Sentences with phrase «low compliance»

A simpler, flatter tax system could generate virtually the same revenue, with much lower compliance costs.
For their study, Gregory and Chami sought to evaluate whether the yuck factor of bacteria could affect hand hygiene compliance in four units with low compliance rates between July and September 2015.
«With a recent government funded study showing low compliance with existing regulations in England on lead shot use, it's not surprising unacceptable numbers of wildfowl are still dying avoidable deaths from lead poisoning,» the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds» director of conservation Martin Harper said.
China is the world's second largest CO2 emitter behind the U.S. To what extent China gets involved in combating global climate change is extremely important both for lowering compliance costs of climate mitigation and adaptation and for moving international climate negotiations forward.
In 2018 and 2019, particular emphasis will be placed on sectors with vulnerable workers, including new and young workers, and temporary help, as well as sectors with a history of low compliance.
Dave Ellison: Given the anticipated rise in short - term interest rates, potentially lower compliance costs and higher loan growth, we may see the prices of financial stocks move much higher over the next few years.
Companies active within states with ambitious methane reduction measures will be better prepared to meet national standards, and will likely benefit from lower compliance costs and increased returns on investment in emissions - reduction training and equipment.
Some members of Congress have stated an interest in increasing access to some alternative sources of lending, such as crowdfunding, by lowering burdens to entry for both crowdfunding platforms (by lowering compliance and registration requirements) and investors (by increasing the amount unaccredited and accredited investors can invest in a project).
Does your practice struggle with low compliance rates?
Sen. Robert G. Ortt and Assemblymen Michael J. Norris and Angelo J. Morinello blamed poor outreach and confusion for low compliance.
«Low compliance with services» is recast as a possible result of increased «resource needs», or the new costs associated with a new resource (e.g., time lost to attend a parenting support group).
Reduced scope can mean the company need not carry out as many internal tests and the auditor may do less corroborating, resulting in lower compliance costs.
The cumulative effect of the rollback will be to lower compliance costs and allow banks to better service clients and shareholders alike.
Some believe the provision was inserted to prevent embarrassing the state and Gov. Andrew Cuomo with the low compliance rate.
Businesses located in the Southern parts of the US had the lowest compliance, with 28.7 percent willing to let a minor use their services.
The low compliance frustrates scientists because inoculation could basically eliminate yellow fever nationwide, and do so at a pittance.
Using CERs could lower compliance costs, support stranded projects and ensure sufficient supply for CORSIA's implementation.
Even though the low carbohydrate group had the lowest compliance rate, 78 % is still quite high (3).
He also expects Congress to move quickly on a higher education bill to make getting student grants and loans much simpler, make college costs more transparent to students and parents and require fewer federal reports from colleges to lower their compliance costs.
For those pushing serious horsepower, we also have complete high performance, low compliance, replacement crossmember mounts available.
We also have the lowest compliance fee in the industry compared to the average of over $ 149 annually.
Regulatory relief being considered could allow banks to lower their compliance costs and increase their lending activity, leading to a boost in profitability and earnings growth.
And lower compliance costs can in turn encourage countries to increase the ambition of their contributions under the 2015 Paris agreement.
Our results clearly demonstrate that cooperation on climate control and R&D among industrialized countries induces technological innovations, lowers their compliance costs and thus places less strong economic burden on these countries.
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