the most extensive references in Irenaeus to divine love name not the Father but the Son; the one who is «a most holy and merciful Lord, who loves the human race» is precisely the Savior (3.18.6).
Jesus always looks to the Father, knowing that God is gathering those around him into a household, a home, a community by the working of that same love.
The essence of Christian behavior is to treat people as people, all equally loved by the same Father, however much they may differ in talents or development.
The family was confronted by the crisis of the fall and return of the prodigal, and in this crisis the quality of the father's love made possible a new and deeper reality of family life and relationships.
Both sons are prodicals what God is teaching us through the parable is revealing the intents of our hearts there sinful.The younger son wanted the worldly pleasures that was where his heart was at at least he is honest.The older brothers heart was no better because it was all about him it wasnt out of love for his father that he stayed on the farm but that by his works he would gain all that his father had.If he loved his father he would have known how his father would have responded to his brother and he himself would also have been happy to have seen his brother alive again.In the back of his mind he is worried that he may lose more of his inheritance and feels threatened and that is why he responds in the way he does.His heart hasnt changed at all even though his brother has come back from the dead.
A loving father and faithful husband, patron of the arts and friend of the poor, Cromwell not only defends the indefensible, and even legitimates it, by drafting new laws, he also, in his sweet time, takes definitive revenge on his enemies: those who stood in judgment on his patrons, Cardinal Wolsey and the king, and those who underestimated himself, the lowborn blacksmith's son.
On the contrary, the true founder, like the true father, shows his love for his followers when he teaches them, often by example, that one's life is not worth living if there is nothing worth dying for.
Though innocent of all violence attributed to Him, God allowed the violence committed by others to be laid upon His head so that He might take the blame and thereby rescue and deliver mankind from most of the self - destructive consequences of their sin, and reveal Himself to mankind as a loving Father who takes our sin upon Himself for our deliverance from the consequences of sin and for the sake of our relationship with Him.
By way of criticism, I simply note that, despite his emphasis on the inner life of Cod as a process of self - giving love, Jüngel, like Moltmann and Mühlen, continues to look upon the Spirit as the bond of love between the Father and the Son.
By allowing room for God's freedom to fall in love with Abraham, the gentiles gain a heavenly Father who is also concretely concerned with them, and not just with humanity in the abstract.
The Father not only loves others by loving the Father's Son, but also directly «loves you» (16:27), i.e., the disciples, the ones who abide in Jesus» love.
The Lord passed before him and proclaimed, «The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but who will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children's children, to the third and the fourth generation.»
I was loved by my church members and also expected to give them the attention I would have given them if they were my fathers and mothers, daughters and sons.
It's clear to us that the will of God in heaven is the perfect, eternal love of Father, Son, and Spirit, unmarred by any suffering or dying.
To illustrate by a few examples from his precepts, note the reason given for the course of action that is enjoined, «Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven» (Matt.
The only significant point of difference between my understanding of the Trinity and theirs is the one which I urged earlier in my critique of their respective theories: namely, that the role of the Spirit within the Trinity as the bond of love between the Father and the Son should not overshadow the fact that God is by nature community or interpersonal process.
You were created by the Creator our loving eternally loving Father.
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