Sentences with phrase «lovely story»

Lots of lovely stories about reluctant writers feeling very comfortable and confident.
Lovely story with such an uplifting message and looks like a lovely book.
I'm just not good enough yet, I suppose, to turn out lovely story in the midst of life - chaos.
It's a visually lovely story, and looks fairly unique because it does really look like the store design team used it to experiment with a number of ideas.
Couldn't be more perfect description about your outfit and so lovely story.
A really lovely story of your first love affair with a Tortie Ingrid...... I love hearing how people found their «best friends».....
This is such a lovely recipe and an even lovelier story behind it - I found myself getting teary thinking about your memory, and relating it to my own grandmother.
A very lovely story about your introduction to tomatillos.
In the end, it's a tragically lovely story about the cruel devastation of selfish and ungoverned love.
Also, it was very nice of you to tell the other lady's lovely story first (re: the twins), before your own.
One of the most lovely stories is that Jay asked an eBay seller a question about a large seascape, which opened up a conversation between them revealing that the seller was the caregiver for her disabled sister.
Hi Miss Sandy, it's been awhile since I've been to visit and I've missed your pretty blog and lovely stories like the story of the Dogwood.
The Second edition of the Heritage Caravan, saw over ninety tourists embark on a road trip to discover the rich and lovely story of Ghana embedded in different parts of the country.
Regardless of the echo chamber voices posting here, this is a lovely story of grace, bravery, and survival.
One thinks of Theresa with her comparison of the life of prayer to a medieval castle, of John of the Cross with his lovely story of the lover in the garden of cypresses, and of Meister Eckhart (the most abstract of them all) with his talk about a spark of deity that seems to become the very self of the person praying.
Truly, a lovely story....
What a lovely story, especially the part about them trying to raise money for a special case to keep it in.
What a lovely story!
In Pedro, Politi introduces us to a lovely story about a section of Los Angeles where» at least in 1946, when the book was written» they still have blacksmiths, candlemakers, and glassblowers.
Noah: a lovely story about animals, a nice big boat, and a kindly old man who takes care of them both.
A similar problem arises when Heather Murray Elkins, a liturgist at Drew University Theological School, recounts a lovely story about a young man who is told that his father's disapproval of him is overcome in baptism, in which God proclaims «you are my beloved son, with you I am well - pleased.»
Lovely story and commentary.
You Guys are my favourite blog, I just love all the things you post, your approach to food, and the lovely stories that go along with them!
What a wonderful post, a lovely story.
What a lovely story, Giovanni is so sweet!
What a lovely story of how you met your husband!
How ironic that a guy in Paris does the English muffin so well (actually it's an American guy — Michael Healy — and Dorie has written about him here and there's a lovely story about the lady who fell in love with the Muffin Man here).
Carolyn, What a lovely story about romance!
That's such a lovely story, Liz I can totally imagine how beautiful and exciting those wild flowers were!
Lovely story, delicious recipe and beautiful photos — hey, how many cutting boards do you have, anyway?!?! Please post more of your favorite pressure cooker recipes... let's inspire those who do not yet know the flavor, speed and health of this cooking method!
Thank you so much for sharing your lovely story and what looks like an essential fall recipe.
Judy, that's a lovely story.
Oh what a great recipe and a lovely story to go with it.
What a lovely story about your parents.
This was a lovely story and I'm glad you have these memories to hold on to.
Aaw, what a lovely story, can I come round for brekkie;)?
I thank you for all your lovely stories and travels and yummy reciepes.
And what a lovely story too - meeting like minded people and talking excitedly about shared passions is SOOO good... Thanks for all the amazing food ideas - really love (as do my kids) Nikki's healthy cookies.
Lovely story; so glad that you could share this experience with your dad and your readers.
I'm sure it's going to be a gorgeous book filled with delicious recipes, lovely stories, and top - notch photography.
What a lovely story — and lovely cupcakes!

Phrases with «lovely story»

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