Sentences with phrase «love language speaks»

If so, I would guess it's this love language she speaks, rather than Quality Time.
Remember, amplifying attention on your partner is to love them in the love language they speak.
Just like the love language we speak most often, we have a language we want to hear an apology spoken in.

Not exact matches

My response: «Now you're speaking my love language.
Although she spoke no English when she arrived and we spoke no Farsi there was a universal language of love, laughter and kindness shared.
Before they can understand the messages in the Bible (or any written or spoken thought), children must learn to understand language, but they do not need to understand words to feel and express love.
«13 If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didn't love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.
We become ourselves, as infants, by learning to love and to speak, and we have language in particular as a gift from other people.
She speaks the language of love and compassion and her act of love is not motivated by selfish gain.
Thus, when he is speaking in language of his own choice he does not say, «Thou shalt love God.»
How can we speak truth to power when we have abandoned the powerful language of our past and acquiesced in trivializing the powerful and revolutionary message of Christ into bumper sticker messages like, «Honk if you love Jesus.»?
In the end Pope Francis simply teaches us we must love the Church because «the Church is a Mother who teaches us to speak the language of faith» (LF 38).
Is it possible to discover in this love an appropriate language for speaking with our?
Paul says that «Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up» (1 Cor 8:1) and later that even if we have all knowledge, and understand all mysteries, and can speak in other languages, but have not love, all that knowledge is nothing (1 Cor 13:1 - 3).
The Church Speaks The Language of Love This is the sort of language we use to talk about marriage and complete sacrifice between lovers.
We speak of the living God to stress what in more philosophical language is called a personal God — one who loves and cares, who thinks and wills, who created the world and who continuously acts within it.
Did not the burning bush speak, the moving finger write on a despot's wall, the Tower of Babel confound language and, thus, communication, the Pentecost bring tongues of fire that translated love into each listener's native language?
She was born in this country, speaks English as her first language, loves football, holds a British passport and was christened in a church.»
Loving thoughts, spoken words, body language, physical touch, momentary interactions with others, acts of mercy and kindness, creating and sharing images of Love through song, art, photography and all creative forms, giving others attention, being fully present and listening to others, affirming the spiritual identity of others, are all expressions of Love.
and we explain spending time with people and loving them, they look at us like we're speaking an alien language, and then ask again, «But where do you go to church?»
Also this gnocchi speaks my love language.
First off, sauerkraut — you are speaking my love language!.
I love food blogging because I have found such people who speak my language!
Great folks, passionate about sandwiches and speaking my love language.
We speak the same food language and I love to cook.
This Mother's Day, I decided to put together something that would speak directly to my love language.
My little man just turned 4 today, just you wait until Elsa starts talking like a 4 year old: - / Love that she speaks a little of both your languages.
You are speaking my language with this glorious chocolate recipe, love your extra special twist you did on this!
OMGosh Ella - you are totally speaking my food love language with these!
Ahhhh!!!!! You are so speaking my love language girl!!!
I Love my heritage, both my boys (Born in the US) speak french, but I won't accept that my beloved HABS settle for less because someone puts language as the MOST important factor.
Find out which love language your child speaks and how to best communicate love to her in her own language.
I told my husband when you posted it last week that you spoke my love language.
But sometimes, we're not speaking our children's love language and that can lead to frustrated children who don't feel connected to their parents.
Given these love languages, what would be some things that would work for a father who wants to speak his child's love language?
However, speaking in your partner's love language will most likely not be natural for you.
They may have been expressing love for their spouse, but in reality, they may have been speaking a different love language.
Since you probably have been speaking what you need all along, you can discover your own love language by asking yourself these questions:
Finding and learning to speak love in your child's primary love language will go a long way to helping them feel that their father loves them and makes them a priority in his life.
They say the language of love is universal; so too is the lexicon of pampering, the spoken word of the spa.
Take time to determine which love language works for your wife or partner, and then speak love in her love language.
If you don't speak that language, your child will not feel loved, no matter how much love you show them in other ways.
In his free time, Momo loves learning new languages and currently speaks English, Burmese and French and is looking to expand into Mandarin and German.
I love it when the passenger next to me on the bus speaks a language I don't recognise - I revel in its music.
Imagine that one day you were unable to connect with your loved ones with spoken language.
I would love to learn to speak every language in the world!
Today I'm speaking a love language almost every woman I know can relate to....
The payoff of speaking each other's love language is a greater sense of connection.
Part of the arc is to reconcile differences, such as learning, speaking, and becoming highly skilled at speaking your loved one's love language.
Now you're speaking our love language.
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