Sentences with phrase «love the feeling after»

How often have you thought you were truly in love, only to lose those in - love feelings after a few months?
They smelled great and loved the feeling after I put it on my skin.
I absolutely LOVE the feeling after an amazing workout class.
Remembering when this time was, can help reinforce those loving feelings after you are married.

Not exact matches

A buyer named Melissa says she loves the «minty and light» taste and clean feel left after using the toothpaste, while a reviewer named Angela reports that she doesn't notice [her» teeth being that sensitive anymore» after switching to the brand.
Everyone loves a sale or a discount — after all, saving money just feels good.
Or if it's after hours (or you just don't feel like chatting), you can fill out a form with your name, email address, and a few tidbits about you and your loved one, to give the poet a frame of reference.
who loves both the sound quality as well as the fit, which is so good that they didn't feel them even after a 10 - mile run.
After all, we rely on feeling and judgment to get through our lives, whether to fall in love, keep safe on dark streets, or assess business partners.
After over a decade in sales (which in large part, I loved) I felt ready for something new.
Hi a helps explain why I love cold so much cold weather swimming in cold lakes and of course cold showers I always feel refreshed after I've been in the cold
After working in sales for several years, I truly felt something was missing and decided to pursue my love of fitness.
Through them all we learn finally what Sukhanov thinks must be the meaning of his life: «And it was only after twenty - three years of mute crawling through the mud» only after he had felt the smooth taste of betrayal on his lips and the chilly weight of thirty pieces of silver in his sweaty palm, only after he had learned about the slow fattening of the soul, the anguish of wasted chances, the pain of love slipping away, the soft, horrifying slide into death» yes, it was only then that the elixir of life was granted to him and his resurrection assured.»
We think, in contrast to Saverin and Loyola, of Christopher Hitchens» moving essay «For Patriot Dreams,» written after 9/11, when he announces his desire to become a citizen of this country, not because he seeks any gain» he was already successful as an expatriate Brit» but because the murder of so many Americans had made him realize that he already felt the citizen's love for this nation.
After seven years of marriage, I can say with 100 percent certainty love is not a feeling.
The wake - up call came after I received a gracious, heartfelt email from a reader who said she loved the book because it gave her hope, made her feel less alone, and put into words what she had been feeling for many years.
That love is not some vague feeling or looking after people in our community, important though that is; it is by following Christ's teaching, living out as closely as possible the manner of His perfect loving, that we attain heaven: «He who has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me; and he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.»
... The Jews (just like the church now) got flippant concerning divorce... I feel Jesus didn't have to mention homosexuality because the Law was clear to any Jew at that time... Paul had to mention it because he was an apostle to the Gentiles who I think were more prone to homosexuality behavior... I'm though not as learned as you... just my thought after 15 years of thinking about this issue... The church has a sacred duty to all... even gays... we need a unified loving answer to give them... but it must be the truth... because only the truth can set us free...
I'm w / Jeff re true love, genuine love being a pro-active choice made in advance, not a warm tingly feeling after we see or experience something we like.
This is how I felt after reading Love Wins and asking, «Didn't Rob Bell raise some interesting questions?»
After years and years of church relationships, as soon as I feel like I'm not loved and valued for «me» but am viewed only as an answer to someone else's (or a church's) problem, I'm out.
Furthermore, this culture war has presented people like Justin, and people like Cindy — a mom who contacted Justin in a panic after learning her son was gay, knowing that her church was the last place she could turn if she wanted her son to feel loved and supported — with a dangerous false dichotomy: It's gays vs. Christians.
I love him so much now back then i lost feelings for him after finding out what he tried to do.
And after communion, I felt the most love and peace I'd ever felt, and Jesus said to me, «I'm sorry we didn't get to spend our time together in peace.»
I can't argue with his marketing savvy — a month after its release, Love & Friendship had already become Stillman's most successful film — but I also can't help feeling that we Janeites were onto something when we wondered about the aptness of the new title.
It feels like the kind of love that only goes away after a trip to the clinic and a round of antibiotics.
In A Married Man (1979), the barrister (trial lawyer) John Strickland, after reading Tolstoy's The Death of Ivan Ilyich, feels that his life is becalmed and embarks upon both a love affair and a political career.
Still others feel that God couldn't possibly love them after what they've done.
It's all wrapped up in a fun, feel - good package that will move you to love a giant pig - hippo - cow, and maybe make some changes after the credits roll.
After my father's death, I went alone to the cemetery and carried on an extended dialogue with the dad I carry in my memory, expressing some of the unfinished feelings of sadness and anger, guilt and love and gratitude about our relationship.
