Sentences with phrase «lower advances»

For lower advances, just hire the IP publishing lawyer.
They're reporting higher profits while offering lower advances.
They can offer even lower advances, and in many cases no advance at all, for digital - only or digital - first acquisitions.
Very few agents operate in the picture book space and even middle grade and chapter book space because of lower advances / price points.
Lower advances arise because of the loss of front - loaded revenues for ebooks.
If a book doesn't «earn out» — sales don't cover the advance — the house may pass on the author's next book or may offer a significantly lower advance.
It acknowledged that some publishers had shifted their rates, but often at the expense of lower advances.
Grassley and a handful of farm state senators met with EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt on Tuesday over the EPA's announcement that it might lower advanced biofuel volumes for 2018 and count ethanol exports toward the renewable standard.
There's so much concern, it seems to me, about the state of publishing — bookstores closing or stocking fewer and fewer books, publishing houses not accepting new submissions, or not supporting the authors they've already signed, or offering far lower advances than they once were.
Dr. Zimny says health literacy, which is one reason cited for low advance directive completion rates, did not play a role in their study.
Even if you're not a big follower of industry news, you probably know that huge advances for literary novels are few and far between these days, so this is major news — particularly in the wake of a Wall Street Journal article about low advances for literary authors in the e-book market.
He accompanies me when I travel 500 miles to do a 75 - minute reading, manages my finances, and never complains that my dark, heady little books have resulted in low advances and rather modest sales.»
Releasing a new product with low advance purchases?
Since advances from publishers for other - than - the - biggest titles are also declining, those next - tier authors will find self - publishing or publishing with smaller houses that pay lower advances but higher ebook royalties an increasingly tempting alternative.
Representation at hearings, if required, requires full representation for an additional low advance - fee deposit and a monthly payment plan.
so advances go down, which means less excitement, fewer books ordered of the following book, even lower advances, and repeat until you are dropped by your publisher.
«EPA reasoned that lowering the advanced biofuel volume in these circumstances would be inconsistent with EISA's [the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007] energy security and greenhouse gas reduction goals, and decided to leave the statutory advanced biofuel volume unchanged.»
There's so much concern, it seems to me, about the state of publishing — bookstores closing or stocking fewer and fewer books, publishing houses not accepting new submissions, or not supporting the authors they've already signed, or offering far lower advances than they once -LSB-...]
«Publishers have less money so they have less money (for) authors, they buy fewer books, and they offer lower advances
If you haven't seen a contract offered to a new writer for a low advance by a major publisher in the last two or three years, shut up on this topic.
The lowest advance I've been offered by a trade publisher is $ 2,000 (split over four payments), the highest was $ 13,000.
Jessica: Higher royalties almost always and sometimes even a lower advance if the editor or house that seems more enthusiastic and excited to put a lot behind the book.
I have also also heard of authors with strong sales histories negotiating 50 - 50 royalty splits in exchange for foregoing an advance or getting a lower advance; or where the 50 % rate kicks in only after a certain threshold level of sales.
I turned down a five - figure advance on a book and traded it in for a much lower one — but it was print - only and I was more than willing to take a lower advance to keep my audio and ebook rights.
And uninformed writers, sadly, will continue to flock to bad traditional contracts and low advances and scam agents and in the process they will lose all their rights to their books.
Traditional Publishing — Author Royalties A majority of new authors are usually offered a low advance and low royalty percentage.
They may be near the end of a contract, or in new talks offering them lower advances and tighter terms.
Given the state of the publishing industry (lower advances, rights grabs, less promotion for debut books), I feel that writers of adult genre fiction have better opportunities with self - publishing, so I didn't even try to sell these traditionally.
Many agents are seeing fewer sales and lower advances (which equates to lower income), and are looking for ways to keep their heads above water.
* smile * Would you ever turn down a contract because of the low advance?
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