Sentences with phrase «loving homes any time»

According to statistics from the ASPCA, black cats find safe, wonderful, loving homes any time of the year (including in...
According to statistics from the ASPCA, black cats find safe, wonderful, loving homes any time of the year (including in October).

Not exact matches

I really loved the idea of being able to make something during the day, because I was such a night owl at the time, and have people watch it at their convenience, in the comfort of their own home.
Recall «David,» the everyman who appeared on the first page of Morneau's first budget in 2016: «Though he loved the community he lived in as a child, when it came time to buy his own family home, [David] had to look elsewhere.
He works a part time job at Finchley cleaning agency and he really loves his job because he has enough time to write at home.
Recall times of happiness in your home, such as a birthday party, a get - together with friends, a special holiday or something encouraging a loved one expressed.
I'm with Tristan and I get my home time — cooking, being with my love, and just more of a routine.»
I have a full - time job that I love, but I write for and a few other places on the side, so while I have a dedicated home office I'm also all about moving around when I can.
And as Kareem Adbul - Jabbar pointed out in a July piece in Time, «In our disillusioned mind, «home» becomes a romanticized symbol of our innocence, in which we dreamed limitlessly and were loved unconditionally.
As for couples who are saving more throughout the rest of the year, keep in mind that after falling love often comes getting married, buying a home and having a baby, which is the most expensive time in your life, von Tobel cautioned.
The band previously settled with Jake Holmes over «Dazed and Confused,» Anne Bredon over «Babe, I'm Gon na Leave You,» Howlin» Wolf over «How Many More Times» and «The Lemon Song,» and Willie Dixon over «Whole Lotta Love» and «Bring It on Home
Back home in Florida, Love worked full - time doing customer service and collected donations from friends and family to afford her plane ticket and hotel room in Eugene.
For some it's the ability to telecommute, for some they'd like to work from a home office occasionally; other folks would just love to find a career - oriented job that allows them a part - time or flextime schedule.
I would love to move to a state with enough land and a warmer climate for my sons to ride their race bikes, my daughter to have the horse she dreams of and me to finally be at peace, I also believe that there should be someone home with the kids no matter what their ages are and as a single Mom with no family support or father involvement being at home for me is even more important, especially now that they are teenagers, There are no more nap times or time outs and the things you worry about during this age are so much more dangerous than falling down and hitting their heads as toddlers.
The newness and attention needed of opening a second studio, still finding time and energy to give love to the first, I have 5 little boys at home and a 6th baby on the way, a husband and household all needing attention — it's easy to feel pulled in every direction.
But at the same time, rescue workers want their rescued dogs to be adopted by caring and loving masters and families so that the pups may get a good home and all that they deserve.
While you can pair multiple speakers to a single Google Home device, you can only output to one Bluetooth speaker at a time, which is a real buzzkill if you've got a pair you'd love to blast simultaneously.
Canceling 3 trips abroad that I had already paid for because I wanted to spend time at home with the people I love and because nothing can beat time to deliberately focus.
«We fell in love with this area and after several more vacations, we decided that Puerto Morelos would become our retirement home when the time came,» says Frank.
My husband loves being with our boys, but I stay home with them, in part because I know I hate working full - time and so I prefer to have more free time to decide what I will fill it with.
Like the weary sailor, the refugee from wreck and storm, who escapes half «dead, and then, in terror, shudders with dread at the very mention of the name of the «sea»; who swears he'll never sail again, who raves he'll stay home, even on the calmest days, but then, in time, forgets his fearful ways, and seeks, again, his fortune above the waves; I, too, have barely escaped the storms that revolve around you, my love, traveling far away, vowing to avoid another catastrophe, but I can't; the thought of you breaks my resolve, and so, I return to where, on that fateful day, Inearly drowned in your tempestuous sea.
I feel like i'm not «faithless» more so asking is heaven really what i always thought it was or is that something i was told soooooo many times i think its real; as the easter bunny, is it our loved ones, pets, we will all live in big homes no pain or sad feelings.
At one time we are concerned with making a career, at another with making a home, at yet another with making music or making love.
The pub sits a mile - or - so from Celtic Park - the 60,000 - seater home ground of the 42 - time Scottish title winners - and is a much - loved stopping point for fans attending the match.
