Sentences with phrase «lowball settlements»

Unfortunately, it isn't uncommon for insurance companies to lowball settlements for accident victims.
Ignore the temptation to accept early settlement offers (the lowball settlements won't be enough to cover the full extent of your injuries and harms).
Your attorney will carefully investigate your accident, and stand up to insurance companies that try to offer you lowball settlements when their client was at fault.
Isn't it true that these auto insurers use going to court as a hardball tactic to scare even the most legitimate, seriously injured claimants into accepting lowball settlements.
We won't allow an insurance company to bully you into accepting a lowball settlement offer.
Unfortunately, absent an aggressive approach by your Massachusetts car accident lawyer, the insurance company adjusters may be setting you up for a lowball settlement offer.
For example, if you anticipate a lowball settlement offer, you could try to prepare some defenses in advance.
Even when they don't pull this tactic, they'll likely lowball your settlement offer by failing to account for all your damages and future needs.
You do not want to sign your away your rights or accept a lowball settlement.
A wrongful death lawyer can make sure you are not bullied by the insurance company into accepting a lowball settlement that won't fully cover accident - related expenses and damages.
They will make lowball settlement offers that do not properly compensate you for all of your harms and losses.
It's a common practice to make a lowball settlement offer, but you don't want to accept it without having an attorney look over it first.
You should not let yourself be pushed into an unfair, lowball settlement offer that does not properly account for your losses.
They may try to offer you a lowball settlement or just deny your claim altogether.
You must seek legal representation, as insurance companies will try to give you a lowball settlement that will be downright offensive to your needs, and your family!
The insurer may offer an initial lowball settlement, make it increasingly hard to get your monthly benefits, or simply stop making benefit payments altogether.
Insurance companies will attempt to lowball the settlement offer unless you have competent legal counsel on your side.
The challenge is that they may deny requests for certain procedures or lowball your settlement offer.
They'll offer you a lowball settlement, hoping that you'll accept it and save them a substantial amount of money.

Not exact matches

The good news is that an experienced accident attorney can tell a victim if the settlement offer he or she received is fair or if it is a lowball offer.
The reality, however, is that slip and fall settlement offers from insurance company are often lowball offers.
After any serious or fatal accident, an insurance representative may offer you a quick «lowball» settlement for much less than your case is worth.
If you believe that an insurance company is trying to lowball you during the claims settlement process, do not enter into a settlement agreement.
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