Sentences with phrase «lower frontal lobe»

Dr. Silveri's results provided the first in vivo human evidence of lower frontal lobe GABA in healthy adolescents relative to emerging adults, which predicted better cognitive control and lower impulsivity.
After training, faster reaction times were associated with lower frontal lobe activity, which is consistent with the more energy - efficient neural activity found in younger adults.
The scientists found that an area in the lower frontal lobe, the so - called orbitofrontal cortex, exhibited smaller volumes in the healthy individuals that reported that they have problems with regulating emotions.

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When the brain - activities change in one way, consciousness changes in another; when the currents pour through the occipital lobes, consciousness sees things; when through the lower frontal region, consciousness says things to itself; when they stop, she goes to sleep, etc..
In addition, the brain showed thickening in a frontal lobe region, the frontopolar cortex, that is known to lower language - based reasoning ability.
Alcohol lowers inhibitions by acting on the frontal lobes of the brain, which are responsible for controlling the impulses that prevent us from giving in to urges to harm others or ourselves.
This low - end and agressively unpleasant entry into the teen movie canon will vanish from your frontal lobes in about the same time it took to watch the thing.
For the frontal lobe, we observe a statistically significant association with growth and volume, with initial evidence suggesting volume, rather than growth, has a stronger influence on externalizing symptoms for low SES children (volume β = − 0.000158, p =.049; growth β = − 0.00138, p =.045).
Given the importance of the frontal lobe in behavioral regulation [50], we also hypothesized that variations in this brain area (both in regards to lower volume and slower growth) would be related to greater disruptive behavioral problems in children (as measured by the Child Behavior Checklist, CBCL).
Developmental differences in the frontal and temporal lobes may explain as much as 20 % of low - income children's achievement deficits.
Sedatives such as alcohol will often lower the inhibitory mechanism of the frontal lobes, thereby reducing impulse control.
[3] In addition, parents who drink alcohol to excess may be more likely to abuse their children due to lowered inhibitions, sharpened aggressive feelings, decreased frontal lobe functioning (which affects one's ability to deal with unexpected situations), and disrupted neurochemical functions that mediate aggressive behavior, all outcomes of alcohol abuse.
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