Sentences with phrase «low skills typically»

Links between adult basic education classes and other worker training programs are weak, with workers who enter Department of Labor training programs with low skills typically not allowed into training programs and not referred to the DOE - based Adult Basic Education system, and

Not exact matches

Mittelstand firms typically specialize in low - key, unglamorous markets, and draw on the high skill level of the German workforce.
The incumbent party tends to win counties with more highly skilled service sector jobs, not the type that are typically lost to trade, and lose counties in which there is a high concentration of trade sensitive low - skilled manufacturing.
And while many mothers were enabled through such measures to stay in, or return to, the paid workforce, typically they were consigned to a «mummy track» characterized by relatively low - paid, low - skilled, shorter - hours work in the public sector.
As Stephan pointed out, postdocs» low salaries are typically justified by saying that they are still in training, despite their skills and the years of experience they have already accumulated.
Conversely low day training sessions will typically be easier with longer rest periods e.g. skill focussed sessions, walk throughs, unopposed work etc..
Based on these statements, we can categorize the schools roughly into five groups: those that have a child - centered or progressive educational philosophy and typically seek to develop students» love of learning, respect for others, and creativity (29 percent of students); those with a general or traditional educational mission and a focus on students» core skills (28 percent of students); those with a rigorous academic emphasis, which have mission statements that focus almost exclusively on academic goals such as excelling in school and going to college (25 percent of students); those that target a particular population of students, such as low - income students, special needs students, likely dropouts, male students, and female students (11 percent of students); and those in which a certain aspect of the curriculum, such as science or the arts, is paramount (7 percent of students).
These are tests of basic skills, and the passing scores are typically set so low that the possibility of failing the tests does not motivate most students to try harder.
However, youth in juvenile justice facilities typically have lower education levels, and one in three incarcerated youth have reading and math skills that are significantly lower than their grade level.
Children from low - income families typically have fewer opportunities to develop language skills than middle - class children, which creates learning gaps evident on the first day of kindergarten.
Unless you are skilled at determining which property imperfections or home inspection issues typically equate to a lower price, or know when the time is right to ask for additional assistance (i.e. closing costs, maintenance, updates, warranties, etc.), it is best to let a skilled agent handle this for you.
Readers want the quick low - down on your skills and competencies, and typically the big lengthy first paragraph is an eyesore and a chore to read that misses this objective.
During the prenatal and infant periods, families have been identified on the basis of socioeconomic risk (parental education, income, age8, 11) and / or other family (e.g. maternal depression) or child (e.g. prematurity and low birth weight12) risks; whereas with preschoolers a greater emphasis has been placed on the presence of child disruptive behaviour, delays in language / cognitive impairment and / or more pervasive developmental delays.6 With an increased emphasis on families from lower socioeconomic strata, who typically face multiple types of adversity (e.g. low parental educational attainment and work skills, poor housing, low social support, dangerous neighbourhoods), many parenting programs have incorporated components that provide support for parents» self - care (e.g. depression, birth - control planning), marital functioning and / or economic self - sufficiency (e.g. improving educational, occupational and housing resources).8, 13,14 This trend to broaden the scope of «parenting» programs mirrors recent findings on early predictors of low - income children's social and emotional skills.
For example, according to the parents, children and adolescents with ADHD displayed lower levels of social skills and higher levels of social problems than typically developing youths.
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