Sentences with phrase «lower electrical bill»

Not to mention the added bonus of a lower electrical bill, meaning that the hospital's funds can be allocated not to the upkeep of the brick - and - mortar building, but to the actual business of curing people.

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Lower demand for electricity will also make citywide electrical systems more reliable, while reducing living and operating costs from reduced utility bills.
The Net Load Peak Energy Bill would require the CPUC and the California Energy Commission (CEC) to work with CAISO to set up, by the end of 2019, «policies or procedures» through which LSEs meet «net peak load» energy and reliability needs «while minimizing the use of fossil fuels and utilizing low - carbon technologies and electrical grid management strategies.»
At the same time, through the Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy (LAANE), we joined forces with local community members and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers to build RePower LA, a program in which low - income residents lower their neighbors» utility bills and receive a living wage as they make businesses and homes more energy efficient, train for jobs with the local utility, and get on a path to union membership.
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