Sentences with phrase «low capacity»

Under these policies, lots of wind turbines were built, but were run at very low capacity factor.
The new Vivo smartphone retains most of the hardware of its predecessor, albeit a smaller screen, lower capacity battery, and half the onboard storage.
When wind turbines operate at lower capacity levels during peak demand times, other suppliers such as gas plants are called on for what is needed to meet demand.
New batteries with low capacity many not perform as well as those that begin life with a high capacity.
Conversely, countries with relatively low capacity and responsibility are able to act entirely within their own borders.
It seems they want to push low capacity cards with a voucher for downloadable games for a while now, like with that memory card indie pack etc..
Their job should be to find innovative ways to support lower capacity districts and help them put processes and infrastructure and capacity in place to support effective data use.
Usually, if you don't alternate between high and low intake, your body lowers the capacity to burn fat and keeps more water, which gives you a bloated appearance.
It is not uncommon to see stories in the British press every autumn warning of low capacity margins and worrying about «the lights going out» over the winter.
Just like in every other battery application, there's a trade off to be had between high and low capacity devices, and that takes the form of weight.
That's a fairly low capacity for a phone of this size, probably a move made to hit that skinny waistline.
Its a bit low capacity in compare of other smartphones at the same price range.
Intermittent renewable sources like solar and wind tend to have lower capacity factors, as their output varies with the availability of the sun and wind on both a daily and seasonal basis.
The SSD helps the system boot up and load apps much faster than a traditional hard drive, making up for its relatively low capacity.
A battery with lower capacity may drain notably faster under similar conditions.
Due to lower capacity utilization at solar projects than «baseload» conventional generation the new solar projects are unlikely to replace the annual electricity generation of these coal plants on their own.
Batteries will start at 100 percent when first activated and will have lower capacity as the battery chemically ages which may result in fewer hours of usage between charges.
The OnePlus 3T already delivered really impressive battery life; the 5 has a very slightly lower capacity battery, but delivers battery better than what I saw with the already - solid 3T.
They have far low capacity of absorbing than cotton.The cover up part will be undoubtedly made of a synthetic fabric to prevent leakage.
Cheaper SSDs have slightly slower read and write speeds, as well as usually lower capacity storage options.
Cenovus, one of the biggest of Canada's oil sands producers, said in March that it was operating at lower capacity due to the maxing out of pipelines and other routes through which it sends heavy oil south to U.S. markets.
«However, this is certainly a poorly contrived alibi for his ineptitude and apparent low capacity for the serious business of
The downside to using a laptop size drive is that 2.5 ″ form factor drives are usually lower capacity (or very much pricier if higher capacity), and unlike 3.5 ″ drives that have a set height, 2.5 ″ drives can be 7 mm, 9.5 mm, and 12.5 mm tall.
For their customers in the restaurant, entertainment and hospitality industries requiring lower capacity machines, Fresh Beverages partnered with CAB, a slush machine manufacturer in Italy, becoming the American branch and exclusive distributor for CAB USA.
WHEREAS, few or no low capacity (7 rounds or less) magazines currently exist for many of the firearms commonly possessed by law - abiding residents of New York State; and
With cloud storage the need for larger storage in devices is less meaning you can get faster, lower capacity SSDs to further boost the devices and teaching experience.
Unfortunately, a smaller filter means lower capacity for filtering.
With the rear seats lowered the capacity expands to 1254 litres.
The diesel variant could get a Renault sourced low capacity oil burner.
The company says that sales of e-paper products dropped and they also experienced low capacity utilization.
«Load serving entities, in partnership with their customers (often under state programs), can manage their wholesale consumption, lower their forecast demand requirements and actively manage their consumption of energy at the peaks to lower their capacity obligations,» PJM said in a white paper sketching its approach to demand response in the wake of the court activities.
Using a somewhat low capacity factor of 0.33, this would mean that an average wind turbine would be rated at 3600 watts (3.6 kilowatts) to meet Bryce's statement of the «average» wind turbines.
Moreover, mountaintop wind farms require additional transmission capacity, which will only be used between 25 to 35 percent of the time due to wind powers low capacity factors.
While the new film - based touch panel addresses the bulk due the display, we wonder how Apple plans to reduce the size of the battery without lowering its capacity.
You can stretch the juice to last till the end of the day, but if you're using it a lot, then it won't be giving you much screen on time at such low capacity.
In the Hunter - New England evaluation conducted by SPRC, «there was concern among NGO early childhood intervention service providers that those working privately have a comparatively low capacity to cover collaboration costs outside billable hours, as they do not have wider organisational support behind them, and that they might have a low level of understanding of other disability support models, outside their own therapy speciality».
Since it's smaller, the battery has a slightly lower capacity at 2,780 mAh.
In the second article, we showed that even though factor models are useful in understanding the performance drivers of smart beta strategies, attempting to replicate smart beta strategies with factors delivers worse returns, with far higher turnover and trading costs, and far lower capacity.
«Given Samsung's challenges in OLED with lower capacity utilization and smartphone demand, we believe focus will be on maintaining DRAM - NAND profitability with stable to higher pricing.»
The hotel has a relatively low capacity for its size as well as show casing some great facilities.
Cenovus, one of the biggest of Canada's oil sands producers, said in March that it was operating at lower capacity due to the maxing out of...
States developing and delivering growth data for example is a huge value to lower capacity districts who can't link data longitudinally and warehouse it.
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