Sentences with phrase «low reliability»

Also, some journals worry that outside archives hosting their articles will introduce errors into the files, lowering the reliability of the information.
Great car, but with low reliability, expensive maintenance and poor services.
These 2 mode trucks have had very low reliability — the hybrid system is too complicated for its own good.
[26] Differences in random error could also explain lower reliability in middle schools if the reliability of the tests is lower, which would offset the advantage of having more students.
@Nick, Simply put, the Toyota HSD system adds complex components associated with high reliability like liquid cooled inverters and brushless synchronous motors while omitting components with relatively low reliability like the hydraulic clutches, gearsets and actuators employed by conventional transmissions.
Tags with low reliability from SAGEGenie in Table 2 and 3 were also cross-referenced with TagMapper [56].
Apple keeps its algorithms under lock and key, meaning we don't know for sure how well they work, but even the best in the business have woefully low reliability.
Users who want to use only wind and solar generated energy will be allowed to buy only such energy from their local utilities (or even allowed to self - generate it themselves on their own property if allowed by local ordinances and if they pay the full cost of such special, high cost, and low reliability energy.
«Instead, many of the resources under contract, will transition in the next few years to economic demand response markets in search of greater premiums and lower reliability requirements, as C&I customers lacking firm resources reengage with economic demand response markets.»
No organization that generates, transmits, or distributes electric power wants low reliability.
Limitations include that the direction of the discrepancy can not be determined by the statistical methods used in the study, the somewhat low reliabilities of the FES subscales, and that results may not be generalizable to other populations, as families with a substance abusing runaway adolescent have long been recognized to represent some of the most distressed families.
They will concentrate on (1) system coherence (aligning assessment and curriculum), (2) adaptations and accommodations (for example, including students with Individualized Education Plans in large - scale state and district assessments), (3) measuring progress (problems such as group progress and low reliability of change scores), and (4) reporting for understanding and action.
Most recently it was uncovered that North Korea may be able to deliver a nuclear weapon via missile with low reliability, according to the Pentagon.
«Although commercial, municipal and industrial users have generally made the transition to energy - efficient lighting, many residential users have not, usually citing poor lighting quality, low reliability and slow startup times that are associated with fluorescent technology,» Blansett said.
The low reliability of sexual swellings in signalling ovulation in bonobos makes it much harder for males to successfully compete over females.
Fischer et al. (2010) found that reliability was similarly enhanced by visual feedback during MVICs and that the feedback increased force, suggesting that part of the lower reliability during MVICs may arise from subjects not exerting themselves sufficiently.
They concluded that some of the most used models have serious issues and weaknesses regarding «low reliability, poor validity and negligible impact on pedagogy (Coffield et al., 2004).»
The student achievement — gain measure is most highly correlated with student achievement gains but has lower reliability than student surveys.
Teachers» average student - achievement gains based on such tests are more volatile from year to year (which translates to lower reliability) and are only weakly related to other measures, such as classroom observations and student surveys.
A single classroom observation has lower reliability than a value - added measure, but a combination of four classroom observations yields a higher reliability of about 0.65.
It can't afford to fall back into the previous pattern of low reliability and recalls, so Fisker's second chance will have to be carefully executed if there's any hope of restoring the brand's public image.
Although these systems are highly flexible, some issues (e.g. the high cost, high power consumption, low robustness, and low reliability) deter manufacturers from their application.
The Sierra is available with more bells and whistles than the Silverado, which you might expect would lead to lower reliability, but in fact, the opposite seems to be true.
And remember, this is the hip - extended view we are talking about, with its lower reliability.
The third phenological model produces opposite results, but the comparison between simulated budburst dates and observed records over the last 60 years suggests its lower reliability.
It is closely allied with the North Carolina Solar Energy Alliance, to extend government mandates, tax credits, and other government assistance to a marginal electricity source that brings higher prices, lower reliability, and reduced ability of families, hospitals, schools, and businesses to meet tight budgets, says Civitas.
While I've always been sensitive to articles criticizing testing, I was recently piqued by an article challenging the Myers - Briggs (MBTI) assessment on three points: Low reliability, particularly «test - retest» reliability.
The low reliability of the EAST was discussed, and general conclusions regarding the indirect assessment of the personality self - concept through EASTs were derived (Teige et al., 2004).
Although some of the coefficients appear low, scales with few items often have lower reliability and previous research using similar relationship quality scales finds similar coefficients (Birditt, Fingerman, & Zarit, 2010; Fingerman et al., 2008).
Limitations include lack of control group, high attrition rate, low reliability of the PCPA, and length of follow - up.
A low reliability of some subscales of the SDQ - T in our study (conduct problems (α = 0.44), peer problems (α = 0.52) has been reported in two other studies and in studies of the parent version of the SDQ (SDQ - P)[7,27,28].
Given the low reliability of mothers» report, mother - reported acceptance was not analyzed further in the present study.
This low reliability was likely because of a ceiling effect (M = 4.82 and 4.64 for Caucasians and Latinas, respectively).
The 3 - item Self - Compassion Scale Short Form (SCS - SF; Raes et al. 2011) completed by children and the Test Observation Form (TOF; Verhulst and Van der Ende 2013) completed by research assistants were omitted from further analyses because of low reliability (SCS - SF: α =.33; TOF: α =.57).
However, the potential downsides of the use of a shortened scale are the risks of low reliability and the inappropriateness to measure multi-dimensional constructs (Smith et al., 2000).
Variation in the backgrounds of families may result in lower reliability and validity of measures developed using samples of English - speaking, middle - class, white, and two - parent families.
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