Sentences with phrase «loved so»

I'm so glad that you loved them so much!
So glad that you loved it so much!
I'm so glad that you loved it so much, I bet it's awesome with the almond milk too!
Xx Loved them so so much!
He had lived a life of self - sacrifice in the continent which was so dear to him and now he had laid his life for the people whom he loved so much.
Still upset a few weeks later, he wrote to Papst: «She died having total faith in Christ... I loved her so very much.»
If we as Christians, as well as non-Christians look at how Jesus conducted Himself and loved so abundantly and fully, there is no other answer / conclusion, than to love and love all as God intended.
However, God loved us so much he sent his son, Jesus, to take the punishment we deserve for our sins.
snowpeas, you must have never had a mother and father who loved you so much, that they grieved when you rebelled and had no gratefulness in your heart toward them for all the love they shown you and all that they've done for you!
My prayer for you is that you will find Him again in the truth of the gospels that you once told me you loved so well.
Cardinal Heenan remains one of the most well - loved leaders of the Church in this land and he sought to carry out his vocation to the priesthood in the Church he loved so much.
Which is why, in feeling sorrow at his death I have found myself taking up the mantle of apprenticeship once again that Willard had commended, and finding myself in the prayer that Willard loved so well: «Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven.»
It ushered in a new covenant, a righteousness becuase he took on my unrighteousness that cost him his death in my place (so sin is a big deal), God loved me so much that despite the fact I was his enemy (and he saw me in that way) he pursued me to make me right with him!
I hated how well - intentioned pastors and leaders were taking the Bible I loved so much and turning into yet another magazine cover that asks: «Are you biblical enough?»
Jesus gave his own life for everybody not just christians because he loved us so much.
Loved this so much I had to buy it before I lost it to some one else.
Bob Fast forward 3,400 years and write 10,000 times God loved us so much he gave His only son so that none would perish.
Instead, God loved us so much that he humbled himself to the death of the cross, and paid the price we can not pay.
He loved me so much that he seemed to pervade my being, at a time when I could be only imperfectly conscious of his presence.
Now God had every right to wipe mankind clean off the face of this planet because of how evil and rebellious we are but instead He loved us so much that He took off His godly attributes, became flesh and lived among us as a man and his will was the Father's will.
Sometimes it really does hurt because I've loved them so much...
This New York Times bestseller arose out of The Quotidian Mysteries (that one I loved so much above).
And yet he loved so much, valued us so much, that he came, knowing what we would do to him.
a true PROPHET lives in a country called Kenya cripples have walked, blind have seen, deaf hear, dump spoken through the name of our lord Jesus and his blood.for GOD loved us so much that he gave us his only son that whoever shall believe in him shall not perish but have internal life
She was, after all, besides an artist and a woman of profound faith, human in her reluctance to leave what she loved so well.
God loved us so much he gave his One and only begotten Son so we could be saved from separation from Him.
Neuhaus had a missionary zeal, a fervor for argument and conversation in defense of the faith he loved so passionately.
And sometimes — if you so happen to land in a place that knows how to party — a three - piece band playing Dixieland jazz sets up shop outside the sanctuary to fete you as you make your way to the fellowship hall to greet hundreds of people who love you because you have loved them so very, very well.
God loved me so much that he gave himself for me and rose for me, and we're invited to live that love.
However, the notion that I could have a relationship with a Savior who loved me so much He would literally take a bullet for me is good news.
GOD wanted to show the people that he loved us so much that he is willing to give up his only son.
He loved us so much that He came to die on the cross for us.
As his daughter Zelda so beautifully said «While I'll never, ever understand how he could be loved so deeply and not find it in his heart to stay», I like so many others wish he had stayed.
I long to tell someone they're loved so much, but my tongue seems paralyzed.
He loved them so much that while he offered advice when asked for it, he let them make their own decisions, and follow their own path.
He just loved us so much He offered His one and only Son to now pay the price for our sins, but we still have to repent.
Beloved, since God loved us so much, we also ought to love one another» (1 John 4:10,11).
To speak about God is to speak of the eternal Goodness, in the phrase from the Theologica Germanica, which Luther loved so much.
(I answered that it reminds me that God became human, walked among us and loved us so much that He died for us on the cross.)
Looking back, I realize how important it was that my father loved me so openly and listened so carefully.
Especially you have loved us so much that you sent your beloved son to us, so that all who believe in him may not be lost, but have eternal life.
I couldn't have imagined all those years ago, at the Village Inn with a day - old bagel and terrible coffee at dawn, how he would have loved me so beautifully and fully, so crazily and completely, so ordinarily extraordinary.
In fact, they loved it so much, if they got done with their seven Pentateuch sermons early, they would clamor for an encore.
«Beloved, since God loved us so much, we also ought to love one another.
God loved me so much that, for some uninexplicable reason, he had to r - ape a 12 year old girl and impregnate her with himself, so that he could be born and tortured, all so that he could force himself to forgive me for some unknown and yet unperformed transgressions, because I wasn't even born.
He loved us so much that he suffered more than any of us can ever imagine and even asked his Father to take the cup from him, but said thy will be done.
But God is so rich in mercy, and he loved us so very much, that even while we were dead because of our sins, he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead.
God loved us so much he put on human skin, and then laid down his (earthly) life on the cross.
He was a religious man, but his last days were spent almost entirely focusing on his family who he loved so much.
In fact, by failing to do so, you become a culprit by not probing their minds to make sure that whether they are aware of this biblical truth and hence being perished and away from that everlasting love for eternity — and for this very reason and negligence or misguidance, you will be responsible and accountable when you meet with your creator God of love whom he also loved you so much that if you were the only person living on the face of this earth and planet, still he would have come and died for you and the forgiveness of your since and loving you unconditional.
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