Sentences with phrase «low fund»

Part of the recent increased activity in the corporate bond market is cyclical, as issuers try to lock in relatively low funding costs in anticipation of the world interest rate cycle turning up.
You can easily give back any cost savings from lower fund fees and trading expenses with one poor decision.
A school with low levels of deprivation, in an area of low funding will be spending at a minimum level.
When I thought about the challenges educating students from poverty, I had always thought about schools with low funding, poor teachers, little resources, etc..
Would educational outcomes for these children improve if the already low funding for their education was reduced by more than one - third?
But she doesn't pull punches on the challenges: low funding levels, labor contracts, testing requirements, and more.
A good way to do this is with a stock index fund that has very low fund expenses and historically high returns.
The report reveals 15 municipalities had low fund balances and operating deficits that define them as having been under «significant» fiscal stress in 2014.
At large schools, costs like the principal's salary are spread over a greater number of students, resulting in lower funding per pupil than at small schools.
So when you're wondering why you have low funds at the end of the month, remember change adds up!
Those allied with the governments get low funding costs as well, and everyone else has to suffer.
It's not just that schools are fighting low funding and mass shootings.
Using a more conservative market - based projection of investment returns lowers the funding status considerably in each pension system.
So we've decided to lower our funding goal even if it means that it'll take a bit longer to develop the game.
A 10 % down payment may lower the funding fee to 1.25 %, which amounts to even greater savings on the total loan amount.
We came together to learn to use technology in new ways and figure out how to survive with low funding, how to raise funds, and how to be effective.
Due to last year's low funding level, many districts lacked access to Title IV - A funds.
Governments, with their taxation authority, assume leading roles, and low funding costs.
Specifically, they found that lower fund expense ratios predict better future fund performance.
Instead, school districts with high poverty have lower funding per student.
They are also less likely to have call protection, which means that if a company's financial condition or credit rating improves, the issuer can call its outstanding bonds and take advantage of lower funding rates.
Slightly was the key word; it was a bit more, not a lot, just a bit and if those new charter schools were a district, they would be the third lowest funded school district in Georgia.
I think it's a good step as it gives more flexibility to employees in choosing between EPF (secured investment, defined return) and NPS (similar to mutual funds with option of debt and equity with very low fund management charges - perhaps the lowest in the world).
Republicans have argued in the past that reductions put taxpayers at risk by lowering the funds the FHA has to deal with mortgage defaults.
Running a Technology Learning Initiative with a Shoestring Budget Provo City School District is among the very lowest funded districts in the country.
The EPI said that if the government does decide to put in the extra # 1.3 billion to protect real per pupil spending, then Greening could use some of the extra money to «help ensure that schools in lower funded areas see bigger budget rises».
«Investors paid lower fund expenses in 2017 than ever before,» Morningstar senior analyst Patricia Oey wrote in her report.
The research states that the plans to allocate more funding to disadvantaged and low attaining pupils will mean lower funded authorities are unlikely to see increases they had hoped for.
But, again, a very low fund balance, which is really the most common theme amongst districts.»
While a slightly less amount of time than Scotia iTrade's deal (100 davs vs ~ 90 days), the Questrade deal offers the potential for unlimited trading with much lower funding requirements for two of the three promotion levels.
«Women set realistic goals; they are ambitious but realistic,» said Rowen, when asked if the higher success rates of women in crowdfunding were due to lower funding targets.
The United Kingdom, he says, has managed to get high - quality research with relatively low funding because of its lack of red tape, but he worries about the growth of the «managerial classes.»
Look for quality firms that can benefit from lower funding costs, and toss out firms where additional financing is needed, but won't be available because of high credit spreads, devalued collateral, etc..
It'll cost more than Labour says, mostly benefit high earners, and risk lower funding for universities in future - in fact, Labour's costings imply a 30 % cut in funding per student per year by 2022.
Moscow still has the 19th lowest funding index, especially in the early stages of development.
The Bronx is still one of the pooret, sickest and lowest funded countys in the entire country.
campaign over school funding shortages say that if the government is serious about promoting social mobility in education, then it needs to look at how low funding seems to mirror low mobility.
In Louisiana, which provides exceptionally low funding for choice students, imposes a heavy regulatory burden, and requires students to take the state test based on the state curriculum, only a third of the state's private schools are willing to participate in the choice program.
In its assessment of the new formula itself, which was brought in to address historical inequalities between areas in schools funding, the EPI said the plans were unlikely to satisfy many lower funded areas.
And if California has disgracefully low funding per public school child?
In a letter to parents, Rees said the school could handle the low numbers — and the resulting lower funding — because it was part of a multi-academy trust.
Georgia has a few full - time online options for its students, but has struggled with extremely low funding levels for its virtual learners.
The most common practical barriers include low funding levels, small pre-K programs, barriers to kindergarten enrollment, and local district monopolies on pre-K funds.
In 2015, IDRA released research showing low funding for educating English learners affects students across Texas.
The higher payout rate and lower fund point to a slowing down in Kindle Unlimited's rate of growth.
It looks to bust the popular idea that US investors pay dramatically lower fund fees than Canadians.
Regular military members pay slightly lower Funding Fees than Reservists and National Guard members.
A high rating can also lower funding costs.
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