Sentences with phrase «lower diabetes incidence»

Even modestly lowering animal food consumption — for example, from 5 - 6 servings per day to about 4 servings per day — was linked with lower diabetes incidence, the study found.
When consuming their traditional high glycemic index staples, rural Chinese and Indians (short - grain white rice), rural Africans (cassava & yam flours), rural New Guineans (sweet potatoes), and Native Americans (corn flour), all have extremely low diabetes incidence, so starches alone can not account for the higher incidence of diabetes among the same people when adopting Western diets.
High glycemic carbs alone don't initiate the process, and societies that eat high - glycemic starch diets with low fat (& fructose) have low diabetes incidence.

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For example, Wild Blueberries have double the antioxidant capacity of regular blueberries and recent research is suggesting that they may play an important role in gut and brain health and also lower the incidence of diabetes and certain cancers.
Research shows that breast fed babies have higher IQs and lower incidence of chronic diseases later in life, such as diabetes, obesity, allergies, certain types of cancer, and heart disease.
There are lower incidences of diabetes, obesity, leukemia, hypercholesterolemia, and asthma.
Breastfed babies also have a lower incidence of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), and breastfeeding mothers have a lower risk of developing type 2 Diabetes and breast, ovarian, and uterine cancers.
The study concluded, «Higher lactation intensity and longer duration were independently associated with lower two - year incidences of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) after gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) prDiabetes Mellitus (DM) after gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) prdiabetes mellitus (GDM) pregnancy.
Research in the United States, Canada, Europe, and other developed countries, among predominantly middle - class populations, provides strong evidence that human milk feeding decreases the incidence and / or severity of diarrhea,1 - 5 lower respiratory infection,6 - 9 otitis media,3,10 - 14bacteremia, 15,16 bacterial meningitis, 15,17 botulism, 18 urinary tract infection, 19 and necrotizing enterocolitis.20, 21 There are a number of studies that show a possible protective effect of human milk feeding against sudden infant death syndrome,22 - 24insulin - dependent diabetes mellitus,25 - 27 Crohn's disease, 28,29 ulcerative colitis, 29 lymphoma, 30,31 allergic diseases,32 - 34 and other chronic digestive diseases.35 - 37 Breastfeeding has also been related to possible enhancement of cognitive development.38, 39
Breastfeeding results in reduced incidence of common infections such as diarrhea, otitis media and pneumonia.5 It is associated with a reduced incidence of childhood - onset diabetes, celiac disease, Crohn's disease and some childhood malignancies.6 More recent work suggests that breastfed infants are less obese in infancy and later childhood.7 Mothers who breastfeed have a more physiologic postpartum recovery and a lower incidence of breast and ovarian cancer, osteoporosis and obesity.8
There were no differences between groups in parity, incidence of diabetes, operative delivery, or third - degree compared with fourth - degree lacerations.By 2 weeks postpartum, patients who received prophylactic antibiotics at the time of third - or fourth - degree laceration repair had a lower rate of perineal wound complications than patients who received,, NCT00186082.I.
• According to studies, there is a link between breastfeeding and a lower incidence of several diseases in women, including Type 2 diabetes, ovarian cancer and breast cancer.
Meanwhile, a raft of studies suggest that infants who are fed breast milk may have lower incidences of asthma, diabetes, obesity and other health problems later on in life.
Children who are breastfed also have a slightly lower incidence of obesity, allergies, diabetes and inflammatory bowel disease later in life.
As a 2002 paper in Diabetes states: «The best evidence available suggests that childhood diabetes showed a stable and relatively low incidence over the first half of the 20th century, followed by a clear increase that began at some time around or soon after the middle of the centuryDiabetes states: «The best evidence available suggests that childhood diabetes showed a stable and relatively low incidence over the first half of the 20th century, followed by a clear increase that began at some time around or soon after the middle of the centurydiabetes showed a stable and relatively low incidence over the first half of the 20th century, followed by a clear increase that began at some time around or soon after the middle of the century.»
