Sentences with phrase «low nutrient»

Corn's low nutrient content makes it largely useless for dogs.
We are seeing record amounts of plastic pollution, chemical exposure, and lower nutrient levels.
Since today's food has a much lower nutrient density, we need to eat more food.
They can also help with food cravings by replacing that rich and creamy element you might be missing when eliminating dairy and other high calorie, low nutrient foods from your diet.
How much sugar is associated with lower nutrient intake in the Australian diet?
Just be aware that as you reduce the feeding amount, you are also lowering nutrient intake.
It's used to prevent powdered herbs and vitamins from sticking to factory machinery, but is believed to lower nutrient absorption in the gut.
Yet even with an excellent diet there can be poor absorption causing low nutrient status.
Well, if on the paleo diet, it is not recommended because it is a high starch, low nutrient grain that is highly processed.
Simple kitchen methods can greatly lower the nutrient richness of plant foods.
Experience higher yields while simultaneously lowering nutrient and labor costs.
Your typical cheap grocery store eggs will have lower nutrient levels and a higher omega - 6 level and lower omega - 3 level.
Not that I don't like it, but it does tend to be high calorie, low nutrient density and overly processed so for the most part I avoid it.
As cats advance in age, some commonly seen ailments may occur such as decreased immune defense, lower nutrient absorption ability, decrease in appetite and becoming less able to chew their food.
This explains our well developed systems for food storage (glycogen in the liver, and body fat), and also our highly conserved nutrient sensors to slow cellular growth during a period of low nutrient availability.
«The cells that are in low nutrient conditions end up being much more viable, likely because they have waited for the damaged DNA to be repaired before starting to divide again,» explains Julia Klermund.
Now, scientists from New York University have now developed a sophisticated assay to track cell growth at very low nutrient concentrations.
In particular, the study suggests revising the Water Quality Guideline for chloride, especially for lakes near winter - maintained roads on the Canadian Shield that tend to have very low nutrient levels.
Processing may remove fiber, leaving relatively empty calories with low nutrient value.
Organic matcha green tea powders may carry the organic label, but they tend to be lighter in color and have a weaker flavor and lower nutrient profile.
Ill - timed harvest of foods can also lower their nutrient value.
This removes certain phytates and tannins, which lowers the nutrient availability
Other techniques may also provide some use, as they focus on underlying factors that can contribute to the symptoms, such as low nutrient levels, oxidative stress, and neurotransmitter deregulation.
Relationship between carbonated and other low nutrient dense beverages and bone mineral content of adolescents.
Cassava grows well in low nutrient soil allowing farmers to grow the crop without turning to harmful synthetic fertilizers.
Many kids aren't getting healthy food at home and they come to school expecting to eat the sugary, high fat, low nutrient junk food that seems to be everywhere in our culture.
This results in the cancer cells being unable to survive in the low oxygen, low nutrient tumor micro-environment.
«It will greatly facilitate our work to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying key traits related to abiotic stress resistance — things like drought, salinity and low nutrient resistance,» Burke said.
Furthermore, the amoebae extend farther on diluted nutrient sources, which increases the contact surface area and thus compensates for low nutrient concentration.
The researchers also compared phytoplankton's response not only to ocean acidification, but also to other projected drivers of climate change, such as warming temperatures and lower nutrient supplies.
Nutrients are often quickly depleted in areas directly around plant roots and the fungal hyphae are able to grow out beyond low nutrient zones into places where more nutrients are available.
When these nutrient sensors detect low nutrient availability, they tell our cells to stop growing and start breaking down unnecessary parts — this is the self cleansing pathway of autophagy.
Refined versions processed with heat are low nutrients oils.
These include headaches, nausea (in this case slightly exaggerated by the laxative drinks) and general fatigue (again, exaggerated in this instance by the extremely low nutrient quality of the fast).
Keeping track of your calories is an easy way to start focusing on portion control and identifying high - calorie, low nutrient items that you could start swapping out for lower - calorie, healthier options.
One common theme I see for people who seem to thrive on a carnivorous approach is some sort of gut issues (e.g. permeability or bacterial overgrowth) or some sort of autoimmune condition, perhaps due to long - term exposure to processed low nutrient - poor foods.
Canning will generally lower the nutrient content of food since long cooking time and / or high heats are often involved.
The most common reason for pets to be overweight is usually our fault: we either feed them too much, feed them high calorie / low nutrient snacks, or we don't allow them enough exercise.
In the Aleutian archipelago, predation of seabirds by introduced Arctic foxes (Alopex lagopus) has lowered nutrient input and soil fertility, ultimately causing vegetation to transform from grasslands to dwarf shrub / forb - dominated systems (12).
For example, nesting leatherback and other sea turtles reverse the usual flow of energy from land to sea and bring nutrients from the sea back to low nutrient beach habitats.
In a sense, whales are «engineering» the ocean ecosystem, pumping nutrients from the deep ocean, where they feed, to the surface, and moving them from high nutrient areas to low nutrient areas, replenishing the waters thousands of miles away.
Conventional milk is also pasteurized and homogenized, killing bad bacteria but also good bacteria while lowering nutrient content.

Phrases with «low nutrient»

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