Sentences with phrase «low muscle tone»

Potty training a child with low muscle tone follows a similar structure of standard training but requires more patience and practice.
It is typically characterized by low muscle tone and episodes of brain injury accompanied by liver disease.
Because muscle requires more calories to maintain, the person with low muscle tone also has a lower metabolism and will likely have trouble dieting to get the extra fat off.
Interesting Fact: Children with low muscle tone will sometimes lean their body straight forward, putting their head between their knees in order to get from sitting to on their belly.
Low muscle tone in and around the mouth causes a protruding tongue.
However, some babies just have weaker muscles than others, and some children are born with what is called low muscle tone, which makes it more difficult for them to move their bodies against gravity and so completing some gross motor skills such as sitting, crawling and walking are much more difficult for them.
If you have a smaller milk storage capacity, a vulnerable milk supply, a baby who is distracted or busy during the day, or a baby who has any sort of feeding issue such as low muscle tone or perhaps a tongue tie that affects how effectively he feeds, your baby may take less milk at each feed so he will need more feeds over a day (and night) to get his «quota».
For Josee it was her hypotonia (extremely low muscle tone) that had the biggest impact as she struggled to gain weight however over time she grew stronger and became an efficient breastfeeder.
A somewhat common issue is hypotonia, which is simply low muscle tone.
Problems like low muscle tone, also called hypotonia, are caused by disorders like muscular dystrophy or Down syndrome and could easily get in the way of independent living activities, including toileting.
Pushing out feces requires a great deal of abdominal strength, so exercising helps your child with low muscle tone learn to use these muscles.
This is the unique phase of mammalian sleep characterised by random movement of the eyes, low muscle tone throughout the body, and the propensity of the sleeper to dream vividly.
Similarly breast compressions can help babies that need additional support because of low muscle tone.
Premature babies or babies with lower muscle tone can benefit from the extra support this position provides.
Low muscle tone can also affect potty training.
Dr. Alper had a four - and - a-half-year-old patient with horrible anxiety, low muscle tone and anal fissures from a history of painful movements.
Both low muscle tone (hypotonia) and high muscle tone (hypertonia) can make walking difficult.
This side - lying position is also helpful for babies who have low muscle tone and find it difficult to engage in midline play while laying on their backs (as they would while playing in a baby gym).
My daughter was born blind, with Septo optic dysplasia (aka optic nerve hypoplasia), cortical migration disorder, hypotonia (low muscle tone), and developmentally delayed.
Flat spots can also occur from positioning in utero, laying or holding your baby in the same position, and lower muscle tone.
Kids with sensory issues, low muscle tone, fine motor conditions, and other muscular deficits have no problem squeezing, squashing, and rolling the foam around.
Since late pre-term babies sometimes struggle with breastfeeding — because late pre-term babies have difficulty latching, and have a more difficult time breastfeeding due to lower muscle tone, and tire more easily, according to Marianne Neifert's website, Dr. Mom — they held us an extra day at the hospital and gave us additional breastfeeding support (along with approximately a thousand Breast Is Best pamphlets).
Children with Down Syndrome already have joint instability due to low muscle tone.
Interesting Fact: Children with low muscle tone will sometimes creep with one knee on the ground and one foot on the ground, instead if using both knees.
Low muscle tone, or hypotonia, is a characteristic of several disabling conditions such as Down syndrome, genetic or muscle disorders, or central nervous system disorders.
Kids with Down syndrome can face challenges that can make exercise more difficult, such as poor eyesight and balance, low muscle tone, and hyper - flexibility.
Additionally, low muscle tone and core body strength impedes kids» ability to sit erect and alert, important for class participation and fine motor skills like handwriting.
But perhaps, IF your son gets closer to two years old and continues to significantly lag his peers in motor skill milestones, or if you notice delays in his expressive communication [verbal and hand gestures] skills as well, or any related red flags like swallowing issues, low muscle tone, toe walking, lack of eye contact / social interactions, etc..
If your baby struggles to stay latched on or has low muscle tone — perhaps because he was born prematurely, has a condition such as Down's syndrome, or has an illness or disability — try this hold to support both his head and your breast.4 Start by cupping your breast with your hand underneath, fingers on one side and thumb on the other.
The upright or koala hold is often the most comfortable breastfeeding position for babies who suffer from reflux or ear infections (who often prefer to be upright), and it can also work well with babies who have a tongue - tie or low muscle tone.
«Their brains are smaller at birth, they have an immature nervous system, and they may have low muscle tone or jaundice, or be dehydrated, all of which can affect the ability to suck, swallow, and breathe during nursing.»
Use a firm cushion to breastfeed your baby — As mentioned previously babies with Down syndrome often have low muscle tone, which can make them feel «floppy» to hold.
As stated earlier babies with Down syndrome generally have low muscle tone and tire easily when breastfeeding.
My grandson has low muscle tone and he does not know to go when he needs and the watch notifies him and he goes potty all by himself.
This sleepiness is often linked to low muscle tone, which means newborns with Down syndrome often have to work harder than a typical baby to get the same amount of breast milk.
Sold all our carriers thinking we were done and that was a huge mistake with the youngest having low muscle tone
Developmental psychologist Dr. Rika Alper says children with low muscle tone are less responsive to sensations like wetness, and the diaper reduces these feelings.
A child with low muscle tone might have difficulty sensing his bladder filling up or holding urine in when he needs to go.
But obviously I know that this is a process, and with Dean's low muscle tone and such, it could be a * long * process.
An expert will rule out basics (like bad latch or positioning) as well as other advanced issues (like structure or low muscle tone), do a physical exam, and put all the pieces together for a big - picture diagnosis.
I mentioned during pregnancy that Spencer certainly didn't feel like he had low muscle tone!
Previously known mutations in the gene encoding SLC25A3 are responsible for poorly understood genetic disorders involving dysfunctional heart and muscle fibers, leading to enlarged hearts and low muscle tone.
So when Owen, once a lively and playful baby, began showing signs of low muscle tone and lost the ability to move his left arm only two months into his life, doctors were mystified.
People with MMA and cobalamin disorders may have difficulty with growth and development, neurological problems such as strokes, seizures and low muscle tone, kidney problems, poor vision, and metabolic instability causing them to become seriously ill, sometimes with little warning.
In such circumstances, the athlete experiences a hypotonia (a state of low muscle tone — the amount of tension or resistance to stretch in a muscle, often involving reduced muscle strength.)
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