Sentences with phrase «low loads»

Using the 132 kV technology for a grid to connect fossil fuel fired power stations came later, and was done to reduce the amount of generating plant that ran at low loads for most of the day.
But at Fortuna, Siemens engineers developed a new system called «Clean - Range» that keeps emissions below statutory limits even when the plant is running at low loads.
This takes into account lubrication, misalignment, temperature, load - zone factors, low loads, and more.
No Fan Noise with Low Loads: The EVGA SuperNOVA T2 has unmatched performance and efficiency.
The ZERO RPM mode on this model gives a basically silent operation at medium and low loads, and superior regulation in terms of voltage.
The distinction between level loads and low loads as opposed to back - end loads, is that this time frame where charges are levied is shorter.
Mutual Funds: The funds that made it into AAII's Top Funds Guide are of investor interest and are readily available, with low expenses and no or low loads, above - average returns, and they have not «bought» their returns with mountainous risk.
During standard operation at low loads without the risk of wheel slip, the new quattro taps into all the advantages of front - wheel drive.
At low loads and engine speeds, it shuts down the left - hand cylinder bank to trim fuel consumption.
MPI allows for earlier mixing of air and fuel to increase engine efficiency at low loads.
The last two actuation modes can be combined in the same intake stroke, generating a so - called «Multilift» mode, that enhances turbulence and combustion rate at very low loads.
This, combined with other enhancements, improves the engine characteristics at idle and at low loads — improvements of which the DSG can take advantage.
Under low loads or when coasting, the rear axle is decoupled, helping to reduce fuel consumption.
At low loads and engine speeds below 2000 rpm the flaps remain closed.
If you are using a lot of low loads for your lower body training, you might add some more hip - dominant exercises into your routine.
Therefore, even when using low loads, compound exercises display superior erector spinae muscle activity compared to front and side plank exercises.
Clearly that much volume better have low loads and be used sparingly or someone's gonna kill themselves!
There are only minor indications in the literature that training with low loads may produce a preferential increase in type I muscle fiber area.
The high pull and hang high pull displays the highest peak velocity with low loads (30 % of 1RM hang power clean), the highest force with high loads (80 % of 1RM hang power clean), and the highest peak power with moderate loads (45 % of 1RM hang power clean).
The jump shrug displays highest peak power outputs, peak velocity, peak joint angular velocities, peak vertical displacement, and peak landing forces with low loads (30 — 40 % of 1RM hang power clean).
Our ClipperData show we saw a dip in deliveries to Latin American destinations in the week before last (reflective of lower loadings in the week of Harvey's landfall) but receipts have since rebounded, and should continue to do so in the weeks ahead.
Low Load Fund - This is the specific charge on a given sales by company that is an open - end investment firm.
«We will continue to bridge the gap and lower the load shedding until eventually we move out of load shedding.
Another key finding includes that younger nonproduction registries experience lower loads compared to longer - running production systems, which can inform how the registry load is affected.
Furthermore, similar muscle growth can occur with low load or high load resistance training, yet there are divergent results in strength.
You may lower the load, you may even prevent disease progression and eliminate need for antiretrovirals, but you will still have chronic immune activation and the problems caused by that.»
«In other words, people with migraine without aura seem to have a lower load of genetic factors increasing the risk of heart disease,» said Anne Ducros, MD, PhD, of the University of Montpellier in Montpellier, France, who wrote an editorial accompanying the study.
Decreasing the size would be good only to a point, as the smallest particles tend to plasticize at low loadings and aggregate at high loadings, both of which harm macroscopic... -LSB-...]
Continue increasing the angle to 60 degrees, and perform another set of 10 reps.. It's crucial that you choose weights that allow you completing three sets of 10 reps.. So consider starting with lower loads, and increase them only when you are able to handle them with ease.
Doing high repetition partial squats with low load is the worst way to overload the lower body muscles.
A weighted circuit with lower loads, higher reps and limited rest will keep the heart rate elevated to increase muscular endurance while burning body fat.
An eccentric muscle contraction is generated when the fibers of the given muscle lengthen as they lower a load, which is often referred to as the down phase of the movement.
-- Lower the loaded bar behind the head and inhale while you're doing it.
When you slowly lower the load to its starting position, muscle fibers lengthen as a protection mechanism from you sustaining an injury, like if you were to drop the weight all of a sudden.
One study found that low load placement caused fewer changes in posture and spinal curvature.
Under ideal circumstances... (Say a person is very well nourished and they have good body stores of all the different nutrients floating around in their tissues, blood and cells) Fasting would lower the load on the body of various...
Adjust loads on each work set so you end up with an 8 RPE (2 reps away from failure) on each set — this may or may not require lowering the load slightly on later sets.
Adjust loads on each work set so you end up with a 9 - 9.5 RPE (1 rep or less away from failure) on each set — this may or may not require lowering the load slightly on later sets.
Meanwhile, in our example of the hypothetical athlete, who is not working a lot on that low load and high - velocity end of the continuum, he might do more work on the other end of the continuum with high loads and lower speeds.
Toward the end of a strength cycle, your joints will thank you for switching to lower loads for a while.
Suchomel et al. (2014e) compared jump shrugs with 40 %, 60 %, and 80 % of 1RM hang power clean and found that the angular velocities of the hip, knee and ankle joints were highest with the lowest load used (30 % of 1RM hang clean).
While planks are intended to provide a sustained, low load contraction to build endurance in the abdominals, the static variety clearly falls short when it comes to abdominal development.
In a further similar study, Suchomel et al. (2015a) found that the vertical displacement during the jump shrug, the peak landing force, and the potential energy of the system at peak vertical displacement were all found at the lowest load used (30 % of 1RM hang power clean).
They found that peak power, peak bar velocity, and maximum bar displacement occurred with the lowest load tested (40 % of 1RM power clean) while peak force and impulse occurred with the highest load tested (140 % of 1RM power clean).
In a similar study, Suchomel et al. (2013) also found that the jump shrug displayed its greatest peak power output and peak velocity with the lowest load used (30 % of 1RM hang power clean).
Peak GRF is routinely always greatest with the heaviest load (80 — 90 % of 1RM), while peak power output is usually highest at a slightly lower load than the maximal load tested (65 — 80 % of 1RM), and RFD is not generally affected by load to any great extent.
Biomechanical studies on top powerlifters at the IPF World Championships revealed that the best performers actually lowered the load the slowest.
Even though you are stronger in eccentric contractions than in concentric contractions, you recruit only half the fibers when lowering a load, hence the actual tension on the muscle recruited is double.
Activities such as swimming, cycling, Pilates and Yoga are low load where as plyometrics and interval sprints are high load.
The purpose of this manuscript is to discuss the mechanisms and potential benefits of blood flow restricted exercise on bone adaptation and provide rationale as to why low load resistance exercise to failure would be unlikely to produce these benefits.
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