Sentences with phrase «lower precision»

BotOrNot showed low precision in detecting bots that had bot - like characteristics in their account name, profile info, content tweeting frequency and especially redirection to external sources.
I discovered that proprietary tests or models used by those sites could have great precision in measuring different psychological variables, but the matching algorithm (they apply) has low precision when comparing one profile to others.
Atomic clocks of the previous generation, with significantly lower precision, are currently being used in applications including satellite navigation systems, high - capacity wireless networks (wi - fi), ensuring the security of bank communications, and also taking measurements of the Earth's gravitational field, yielding insight into its internal geological structure.
The measurements of the sensitivity loss rates using a set of observations of WD flux standards has a precision of ~ 0.0008 mag / year, while the sensitivity loss rates using repeated observations of the globular cluster 47 Tuc are probably consistent within their currently lower precision.
At the same time, there are particular areas of uncertainty, or of lower precision, that give rise to some ranges and degrees (within limits) of uncertainty when it comes to making forecasts of the degree of warming.
This suggests that the size of the SB subpopulation declined between the late 1990s and 2006, although low precision in the previous estimate of 1,800 precluded a statistical determination.
As a general rule you can build a precise sensor over a small range, or a sensor with a large range and a lower precision.
The lower precision comes from the greater ease of forecasting an average than a single year.
The PSP is operating in a low precision mode, resulting in that rather obvious stippling effect - something seen in a great many performance - orientated PSP titles, including Gran Turismo PSP and Ridge Racer.
This study is limited by the low precision with which the relationship between TV viewing time and mortality is currently known.
More to that, you can forecast your SEO progress with a low precision, like several weeks or months.
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