Sentences with phrase «low intelligence»

Iron deficiency can cause significant problems in overall development and has been linked with lower intelligence in school - aged children.
Lead exposure in childhood has been associated with behavioural disorders and lower intelligence scores.
I don't need to respond to that one because it has already lowered the intelligence level of the entire site by virtue of its existence.
In this view, members of a minority experience anxiety at the prospect of confirming negative stereotypes about their group, such as low intelligence.
That same science shows us that we have evolved from lower intelligence.
Individuals who solely kill children tend to have relatively low intelligence, poor communication skills and problem - solving abilities, and often are mentally ill.
Eating tuna may cause enough brain damage to significantly lower intelligence.
Yes, it's not the easiest breed to train but that's because of its independent nature, not low intelligence.
The failure of individuals with lower intelligence to appropriately follow a consistent strategy and estimate the future consequences of their actions accounted for these different outcomes.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a behavioural disorder, not an illness or a sign of low intelligence.
The mothers with low intelligence quotient (IQ) were matched on child entry age and each member of the pair was randomly assigned to either an interaction training or attention - control group.
«No evidence that anesthesia in young children lowers intelligence
Even mild iodine deficiency during pregnancy, which may be present in some women in the United States, may be associated with low intelligence in children.
On screening the unborn for low intelligence, Pro-Life Infonet, December 1, 2000.
Thankfully, PsyBlog recently pulled together a handy list of research - backed ways clever people lower their intelligence so you can avoid them.
whats so interesting about this person called re... ty is that he is showing himslef up to really ignorant as he accusing the christains of this and that and he obviously is of a very low intelligence if at all because there are no christians so he is really showing himslef to be the fool that he really is, Its okay for a lot of people on here to be abusoive towrads Our Saviour but if someone was to say the same thinsg to them then they couldn't handle it.
We do not know why one man is so brilliantly endowed and another is of rather low intelligence.
Christians need a mob to make their opinions heard because their opinions are absurd, and with a mass collective of lowered intelligence reinforcing them, they need not concern themselves with not having a leg to stand on.
In the past, theories of a link between low intelligence and criminal behavior, for example, sparked a movement of «coercive eugenics,» which resulted in forced sterilizations in the name of crime control.
Moreover, according to Claudio Toma, «more inherited truncated mutations mean lower intelligence quotient in an autistic person.»
Savants are people with extraordinary capacities of calculation or music or drawing, mixed with generally low intelligence — a very startling anomaly.
Each 10 - microgram - per - deciliter rise in lead lowers intelligence levels by four to seven points on IQ tests, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
For example, research suggests that lead may cause lowered intelligence, reading and learning disabilities, impaired hearing, reduced attention span, hyperactivity, and antisocial behavior.
Low Intelligence Dogs will require 30 - 40 + training attempts before they will understand the trick / command.
Physical Handicaps and Low Intelligence There is at present only one institution in the country which accepts physically handicapped children, Stella Maris School in Belize City.
This week it's a roll of Intelligence: 58, and Strength: 63, which is a very low intelligence roll for this helmet, with a maximum of 104 available, but the strength roll is perfect as it's nearly the max.
Unfortunately, it has been those of low intelligence who lack the ability to comprehend science such as former Senator Albert Gore (who failed to carry his home state in a presidential election), who have been dominating the climate debate.
Deaf participants with lower intelligence scores were consistently rated worse on an adaptive behavior measure of daily functioning by their parents.
Lead is a potent neurotoxin and elevated blood lead levels are associated with increased risk of lower intelligence quotient scores, academic failure and aggressive behavior in children.
Because the media want to cover stories as simple as possible with as focused a point as you can get because they want the news to be relevant for — i.e. they want to sell the newspaper to — as many people as possible, including people with as low intelligence as possible.
«Y» all» is a word shoehorned into use by people with low intelligence.
The rest of the misses are due to the lower intelligence of the Al Aksa brigade.
There is no denying that low intelligence has something to do with inability to listen, but we have greatly exaggerated its importance.
By the way, a recent study showed that conservative views, low intelligence and prejudice are strongly correlated.
salero The actual data shows that the lower the intelligence, the more belief in religion.
The fact that you and «most of the Christian posts proving you to be wrong» can't figure out how to successfully post goes back to the studies which show the more someone believes in religion, the lower their intelligence levels.
I think it's probably bullshit that you have met this «silly» man many times, and if you have met someone that could not articulate their point any better than this cartoon, then they were of low intelligence or the Westboro Baptist equivalence of an atheists.
i wonder if anyone has written a dissertation about the connection between christians and low intelligence quotients?
You guys are the most religious idiots with the lowest intelligence.
I think both lower intelligence and suffering can be causes to vulnerability to religious belief, whether that is belief in Allah, Jesus, Amida, Zeus, Witchcraft or Zeus.
If you're saying that I am equating religion with low intelligence, and that is a straw man, then I would point you to the many studies and polls done on the subject.
It was not that they felt superior to others, it was because they are disappointed with there lives of failure (perceived) and their low intelligence and bad education
Study after study shows a link between fervent religious affiliation and lower intelligence.
it's a shame people like Fernado Cabrera actually got elected because his narrow mind and low intelligence can't comprehend this idea.
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