Sentences with phrase «lower legs together»

Slowly lower your legs together to the mat.
It's usually seen affecting the feet, ankles, lower legs together with other elements of the human body.
The transparent side applications and the contrasting applications on the lower leg together with the elastic waistband round up the design.

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Concentrate on your abdominal muscles, lower your legs to the left until they are about 6 feet from the ground position, keeping the ankles pressed buy kigtropin together, shoulders forward.
Welcome to the wild, wild American League West, where the weirdest thing seen last week wasn't Zito's getup, it was this: While the A's were putting together the best stretch of baseball in 67 years, the Anaheim Angels were the rugrats hanging on to the leg of their low - riders.
The lower leg bones in the specimens he examined are close together, limiting the animal's ability to grasp tree trunks.
Then start raising both of your legs together, whilst keeping your lower back firmly down on the floor, until your feet face the ceiling.
• Remain in lunge position • Lower medicine ball down behind the head • Ensure elbows and upper arms are kept back in alignment with the side of the head • Extend medicine ball back to original position directly above the head • Return to start position, feet together, medicine ball extended directly above the head • Repeat entire exercise with alternate leg
Slowly lower legs, keeping them straight and together, until about 12 inches away from floor; lift back up.
Keep feet and knees together, lower legs as far to the ground as you can, or until you feel resistance in your lower stomach.
Lift yone leg into the air, then slowly bring it down, lowering your planted leg onto the knee while simultaneously tapping the toes of each foot together.
As you raise your arms in front of you and lift your legs, keep your feet together as best you can and engage your lower back muscles.
This particular sequence goes through: ITB's, hamstrings, glutes then repeat on opposite leg; calves together (you can roll them individually when that gets easy by throwing the other leg on top, as shown); side of lower leg — muscles called the peroneals; tibialis anterior — shin area; inner thighs or adductors; quads; and last the TFL which is between your ITB and quad at the top of your leg just below your pelvis.
Lower yourself into a plank so you are resting on your elbows and forearms and up on your toes with your legs straight and feet together.
Non-competing supersets are often called upper - lower supersets because you combine the time - saving benefits of leg and torso workouts together.
Lower down and roll to your left side, keeping your legs straight, feet together (3).
With legs in a wide stance and body kept low in a half squat position, jump legs in together and then back out keeping body low the whole time.
Most often, you'll see this exercise done either in a specialized seated machine (where you sit down and spread your legs then squeeze them together against resistance), on a rotational hip machine (done on leg at a time, bring the thigh down against resistance) or using a low pulley and an ankle harness.
I used to feel dizzy a lot, had awful cramps in my legs, and my potassium levels were very low, causing my fingers and toes to always cramp together.
Staying low in a squat, jump your feet in close together as you scoop the dumbbell down and around to the left of your left leg.
Continuing on with my love affair with butts, I've put together another lower body workout for you, this time with emphasis on single leg work coupled with some plyometrics to help target your rear.
From here, keeping your legs together, slowly lower your legs as far as you can to one side without lifting your shoulders or low back off of the floor (b).
On your back with your knees bent and your feet together, slowly open the legs as you bring the soles of the feet together while lowering your knees to the side.
This muscle functions together with transversus abdominis & pelvic floor muscles to stabilize the low back and pelvis BEFORE movement of the arms and / or legs occurs.
As Khloé Kardashian demonstrates, if you put on a pair of your comfiest maternity leggings (like these) with a Chelsea boot with a low (or nonexistent) heel (like these, which are on sale), you're bound to look put together in an instant.
Measures from the dummies in the two tests, taken together, indicate that injuries to the right lower leg would be possible.
Measures from the dummies in the two tests, taken together, indicate that injuries to the left lower leg would be likely in a crash of this severity.
While typically a calm little dog, they are well known for performing many enjoyable antics such as the «Chin Spin», in which they turn around in rapid circles; dancing on their hind legs while pawing their front feet, clasped together, in the air; and, some even «sing», a noise that can range from a low trill to a higher, almost operatic quality noise, and which sounds much like «woooo».
While typically calm, they are well known for performing many tricks such as the «Chin Spin», in which they turn around in rapid circles; dancing on their hind legs while pawing their front feet, clasped together, in the air; and some even «sing», a noise that can range from a low trill to a higher, almost operatic noise.
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