Sentences with phrase «love of self»

This is what constitutes the spiritual being: to truly know oneself and to have as a completion of this a true love of that self as known.
They have a false love of self that must die at the hand of true love.
This is a false belief that is not aligned with True Love of self.
It is the conflict between love of self, even to the point of hatred of God — and love of God, even to the point of hatred of self.
My project is to inform young people about the only history that they can claim, with all the terror and hopeless that attends that history, while, at the same time, trying to present hope and the possibility of love of self and self - respect.
even Sikh men trim their facial hair), and excessive love of self (especially holding self out of proper position toward God: is she a man or a woman??? She is really a self - imposed hybrid).
The randomness, struggle, and seemingly aimless meandering that the theory attributes to the universe are more or less what we should expect if creation is the product of the non-obtrusive love of a self - emptying God.
He said that «sensuality is, in effect, the inordinate love for all creaturely and mutable values which result from the primal love of self, rather than love of God.»
For Holloway, a suicide always ultimately is an action that is seeking to recover or affirm a deeper love of self, a love of what should have been even though now seemingly thwarted, because life seems filled with an unhappiness that should not be there.
Loving kindness, or Metta, is a form of meditation that emphasizes love of self, and how it is only by establishing this inner sense of connection with yourself that you can also love the people and things around you.
And if you wish to manifest a great love, your unshakeable love of self will ensure that your wish is realized.
Desiring change, she leaves Oregon for the open plains of a Wyoming ranch where she discovers through love of self how she can save her marriage.
Such a unification of existence will be fully accomplished when love becomes all that it ought to be and there is no longer tension or even difference between love of self and others or between the love of personal friends and of all humanity.
It's the crowd leading the change to take the «love of self» factor out of investing, and replace it with a «love of ideas» where great proposals will be funded to reach the market, regardless of the entrepreneur behind it.
The opposite of the love of God is the love of self.
Without the love of self, we can't begin to love G - D or each other.
It is at that point that fear casts out love — both love of God and love of self.
In the words of Pope John Paul II: «The fear of making a permanent commitment can change the mutual love of husband and wife into two loves of self - two loves existing side by side until they end in separation.
All the human loves are there — family love, love for home and country, love of life and love of self, and also the perversions of love and its rejection.
cit., pp. 201 ff., 222 - 226; Heim, Glaube und Denken, pp. 342 - 349; Will Herberg, Judaism and Modern Man [New York: Farrar, Straus & Young, 1951], pp. 63 - 66, 72 - 79, 96, 101 f. Herberg writes: «The dominion of sin can only be broken by a power not our own, the power of divine grace» [p. 77], and «In the last analysis, the choice is only between love of God and love of self, between a God - centred and self - centred existence» [p. 96].
Thus, there arose a distinction of immense importance between love of the other and love of self.
Knowledge of Christ and knowledge of self gives way to love of Christ and love of self.
In other words, blacks can not even begin to consider loving their white oppressors until they can experience a love of self and other blacks that flows from God's freely given agape.
We also find here a resolution of the problem which D'Arcy has posed in the tension between the two loves of self - affirmation and self - giving.
In the lives of the saints we see that love of God and neighbour brings a new quality to love of self, it is placed into an eternal dimension and removed from a neurotic self - obsession.
Jesus advocated and displayed a quality of life manifesting love of God, love of neighbor, and love of self.
He goes on telling about the life of Joshua and how he had to find a way to freedom breaking through so much old crap (bullshit) that had been placed upon him, until he realized the love of Self, the acceptance of Self.
The Bible speaks of the love of God and of all the human loves and their involvements: sex, comradeship, love of neighbour, love of self, love of mammon, love of enemies.
The three loves I'm talking about are love of self, love of purpose, and love of others.
It improves blood circulation; minimizes inflammation; balances hormones; benefits the health of your skin; supports detoxification; and balances the love of self and others.
And, perhaps most of all, what right do we have to criticize ourselves for being less then perfect, to take away our own joy and deplete the richness of our love of self?
I've watched clients, through committed practice, move from wholly negative self concepts to love of self, body and being.
For real life purposes and for long lasting satisfaction human beings require genuine chemistry, a love of self first, a respect and appreciation for the human body, and a consistently open mind and heart.
With the love of self in tact, the love of another becomes a phenomenal opportunity to be your best self with someone else, to give all that you are without pretense and to experience the music that is two souls colliding.
The greatest need in a soul is to achieve that loving of self which will bring about the unity wherein the judgments that have caused such pain are eliminated.
Celibacy is a spiritual state of mind and is about the love of self.
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