Sentences with phrase «lower abortion rates»

Data shows that restrictive abortion laws are not associated with lower abortion rates.
Some journalists argue that lower abortion rates from countries such as Romania is also due to corruption, since these funds are much harder to use for something else, as opposed to internal funds.
Restricting safe abortions through similar interventions like the global gag policy in America does not lead to lower abortion rates, it just pushes it underground.
At one point it even commends to the attention of the EU «examples of Member States combining the liberal legislation of abortion with effective sexuality education, high - quality family planning services and the availability of different contraceptives which combine lower abortion rates and higher birth rates.»
In addition, some surveys show that here in the U.S., states with more abortion restrictions do in fact have lower abortion rates, suggesting legal changes may indeed have some effect.
Recent data published by The Lancet journal shows that countries where abortion is illegal or heavily restricted — mainly in Africa and Latin America — don't have lower abortion rates than the rest of the world.
Lancet researchers looked at the legal status of abortion and found that it didn't correlate with lower abortion rates.
Countries where abortion is illegal don't have lower abortion rates — but they don't have higher ones, either.
Canada has a much lower abortion rate with a higher atheist / agnostic rate than the US (and there are NO restrictions on abortion in Canada).
The least religious countries on the planet are the ones with the happiest and healthiest citizens, lowest levels of corruption, low crime rates, low STD rates, low abortion rates, low teen pregnancy rates, high levels of education, the most egalitarian societies, etc..
Strange that Canada has a lower abortion rate than the US when Canada has a lower rate of religion (your post confirms it) and has ZERO restrictions on abortion (unlike the US).
Economic assistance to low income families is correlated with a 20 % lower abortion rate.
Some point out that legalized abortion itself seems to lower the abortion rate.
The lowest abortion rates in the world - less than 10 per 1,000 women of reproductive age - are in Europe, where abortion is legal and available
To me it only lowers the abortion rate.
Adolescents have the lowest abortion rate among all women below age 35 (19.6 per 1,000 women).
Washington, DC — Dawn Laguens, executive vice president of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, issued the following statement in response to a Contraceptive CHOICE Study finding that access to no co-pay birth control — as is outlined in the Affordable Care Act — leads to significantly lowered abortion rates.

Not exact matches

In countries where abortions are legal - and even free — the rate of abortions are much lower.
Proponents of contraception, on the other hand, predicted in the late 60s that widespread contraceptive use would decrease divorce rates, increase marital satisfaction, lower unwanted pregnancies and abortions.
A 2005 study by Gregory S. Paul published in the Journal of Religion and Society stated that, «In general, higher rates of belief in and worship of a creator correlate with higher rates of homicide, juvenile and early adult mortality, STD infection rates, teen pregnancy, and abortion in the prosperous democracies,» and «In all secular developing democracies, a centuries long - term trend has seen homicide rates drop to historical lows» with the exceptions being the United States (with a high religiosity level) and «theistic» Portugal.
- Risk to a woman's health of childbirth (during first trimester, abortions have a death rate that is more than five times lower than the risk of death to mothers from childbirth.)
In the eight years since we've had a pro-choice president, the abortion rate in the U.S. has dropped to its lowest since 1973.
They say further that even if one does not equate a fetus with a child, as long as one attributes some value to the fetus» and they demonstrate how economists routinely make such outrageous calculations in insurance claims for loss of body parts» and put the value as low as one hundredth of a human being, the lowered crime rate would not come near justifying the number of abortions.
But Clinton is far better positioned to keep the abortion rate at the record low it saw under President Obama while the Republican Party works for the next four years to produce the kind of candidate the people of this country deserve.
This is an interesting statistic to discuss, but to claim (as the pro-lifer did) the outlawing of abortion lowered maternal mortality rates is incorrect.
Majority of University professors are atheist Majority of scientists are atheists Poverty rate is lower among atheists IQ rates are higher among atheists Illiteracy rates are lower among atheists Average Income rates are higher among atheists Divorce rates are lower among atheists Teen pregnancy rates are lower among atheists STD Infection rates are lower among atheists Abortion rates are lower among atheists Crime rates are lower among atheists Homicide rates are lower among atheists Please tell me... who is really blessed????????
He argues that the reason why abortion rates are lower in Germany is because they have more generous social programs.
Not to mention that abortion rates are lower in atheistic countries, suggesting that it's the faithful getting a higher percentage of abortions per capita.
These two countries have a lower crime rate and abortion rate, which you can easily look up.
Despite having a higher proportion of atheists and agnostics (and no restrictions on abortion unlike the US), the abortion rate is MUCH LOWER in Canada.
America's abortion rate fell to the lowest level since Roe v. Wade.
Florida, New York, New Jersey, Maryland and Washington D.C. had the highest rates of abortion, while Wyoming, Mississippi and South Dakota had the lowest and all only had one abortion clinic in each state.
Can you tell me why Canada has a lower abortion and murder per capita rate than the US despite being less religious?
Further, on average and generally speaking, atheists have fewer divorces, abortions, and STDs, and lower poverty rates, homicide rates, overall crime rates, and teen pregnancy rates.
In Japan, the breast cancer rate is much lower than in the West, but so is the abortion rate, even in the absence of oral contraceptives.
The 2011 rate (the most recent year for which data is available) is the lowest since 1973, when America's abortion rate was 16.3.
With abortion clinics closing at record rates as abortions hit near - record lows and state restrictions hit near - record highs, a respected report released today reveals that U.S. abortions have dropped to their lowest rate since 1973 — the year the U.S. Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade.
Tough economic times may be responsible for America's declining abortion rate, which is at a 10 - year low.
This year holds a special milestone to celebrate: The Guttmacher Institute reported this week that abortion rates have dropped to a record low in recent years.
The abortion rate in the United States is now the lowest since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973.
According to a new report from the pro-choice organization, The Guttmacher Institute, between 2008 and 2011, abortions in America fell by 13 percent — hitting the lowest rates in nearly 40 years.
It obviously makes more sense to serve and educate the poor which among other things will lower the rate of unwanted pregnancies, than to try and make abortion illegal, for instance.
The abortion rate was highest at 33 per 1,000 for women aged 19 and 20, the same as in 2009 and slightly lower than the highest rates in the year 2000 (34 per 1,000 for both 19 and 20 year olds).
The under - 16 abortion rate was 3.9 per 1,000 women and the under - 18 rate was 16.5 per 1,000 women, both lower than in 2009 (4.0 and 17.6 per 1,000 women respectively) and in the year 2000 (3.9 and 18.3 per 1,000 women respectively).
Abortion rates in the US are the lowest in 40 years, dropping to 16.9 per 1000 fertile women in 2011 from a peak of 29.3 in 1981.
It also noted that abortions in Texas before HB2 were «extremely safe with particularly low rates of serious complications and virtually no deaths.»
In this case, you may provide the following explanations in your persuasive essay on abortion: in some countries, the birth rate is much lower than the death rate.
In females, an estrus (Failure to cycle), infertility, abortion & lowered rate of young one's survival is common, while in males lack of libido, the stopping of testicle growth, infertility & lowered sperm production is noted.
so you find the idea of national and international efforts to promote smaller families and to generally lower birth rates among the world's poorest countries by making birth control and abortion universally and readily available to be an outrageously barbaric and unfair notion, do you???
After adjusting for lower levels of sexual activity among adolescents however, we find that adolescents have the highest abortion rate among all age - groups.
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