Sentences with phrase «loving other people»

Enjoying our lives and loving other people involves being honest about who we are and what we want.Therapy can help you to explore what's not working and to make positive changes.»
Increasingly, if we allow time for trivialities like eating, sleeping and loving other people, it is clear, as a simple matter of arithmetic, that we are getting close to the absolute limit of how far this system can take us economically...
Rather than fretting over traditions or relevance, we need to focus on what mattered to Jesus: loving God, and loving other people.
A big part of that is loving other people.
Are you loving other people unconditionally?
I love to study the Scripture, and I think that Scripture study is one way of worshiping God, but I think I often used my misunderstanding of the statement «study to show thyself approved» as a way of neglecting the other critical elements of following Jesus, and especially that of loving other people around me.
That the value in loving other people could itself be seen as spiritual.
What experiences have you had in loving other people like Jesus?
Jesus does not like theology when it gets in the way of loving other people.
The only thing more important than loving other people is loving God Himself.
its even better if one loves the other person and wants the best for them..
Yet Jesus has the audacity to tell us to love other people.
Help, Serve, and Love Others All programs should be designed to help, serve, or love other people.
Jesus preached against the worship of money, helped and fed the poor and told people to love other people.
God gave each of us different gifts, abilities, and desires so that we might use these to love other people.
«Jesus told them to love other people.
To show how tyrannical any country that aimed at achieving perfect justice — even at the expense of family, friendship, and the self - consciousness of persons born to love other persons and die as particular persons — would be, Socrates turned the rulers into gods and most people into animals to be controlled.
And so, in a good and godly quest to prepare for the act of loving and serving others, they just attend one seminar after another, one training session after another, one class after another, and many of them never get around to actually loving the other person.
The moral requirement to love other people equally with oneself is an implication of the love of God which goes out to all human beings without favoritism.
I love other people but I get in trouble when I begin to need them in an unhealthy way.
Only then can I love the other person and create a space in which we might be quite distant or very close, but we can still allow something new to be bornâ $» a child, friendship, joy, community, a space where strangers and guests can be received.»
A good barometer of how much we love other people is how we act when we encounter someone who thinks differently than us.
People are designed by God to live and love other people.
We must love other persons, human persons, to be images of God.
The point is to love God and love other people, and the Bible can help us do that.
However, 1) by no means is the entire faith «bad» or «wrong» because a handful of people abuse the religion, and 2) arguably, «Christian hypocrites» are not really Christians at all (in the Gospels, for example, the Pharisees, extremely religious Jews who took extreme measures to follow all of Moses» 613 laws, proved to be Jesus» «enemies», because they did not love other people.)
The reason I agreed to work with my friend on what you read here in these four posts is to ask those who claim the name Christian to love other people including LGBTQs.
One of the things that I have never had to question myself about was my ability to love other people.
If you can learn to love yourself and all the flaws, you can love other people so much better.
I love other people's rabbits.
You love the other person, but are not IN love with him / her.
Instead, we'll pretend that we love the other person so much it is worth staying in an unhappy or dysfunctional relationship.
The more you cared for and loved the other person, the more a break up tends to hurt.
If they love each other the people's opinion doesn't matter at all.
If you really love the other person and are more concerned about their welfare than yours, then you can love enough to overcome all the obstacles.
The easiest thing to do in any long - term relationship is to take for granted the fact that you love the other person.
Carter (Adam Scott) is in many ways a model A.C.O.D., heroically tolerant of his warring parents Hugh (Richard Jenkins) and Melissa (Catherine O'Hara), wry and distanced but still open enough to try to love other people.
Early socialization is also key to how they behave in the future but most eskies love other people & friendly with all dogs
He loves other people and is good with other dogs.
Separation is a temporary split of the couple and can really help you realize how much you love the other person.
Without this ability to turn inward, and let the other person in on our common fears and insecurities, we can not really love the other person fully, and can not really let ourselves be loved.
If you love the other person you have to decide whether you can now trust them - if not, walk away from both of these people and wait to find someone you can both love and trust in the future.
Emotional development refers to giving a child an opportunity to love other people, to care, to help.
In order to meet this natural state, each person must aim to offer emotional safety and learn to love the other person exactly as they are — wounds and all.
Not that I don't have things I picked up 2nd hand from my favorite re-sale shops, I love other peoples history too!

Not exact matches

«In my mind, it's the perfect theater for people in love with start - ups to engage with each other and that's the way it was designed,» Desmond says.
People love to support other local businesses!
As per above, post it more than that percentage of people love to receive gift cards instead of other gifts there are two benefits of gift cards if you give someone he can buy whatever he want or he can sell it for cash.
One of the things I love about live television interviews is the intensity of it — two people are literally staring at each other for five minutes straight talking, sometimes tensely.
Larry has a saying, «You don't have to love what you do; you have to do what other people hate.»
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