Sentences with phrase «low poll ratings»

His Labour party was divided on key issues and suffering low poll ratings.
Once again, CC reports the Democrats» low poll ratings without mentioning the Republicans» even lower ratings.
Right now, the interesting poll rating is that of the Liberal Democrats — the Conservatives have 5 years to get over low poll ratings... unless the coalition falls apart.
Schaffer said he felt that Toulon's low poll ratings didn't take into account the fact that he had Conservative and Independence backing.
Last month, when Christiane Amanpour interviewed him, she asked how he can justify continuing his campaign, given his low poll ratings and his daughter's situation.
Many have blamed Jeremy Corbyn for Labour's low poll ratings and one Labour peer recently suggested that his party would would win the next election «by a mile» with Balls as leader.
Governments typically suffer council seat losses in addition to those that can be accounted for by the lower poll ratings they also usually experience.
Labour has slipped to its lowest poll ratings since 1983, recalling its crushing election defeat under Michael Foot.
A former state legislator who has run for governor twice, Boughton said he believes that Malloy's low poll ratings are accurate, and the Republicans» pickup of 35 House seats since 2009 shows that the GOP has major political momentum.
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