Sentences with phrase «love of money»

I meet another charming and intelligent community of the few and faithful, and hear another sermon offering further warnings against love of money.
What a great way to be fashionable for not a whole love of money.
Since branching out on his own as a director following his collaboration on the Coens» first three films, Sonnenfeld had made some good movies (The Addams Family, Men in Black, Get Shorty) but also some pretty lousy ones (For Love of Money; Wild, Wild West).
«Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, «I will never leave you nor forsake you.»
In response to Pope Francis» message on the evils of love of money, Wasilla Barbie (aka sarah palin) stated she was «taken aback by the pope's liberal statements», rush limbaugh has called the pope a «Marxist» and stuart varney publicly rejected the Pope outright, saying he simply has to «go to church to save my soul».
«But only love of money a d power», ladies and gentlemen the Oscar goes too... the melodramatic kid about video games.
Greed, after all, is the unseemly and excessive love of money, a desire for more than your share.
It could be because the church no longer offers social progress, so love of money and power take people elsewhere (which is politics in this town, and there's another story!).
When administrators, who are too trapped by love of money, either fail or refuse or have not the brain to see this sea change happening — which is a cancer within it — the games future is in mortal danger.
American Gods centers on a war brewing between the traditional gods of mythological roots from around the world and an upstart pantheon of gods reflecting society's modern love of money, technology, media, celebrity and drugs.
The only believable reason this classic was remade was for love of money, but it does look fantastic doing it.
Sorry but the only thing i can say is that xbox brand, this website is pure evil, stupid and they are in the business not because of the love of games, but only love of money a d power....
The actual saying is «the love of money is the root of all evil.»
«The plaintiff asks me to consider that the defendant is a wealthy man who touts himself as a leading high - tech entrepreneur and investment guru; who prefers to be called «Mr. Wonderful»; who professes his knowledge and love of money; and who derides the death of money,» her decision reads, noting that she had never watched the show «Shark Tank.»
For the Love of Money: A Memoir is Polk's story, and yesterday marked its launch in bookstores.
Insofar as money is a vehicle for acquiring that power, it plays a role, but absent power - lust, money and the love of money are both wonderful things.
Other religious leaders regularly note that «the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil» and that «a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.»
We are all aware how they have changed from being loving of people, to loving of money and power.
We have comments from the Pope regarding the evils of the love of money... we have comments from American conservatives criticizing the Pope for his comments regarding the evils of the love of money.
Jesus said that the «love of money is the root of all evil.»
So the American right wing has proven itself, beyond a shadow of a doubt: Their entire political agenda is built upon the LOVE OF MONEY.
It is the love of money or anything for that matter that comes before God..
He said that the love of money was the root of all kinds of evil.
I am reminded of what Jesus said about the purest form of religion being taking care of the most vulnerable of society with widows and orphans and to keep from being polluted by evil, in this case the love of money over meeting the needs of the poor.
Jesus didn't say the love of money was the root of all evil.
Diogenes and St. Paul agree: The love of money is the mother, the root, of all evil.
The book of Hebrews affirms the connection between God's presence and our contentment and says, «Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, «Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.
Greed, love of money, hating those less fortunate gotten to too many??
The Bible has a lot to say about the love of money (greed)... Worrying about who it's going to offend is a fear of man and the Bible says that «a fear of man is a snare.
The «love of money» seemed enough of a «root of all kinds of evil» that it presented a pressing pastoral problem for the early church.
When we select nominal Christians as board members because of their clout over faithful disciples of Jesus we boldly declare our love of money and power.
«It's the love of money that is the problem, not the money itself,» is another phrase you may have heard - it's rooted in 1 Timothy 6:10.
Our society is marked by no accepted standard of values beyond the purely material, the false god of success, the lure of glamorized sex, the love of money and the «rat - race» of business or social competition.
Have you noticed any of those same issues that concern you about the religions of the world stemming from non-religious issues such as say politics or the love of money?
«The love of money is the root of all evil».
For the love of money is the root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.
In a world where the love of money, which equals power, wickedness will be king.
I also believe that Pastor what's his name was motivated to change the venue by the fear of losing money, again reaffirming that the LOVE of money is indeed the root of all evil.
Forced charity isn't charity at all: it's theft, and falls closely in line with the fact that the LOVE of money is the root of all evil.
To Pope Francis» credit, I believe that he was speaking out against excessive consumerism and the love of money over God; both of which are clearly sins.
Could it be that the love of money that feeds professional boxing and MMA is making supporters of these activities dismissive and blind to the wealth of medical evidence and moral questions surrounding their sport?
It is beyond me how my dear brethren uphold, «The love of money (greed) is root of all evil» and «Greed is good» philosophy at the same time!
How about this little gem «the love of money is the root of all evil».
Either they will be guided by the spiritual leader of their church and withdraw support from the Republican «trickle down» economy advocates or they will choose their love of money over allegiance to their religion and follow Rush Limbaugh into his world of hatred and bigotry, his own little Hell.
For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.
God's economic system sets us free from the love of money.
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