Sentences with phrase «loved by my church members»

I was loved by my church members and also expected to give them the attention I would have given them if they were my fathers and mothers, daughters and sons.

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Just as the Church fills up in the bodies of her members the sufferings of Christ, so also the consolations of the Lord overflow to others through her as she fills out the full measure of the healing love of Christ by her sacramental ministry (cf. Col 1,24).
Today, however, her faithful members are asked whether they truly love the Church, accepting the change even though it appears strange at first, or whether by their secret or public protest they show that they have not really loved the Church herself, but only their idea of her.
Perhaps I may not even have understood some of these things, perhaps they are simply demanded by love for the others, for the Church, which means a certain member of the Church at a certain point of time.
Seeking, said their reunion plan, to create a church marked by «diversity and harmony, liberty and love,» both assemblies met in Pittsburgh in separate halls from which their members marched to opposite sides of a broad avenue.
These local churches and denominations, greatly loved as they are by their members, are not so hedged by divinity that pronouncements made in their name invite reverent attention.
A motion at its recent meeting asked the synod to «acknowledge the injury felt by members of the Church who enter into loving, committed and legally - recognised, same - sex relationships, due to the absence of provision for them to mark that key moment in their lives publicly and prayerfully in Church
The will of God begins to be fulfilled, they believe, as an ever increasing number of people identify themselves with the church by becoming its sworn members, thus entering a social group which stands and fights for the assertion of Christian love in all phases of life.
Regardless of what is happening among biological kin in any given week, members of the Body of Christ are helped by remembering that God loves and forgives them as they participate in the incarnation; the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ; the birth of the church; and the giving of the Holy Spirit.
Westboro Baptist is not a real church, they are hiding behind the appearance of an organized church, but there are no members besides Fred Phelps family, they do not have a place of worship, their sole purpose is to protest at funerals, of gay people and members of the military, which is not protected by the first amendment, it is harassment of people on the worst day of their lives, when they have to bury a loved one.
The grace of God has impelled members of many Churches and ecclesial Communities, especially in the course of the present century, to strive to overcome the divisions inherited from the past and to build anew a communion of love by prayer, by repentance and by asking pardon of each other for sins of disunity past and present, by meeting in practical forms of cooperation and in theological dialogue.
Love is featured in a video series produced by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - day Saints as part of its «I'm a Mormon» campaign, which aims to bring the faith of about 14 million members worldwide into the mainstream.
In eternity past, God did not choose who He would unconditionally and irresistibly bring into His church, but rather, decided that all those who believed in Jesus and in so doing became members of His church, to them He would give the task of being a blessing to the world by sharing serving one another, declaring God's grace, and loving others just as He has loved us.
Built with all the love in the world by members of the 7th - day Adventist Church..
Built with all the love in the world by members of the 7th - day adventist church.
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