Sentences with phrase «lower chance of dying»

At the end of the twelve - year study, the team concluded that those with the highest total polyphenols had a lower chance of dying from all causes — compared to those with the lowest levels.
Regular sauna use has been shown to considerably decrease risks of heart disease and lead to a lower chance of dying from all causes.
Friends make good medicine: People with strong social connections have a 50 % lower chance of dying than those with few social ties, according to a 2010 study at Brigham Young University.
Scientists have observed how daily naps can reduce blood pressure, improve immunity, and even lower your chances of dying from heart disease.

Not exact matches

Some studies showed that babies from HIV - positive mothers who were put on formula had a higher chance of dying before their second birthday, even if they had a lower chance of contracting HIV.
«If you follow them, then the child's chances of dying are far lower than from SIDS.»
Compared to patients with low - risk disease, those with intermediate - risk cancer (PSA > 10ng / ml or Gleason score 7 or clinical stage T2b / 2c) had a nearly four-fold higher chance of dying from prostate cancer within 15 years.
A new study says that your chance of dying and suffering complications is lower in hospitals and clinics that computerize patient charts and drug orders.
To prepare for the transplant, Drew would have to undergo more debilitating chemo, and even then the odds were frightening — the chance of engraftment is lower, and there's more risk of dying from complications.
«Hold the phone: An ambulance might lower your chances of surviving some injuries: Gunshot and stabbing victims more likely to die if transported to the trauma center by ambulance.»
According to classical evolutionary theory, animals faced with low chances of survival should do best by following the «live fast and die young» strategy.
We know that babies of low birth - weight are at a greater risk of developing diabetes and high blood pressure in later life, and have a greater chance of dying early from a heart attack or stroke as a consequence.
For one, it's important to note that the chances of dying either post-selfie or by shark attack are still very low.
Men who followed all five of these lifestyle habits had an 86 % lower chance of developing or dying of heart attacks than those who followed none.
Spanish peanuts deliver a boost of niacin, which also lowers cholesterol and may reduce the chance of dying from a heart attack, according to the Linus Pauling Institute.
He refused to have surgery as there was no guarantee of success and there was a chance that his condition could get worse and that he could even die in the surgery, although these risks were very low.
If you are interested in a policy with a lower face amount to take care of debts and costs associated with dying, there is a very high chance you can qualify for a simplified - issue final expense policy with underwriting.
And the chances of becoming sick and dying are exponentially lower than that of the senior population, who should be considering life insurance the most.
Term life insurance is not permanent, and insurance companies calculate that the chances of an insured person dying during the policy's active years is lower if the insurance will only last for a limited amount of years.
In such patients, low priced generic risk pills that combine aspirin with a statin drug in order to reduce cholesterol and lower blood pressure can bring down the chances of suffering another stroke or even dying by two - thirds.
The premiums generally start out low and will rise with each passing year, based on the policyholder's new age and their increased statistical chance of dying.
Why would you take the chance of your family being one that has to set up an account for donations if you die, when you can replace your income with a tax free death benefit for very low prices?
And when it gets low, the Flyer will tell you that there is about an hour of playtime left, so you aren't left wondering how long before the battery completely dies, and gives you a chance to wrap up your workout before the Flyer is completely dead.
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