Hey, love this song, have since the first time i heard it, even before it was on the cd It's one of the things that got me through my mum's short illness and death, i used to sing it to her during the night watches through my tears, until HE did come and carry her home.
Sometimes a freshman fling happens as a response to freedom — you're living away from home for the first time, and there are no parents to check in on your love life.
time for me to leave my country for 5 years study (medical field)... and while i am i that country (China) once i intercourse with a prostitute (i am really shamefull)... then after few times i found another girl in facebook (from my hometown only) then fall in love with her and that loves get stronger day by day (she is a christian) and i told her that im not virgin and i had this girlfriend and i did with prostitute so she forgives me and ask me to lie new life... but still i havent leave my e girl friend (i found difficult to leave her, i do nt love her much, but i do nt know how i love her in first place, she is much older than me), my ex gf came to suspects about my new relationship via facebooks post, comments, likes and all and sometimes i did told her that i have this new friend... as time passes by, she realised it and she do nt talk to me anymore till now... and last time i went home i met my new girl friend and we intercourse....
She's a bit more conservative than me in many ways and her family's habits / values differ at times but I love having older women like her write about how they raised their children and kept their home and did life as a family.
Salvation by grace never made any sense to me until one time in a child - study group, when grace was presented as the unearned love that's present in every good home.
You could show your children love through a part - time job by showing up for work on time, not bad - mouthing your boss or coworkers at home, and wisely using the money that you earn.
Wild loves are pollarded by time, childhood homes are lost or destroyed, pets die.
Made the bread tonight as per the recipe book «ml» and «g» measurements, and subbed in walnuts for almonds because that's what I had — Just testing a slice covered in my home made walnut and kidney bean spread... Yummy Think I need a touch more salt but I'm always a bit worried about over seasoning... I used mixed herbs but think I would love to add some garlic (powder maybe) next time, and use selected herbs rather than the commercial mix.
I am happy to go home but there are times when I would love to be able to join them with my husband by my side.
I travel so much and life is so exciting most of the time, that I've truly learned to love the little things and having «regular» days at home.
I left the soup for my boyfriend to feed him for the weekend while I was gone, but by the time he got home from work our meat - loving, non-cooking roommate ate THE WHOLE POT.
sounds like my brothers last night... I came home and made cookies and every time I turned around another 5 were missing... and LOVE your coffee syrup!
I love risotto but haven't made it at home in a long time.
I'm a big fan of the time change — love having daylight when I get home to run and hang out outside — but it was really tough getting up at 5 to teach BodyPump this morning.
i love dal dhokli and it high time i make them at home now dassana@veg recipes of india recently posted..
I love going to visit but I usually pretty tired by the time we drive back home in the evening.
It's been nearly a year since I went back to work full time and I would love to say again that I am a stay at home mom!
You can make your own (I've been eying this recipe for some time) or you can buy some (I brought home this brand, which we love).
Sounds delicious and I would love to make your version next time I get my hands on some quinoa (none of it here in South East Asia) but in the meantime I'll send off these ideas to my mom to try at home!
Sorry about ur squid allergy, but ur hubby is really lucky to get a good share I love it... but it has been a long time since I cooked it.U r right about cooking fish back home, especially at my hubby's place they cook fish fish and more fish... fOr my hubby buying fish is an addiction just like I buy other things..
This made me laugh when I saw it because I've had carnitas many many times in Mexico (not from a restaurant, but from home kitchens of friends and / or their abuelitas) and, honestly, it's always been my least favorite (and the most disgusting to me... except for menudo, I'm sorry, I can't love it) Mexican dish because it is much different than I see it here - basically the fatty trimmings from preparing something else taken and fried.
I pride myself in being a home cook and home baker, and I chose this book for a rare blog post because I love Zoë's and Jeff's down - to - earth approach to bread baking, given our time - strapped lives.
I love whipping coconut oil by itself in my kitchenaid and making enough at one time to have it at both homes.
I've made them at home a few times, but not nearly enough given how much I love them.
Giving you more time to be with your loved ones and cook delicious meals at home!
Absolutely loving this feature interview by The Grace Tales with first time published images my beautiful children and I at home on our gorgeous property near Byron Bay!
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