Sentences with phrase «lower cost resources»

What they completely miss is demand is a function of the prices being charged for legal services and if other lower cost resources were available to the public demand would increase.
Connect patients to low cost resources in the community.
A collection of free and low cost resources all about the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II.
Detail any initiatives that have been implemented during the current panel term that has resulted in a cost saving / lower fees being incurred, i.e. resulting from a change in how you have provide legal advice / service whether by using lower cost resource, better managing legal matters, technology, decreasing the scope of advice, etc..
Staff matters with lower cost resources («alternative staffing») 1.2.
Ideally, they help firms, over time, delegate work to lower cost resources rather than just change the price and continue delivering the same old way.
By demand of those customers, the company added Riverview Law, a new model law firm offering fixed and lower fees based on project planning, lower cost resources, and a healthy dose of tech.
The three top three ranked ones reduce labor cost via delegation to lower cost resources.
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