Sentences with phrase «low sample size»

But there's a reason people don't generally use national polls with low sample sizes to predict state races.
«Despite the relatively low sample size of frozen products in our study, it is clear that commercial RMBDs may be contaminated with a variety of zoonotic bacterial and parasitic pathogens that may be a possible source of bacterial infections in pet animals and if transmitted pose a risk for human beings,» say the researchers.
Earlier studies have also found associations with low — birth weight babies, but those were plagued by low sample sizes or a failure to show that health effects got worse closer to drilling sites, as expected if fracking were to blame.
Freeman has 4 drops on only 36 targets which makes his «drop rate» the highest on the team (outside of Hall who has 2 drops on only 9 targets — a really low sample size but that last one was a doozy).
By getting rid of games that closed with a first - half total of 16 to 20.5, we significantly lower our sample size, boost our profits, and more than double our return on investment.
Though this has been a profitable endeavor regardless of how the line has moved, targeting teams with reverse line movement helps us find which teams sharp bettors are on while also lowering our sample size and improving our return on investment (ROI).
Large - scale conservation genetics studies on wild jaguars spanning across several range countries assessing these threats are rare and suffer from low sample sizes for this region,» said Claudia Wultsch, the lead author of the paper, a scientist in the Museum's Sackler Institute for Comparative Genomics, and a conservation research fellow at Panthera.
-- For people who never found their cats, 67 % searched the neighborhood, 22 % visited a shelter, 17 % hung posters, 11 % put an ad in the paper, 6 % posted online and 11 % called veterinarians (again, a fairly low sample size).
What I learned from these lists (with a horribly low sample size) is that my gaming tastes reflect the Japanese.
If so, we could discuss McIntyre's observations on core top redating and low sample size robustness.
There are ways to lower your sample size and increase profits, though.
The study is limited by its low sample size, and the researchers say that considerable additional research is needed in order to determine critical habitats of hammerheads in the Gulf of California.
Geneticists argued the study was fundamentally flawed, with a low sample size and conclusions that could not be reasonably attributed to the data gathered.
It should be noted that the number of tags preferential to the never smoker set is substantially higher, most likely due to the lower sample size of never smokers relative to the other two groups.
We answered that the low sample size of Native students made statistical outcomes difficult to interpret.
Admittedly, this number may be an aberration due to the low sample size involved (Edelweiss Tokio received only 141 death claims last year compared to LIC's 7.6 lakh!).
While a few states reported significantly higher averages (Kansas, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Hawaii, South Dakota), they represented a low sample size and were typically skewed by 1 or 2 respondents with a management job title.
A one - way ANOVA revealed no significant differences between groups on instrumental care, F (3,76) = 1.84, p =.15, although the low sample size in the Fearful group limited the power to detect differences.
Interestingly, it went down for CCRCs, although that could have been a statistical anomaly due to a low sample size in the previous quarter.
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