Sentences with phrase «low level of activity»

Some may be living with a very, very low level of activity, waiting for the right conditions to wake up.
During these difficult conditions, the participants showed relatively lower levels of activity in prefrontal brain regions which may compromise their ability to implement effective, higher - level thinking strategies in cognitively demanding situations.
With low levels of activity, the energy stagnates and metabolism slows down.
Having more resilient banks with sufficient capital and liquidity reduces the probability of widespread liquidity crises.9 That would help make market - making more robust, though probably at lower levels of activity in normal times.
Professor Stefan Borgwardt and his team showed that the depiction of fear under LSD led to a notably lower level of activity in the amygdala — an area of the brain that is believed to be central to the processing of emotions.
One abnormality that researchers have observed in functional magnetic resonance imaging scans of the brains of people with schizophrenia is an unusually low level of activity from a specific group of neurons near the brain stem.
As mentioned earlier in this review, the activity of α - amylase inhibitor is thought to be destroyed during cooking and / or processing (46), although low levels of activity may remain (47).
After several months of a relatively low level of activity, the bulk market «broke out» in the middle of January.
The sex hormone receptors in canine mammary tumors have not been good indicators for therapeutic response due to their very low level of activity.
They also have low levels of activity in several regions of the brain, especially the basal ganglia, a key hub for learning muscle movements.
The comparison highlights the low level of activity in Europe.
What explains Canada's low level of activity?
Between 5 % and 15 % of babies and children are slow - to - warm - up, in that they withdraw from or are slow to adapt to new things, they have a low level of activity, and they show a lot of negative mood.
While the low level of activity can be chalked up to the Jewish holiday, it will come as sweet relief to those who have watched the Capitol reel from the most recent series of criminal indictments and related revelations.
House building levels are now only slowly rising from the lowest level of activity since the 1920s.
Evolutionary geneticist Liran Carmel of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and colleagues found that the extinct hominids had lower levels of activity in a group of genes called the HOXD cluster, which governs limb growth.
The rate of star formation is a small fraction of what goes on in a younger galaxy like the Milky Way, but even these low levels of activity will force theorists to revise their models of how galaxies evolve.
The second hypothesis is that our immune system causes the cells to have a low level of activity, said Cummins.»
It's a relatively low level of activity, one that sustained over time wears away at the beach and stimulates other bad events.»
Not consuming enough L - glutamine over long periods of time can lead to your immune system having lower levels of activity and problems with absorbing vitamins.
There also was only modest variation in PA, although we did observe the lowest level of activity in the winter and the highest in the spring, with the peak occurring in late June.
It is appropriated for dogs of all lifestyles: from working and highly active dogs to dogs with a low level of activity.
If your dog has a low level of activity, and spends a significant amount of time indoors, you will want to feed them slightly less than their recommended daily portion.
Other factors such as family environment, pregnancy and the presence of children can require the need for the lowest level of activity detected before release.
If your rabbit is affected by hairballs, it will have a decreased appetite, low level of activity, and minimal bowel movement.
M&A markets are down globally and there are fewer super deals masking the lower level of activity.
Notwithstanding the lower levels of activity within the investment banking sector generally, there has been increased hiring activity within financial markets, with derivatives and structured products lawyers particularly in demand.
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