I was surprised by this study when it first came out since historically, Asian countries with high consumption of white rice still had low incidence of diabetes.
Studies also show numerous benefits to the mother, including decreased risk of cancers (breast, ovarian, cervical, endometrial), lower incidence of postpartum depression, and reduced chance of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.
If anything, it indicates that actual incidence of diabetes was lowest in countries with high consumption of white rice:
«The highest incidence among prediabetes and diabetes occurs in those individuals with lower income, less education and to a large degree who live in rural areas,» he said.
In one long - term study published last year in the British Journal of Nutrition, eating a daily one - ounce serving of nuts was associated with a 50 % lower incidence of diabetes, a 30 % reduction in heart disease, and a nearly 50 % lower incidence of stroke.
Too little may hold you back from some of the benefits that moderate drinkers enjoy, like lower incidence of cardiovascular disease, mortality and type - 2 diabetes.
Then again, in a randomized trial of high - cardiovascular - risk people who were given the Mediterranean diet supplemented with either nuts or free extra virgin olive oil and were compared with people on a low - fat diet, there was no difference in diabetes incidence between the 2 variants of the Mediterranean diet in comparison to the low fat diet group.
A study carried out by the National Institute on Aging, found that a reduced calorie diet slowed aging in monkeys and lowered their incidence for a number of age - related diseases including heart disease, cancer, type 2 - diabetes and brain aging.
There has been a transition from lower incidence of heart disease, cancer and diabetes to the mushrooming of specialty hospitals treating these lifestyle diseases (eg Apollo hospital).
Darryl While you absolutely correct about Vegetarians having lower risk of Diabetes compared to Nonvegans but there risk is still higher than Vegans.In India where majority of population is Vegetarian the incidence of diabetes is still rising rapidly because of high intake dairy products especially butter Diabetes compared to Nonvegans but there risk is still higher than Vegans.In India where majority of population is Vegetarian the incidence of diabetes is still rising rapidly because of high intake dairy products especially butter diabetes is still rising rapidly because of high intake dairy products especially butter and ghee
Apart from the benefit on mortality risk found by this study, «substitution of plant protein for animal protein has been related to a lower incidence of CVD & type 2 diabetes»
Compared with omnivores, the incidence of cancer and type 2 diabetes was also significantly lower in vegetarians.»
What my research has shown is that low to moderate coffee consumption may be benefital in reducing the incidence of Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, symptomatic gallstones, and type 2 diabetes; but these benefits may come at a cost to some people.
By contrast, in the NHS II study there was a much smaller difference in red meat consumption between the white and brown rice eaters — and the white rice eaters actually had a slightly lower incidence of diabetes.
Of course, the study authors knew that diabetes incidence is lower in countries that eat more white rice.
In general, it is recognized that vegetarians and vegans tend to have lower incidences of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and a longer lifespan.
Such women may also have varying degrees of insulin resistance and an increased incidence of Type II diabetes, unfavorable lipid patterns (usually high triglycerides), and a low bone density.
Eating organic has the potential to lower the incidence of autism, learning disorders, diabetes, cancer, coronary heart disease, allergies, osteoporosis, migraines, dementia, and hyperactivity.
Weight management and increased physical activity, which can lower risk of multiple chronic diseases, should be the mainstay of preventive efforts to reduce incidence of type 2 diabetes.
We observed that type 2 diabetes incidence was 38 % higher in women with the highest animal protein intake compared with women with the lowest intake and that type 2 diabetes incidence increased 9 % per 10 - g increment of animal protein intake.
Dogs do have diabetes, but at very low incidence as compared to humans.
«As long as we're not overfeeding our pets and we're making sure they're well exercised and keeping them slim and trim, we can definitely lower the risk factors for seeing this increased incidence of diabetes diagnosis.»
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