After the pope departed the nuns wanted to place the sacred symbol inside the gate of the camp as a symbol of God's love... however, The Jewish community was in an up roar... for they felt that in this place God was not!
As of a few months ago we are back in church after about 18 years and so far we feel good about it, a lot of the people have changed from years ago and we're trying to live day by day in Christ's love.
«A man's free - will, indeed, avails for nothing except to sin, if he knows not the way of truth; and even after his duty and his proper aim shall begin to become known to him, unless he also take delight in and feel a love for it, he neither does his duty, nor sets about it, nor lives rightly.
Finally found some people that going through the same thing as me Im 16 when i got saved i wanted to know alot about the Bible and God then there was one day in my bedroom where i was watching someone talking about blasphemy of the holy spirit and i kindda got curious and said something that i did nt mean and after that i felt a barrage of thoughts saying blasphemous things about god i wanted it to stop but it wouldnt it would allways happen randomly and finally figured that cussing god wasnt the unforgivable sin i finnaly calmed down and accepted that God still loves me but the thoughts still wont stop
Jefferson in his many words is todays paul by basically testifying to a lost society by preaching «The heart «that is what God wants not the shell which will rott away.I can stand with this truth until the day I die because I also have had disagreements in my church about this same topic.I dispise religion and encourage salvation which come from having a relationship with Jesus.Many may ask how do i have a relationship with him?by simply asking God through prayer, not what we know as pray but simply given up and telling God he win.That is what being righteous means saying «lord your're right and i will believe and obey that.Last i will like to thank jefferson for this clip, becuase for so long I have been feeling like todays churches in not like the first churches.They are stuck into their four cornered walls preaching to those who already obtain the word and people who already think they are perfect, but what about the weak and the sinners who we are suppose to love, go after, preach to, help and deliver the same way as Christ camed for the sinners so do we also be like him.Jefferson basically telling all us young people and old no matter who have suffered in the world, the church, or no matter what party or the past that there is hope and «God wants that person» not the sin but the person.Jefferson wants us to know that God can become personal with us and we do exist or can exist in the christian world not because we are perfect but because «he is perfect and he saw our broken spirits and rescued us!
They think of passionate love, perhaps after the fashion suggested by Dr. Anders Nygren in his well - known book Agape and Eros, as selfish in desiring a response and damaging in its feeling - tones of high intensity.
I see the person who will watch it, experience and emotional charge, a feeling that Jesus loves them and will help them, and then, a week, a month, a year later, after they make numerous bad decisions in their life, they seek the help of Jesus and they get absolutely nothing.
Shortly after the famous psychologist Abraham Maslow suffered a near - fatal heart attack, he wrote in a letter: «The confrontation with death — and the reprieve from it — makes everything look so precious, so sacred, so beautiful, that I feel more strongly than ever the impulse to love it, to embrace it, and to let myself be overwhelmed by it.
I was raised in church and always loved the Lord but after beeing working with YWAM for nearly 10 years I always felt there is more than what you find in a local church.
After the singing of the theme from Benji («I Feel Love») came the «Entrance of Special Guests,» and in walked Brujean's Trace of Beauty, Sun Dance's Top Dee - O - Gee, and We - X-L, who strolled down the aisle in canine dignity and took their seats on the front pew.
After a comfortable accommodation to monastic life, Luther entered preparation for ordination as a priest, but was plagued by depression about his relationship with God, feeling he could never make himself worthy of God's love.
I would love it if you could just embrace the fact that after many years of «wandering» I feel like I have found myself and my role in God's tapestry.
This looks so delicious — I love fajitas but tend to feel so full after eating the wraps, so I'm really looking forward to devouring this wrap - free version!
I am so glad that you love the recipes and feel so much better after having them.
Love raw lasanga and the cooked lasagna used to be my fave dish as well but I Always felt so bad and Heavy after eating it.
I don't know if these are the right words, but still: After reading your post and then reading quite a lot of the comments I felt so loved!
After 10 years of learning how to take care of myself better, feed myself better and love myself and my body more I was starting to feel pretty good and felt incredibly grateful to still be here at all.
I personally love this recipe and feel amazing after having it!
Hi Claire, I am so glad you love the recipes and feel great after having them.
I'm planning on opening up the pomegranate and taking out the seeds and just adding everything together, but I wish there was more direction about what to do... not sure if the recipe was meant to end this way, but it is a bit disconcerting... i am hoping these are technical problems, I have really loved seeing your posts, but after diving in to make your recipe I am feeling quite adrift...
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