Sentences with phrase «low thirties»

The phrase "low thirties" refers to a temperature or an age that is between 30 and 32. Full definition
With a properly structured earn - out agreement, experts say, the price could approach the high twenties or low thirties.
But, you know, US shale producers have figured out how to be profitable in the low thirties.
It rarely gets below freezing here in San Diego, but we usually get a few nights in the low thirties in January or February.
Brown at 99, Wyn was in the low thirties.
The other truism is that the Labour lead has steadily declined from the low forties of the ominshamble - era to the low thirties today.
The pattern here is in line with the recent YouGov and ICM polls — the Conservatives down, Labour largely stuck in the low thirties, a slight rise in the Lib Dem score.
And yet, if you look at the opinion polls over this period almost all of them show Conservative support in the low thirties and Labour support in the high thirties — a sufficient gap to put Miliband into Downing Street.
GM exanded its electrified offerings with the Chevrolet Bolt, a electric - only vehicle with a range of up to 200 miles and a pricetag somewhere in the low thirties.
And the hybrid's ratings range from the mid-thirties in the city to the low thirties on the highway.
The base price is unlikely to budge much from the low thirties.
And when the mercury starts to climb again into the mid twenties or low thirties it feels like a heat wave.
Eight months ago I was a svelte thirty something kilos (low thirties!)
In September, when the weather in The Netherlands gets rainy and colder, temperatures in Corfu still reach the lower thirties (centigrade).
With temperatures around the Mediterranean expected to hit the low thirties over the weekend, Spain remains a popular destination, and southern Spain, the Balearics and the Canary Islands in particular are all expecting large numbers of British holidaymakers.
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